From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 4 Corruption (Thanks to the leader

Gilan slowly stopped in the forest.

He hid sideways behind a tall tree and only exposed half of his face, looking towards the wooden fence wall.

The arched door was open, and an old-fashioned double-barreled shotgun was leaning quietly against the door frame as if in a dream.

Next to the shotgun, there is a box of ammunition.

‘The strange man with the ax doesn’t seem to be around? ’

Jilan's eyes scanned for a moment, but he did not find the suspicious figure in his impression.

He couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully walked out from behind the tree and touched the door.

The expected accident did not happen. Jilan walked the forty to fifty meters safely and came to the door.

He bent down and picked up the double-barreled shotgun, and then picked up the ammunition.

"Gregor 1884 center-folding shotgun. It can be loaded with two rounds of 12-gauge shotguns. It is a new firearm developed by the Gregor Arms Factory based on the forest riot gun. It was widely used in the... (scratch) war. .”

“This is the beloved gun of Orlando Pitt in ‘The Exorcist’, but it was abandoned here for some reason.”

At this time, a mysterious colorful color flashed through Jilan's eyes, and a blurry, slanted writing made of twisted colors appeared inexplicably above the gun in his hand.

He couldn't help but be startled.

But after discovering that there was no danger, Jilan calmed down and studied the colorful words carefully.

‘Why can I see information about this gun? And what is this color that appears in my field of vision? ’

He rubbed his eyes, and the colorful handwriting stayed for a moment before slowly disappearing.

This left Gillan full of questions.

He took a few deep breaths, looked around, suppressed the confusion in his heart, and looked at the shotgun in his hand.

The overall length of this double-barreled shotgun is 1.2 meters. The gun body is made of metal and the butt is walnut. It is quite heavy in the hand.

As a young man on earth who was born in the peaceful era of the new century, Gilan's knowledge of firearms was limited to various film and television works, and he had never used them personally. Therefore, he could only follow the most basic knowledge in his mind and tentatively He fiddled with various parts of the shotgun, and finally found the safety lever on the chamber shell at the end of the barrel, and gently broke it.


‘This should be enough to fire it, right? ’

Jilan took a deep breath, picked up the double-barreled shotgun, and pointed it at a big tree not far away from him.

Immediately, the trigger was pulled.


A deafening gunshot rang out, echoing far away.

Jilan felt a shock on his right shoulder, and the strong recoil made him stagger.

Looking ahead, there was an uneven shot crater the size of a washbasin on the thick tree trunk seven or eight meters away.

The thick bark was turned over, revealing the milky white core inside.

'What a powerful killing power...'

His eyes lit up and he was delighted.

With this gun for self-defense, Gillan feels that his ability to survive has been greatly improved.

‘I just don’t know the original owner of the shotgun. Who is the so-called exorcist? Is it related to this village? ’

Gillan picked up the shotgun, checked the ammunition box, and found ten 12-caliber shotgun shells neatly arranged inside. The copper heads and red shells were shiny, which gave him a lot of security.

Just as Gilan was about to open the magazine and load it.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound behind him, making him startled.

He quickly turned around and looked around, only to feel a pungent smell of blood rushing towards his face.

A gray-black, strong headless monster touched behind Gilan at some point, opened its canine cavity, and attacked him!

"Oh shit!"

Jilan cursed subconsciously.

He picked up the shotgun and pulled the trigger.

Bang! !

The jet-black gun barrel, which was nearly two fingers wide, sprayed out flames, and densely packed tiny lead pellets instantly hit the headless monster.

With a muffled pop, the headless monster was blown away by the powerful impact and rolled down several meters.

Dark red blood splashed all over the ground, moistening the soil and grass.


"It hurts - it hurts -"

The monster fell to the ground, twisting and struggling strangely. It seemed that the pain caused by the injury caused a harsh scream to emit from its cavity.

Gilan took a few steps back and rubbed his uncomfortable ears.

He took a deep breath with lingering fear, and his expression immediately turned ferocious.

If he hadn't had a gun in his hand, he might have been killed by this monster's sneak attack just now.


Gillan flipped the chamber switch clumsily but calmly, and the shotgun in his hand folded, and the two red bullet casings were ejected from the chamber with a burst of hot air.

He took out two shotgun shells and reloaded them into the magazine.


The barrel rebounded and engaged, making a crisp sound that reassured Gillan.

"Go to hell!"

He immediately picked up the shotgun, took a step forward, and fired twice at the monster on the ground.

Bang bang! !

All the shotgun shells were splashed on the monster, splattering a large amount of blood, flesh and bone residue.

This headless monster was shot three times in a row. Even though it had tenacious vitality, it stopped moving after a scream.

"Huh." Jilan let out a long breath and felt his heart beating very fast. "Should he be dead?"

To be safe, he loaded the ammunition again, carefully approached the monster's body with the gun, and poked it twice with the barrel.

If the opponent moves even half a moment, Jilan will continue to pour firepower on him without hesitation.

However, the headless monster was indeed dead and there was no movement.

‘What on earth is this monster? ’ Jilan knelt down and touched the gray-black fur on the monster’s body. The real touch made him sigh. ‘Am I really in the movie? It’s so weird and dangerous here! ’

At this time, he suddenly discovered that the mysterious colorful colors appeared in his sight again.

But this time even his fingers were stained with color!

In Jilan's horrified eyes, the monster corpse in front of him, which was touched by his fingers, quickly decomposed at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye. The skin, flesh and bones were broken and collapsed until it turned into powder and floated away.

'How is this going? ! ’

Ji Lan quickly retracted her hand, but the colorful colors on her fingers did not disappear.

In the corner of his field of vision, a colorful number "0" flashed out.

Then it jumped for a moment and turned into "2"!

'Um? ’

Ji Lan was stunned.

He tried to move his eyes, and the colorful number "2" began to move along his line of sight, always fixed in one corner.

Even if you close your eyes, you can still see it.

It was like, some mysterious thing that was imprinted on his mind.

‘Is it because I absorbed some substance from this monster that the number increased? ’ Jilan couldn’t help but have such a strange guess in her heart. ‘But does this number have any meaning or function? ’

The next second.

Gillan's hand tightened on the shotgun.

He suddenly felt that a lot of knowledge and skills about double-barreled shotguns emerged in his mind, and even his body felt familiar as if he had been handling firearms for several years, as if he had already mastered the weapon in his hand and could use it skillfully.

The colorful number "2" in the field of vision jumped and turned into "0" again.

Gilan stood up with a surprised look on his face.

‘This number can allow me to master a certain skill instantly? ’ He secretly thought, and then repeatedly fiddled with the double-barreled shotgun in his hand. ‘It’s incredible! ’

The shotgun in his hand was turned, and it bounced open. Two shotgun shells were thrown out, and were accurately caught between his dexterous fingers.


With another flick of his hand, Gillan inserted the ammunition into the chamber without missing a beat, closed the shotgun, and picked it up again.

The whole process took less than two seconds and was smooth and smooth, as if it had been repeated thousands of times.

He took the gun and aimed it sharply to one side, towards the woods thirty or forty meters away.

Ji Lan had a strong hunch that he could easily hit any tree if he wanted to.

‘The power of colorful colors can corrupt monsters and transform them into numbers that allow me to master my skills instantly! ’

There was light in his eyes, the light of hope.

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Thank you to the leader of "Weirst 314" for the 100,000-point reward!

Thanks to "Your Four Seasons" for the 5,000 points!

Thanks to "Heyxi_Feiguangfengjiu" for the 500 points!

Thanks to "dxqz" for the 300 points!

Thanks to "Leng Luo Yanyu" for the 100 points!

(Updates regarding the leader are temporarily postponed until release)

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