From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 5 Village

'Including the two loaded shotshells, there are only eight rounds left on hand...'

Gilan counted the amount of ammunition, took out the six shotshells from the carton, stuffed them into the pocket of his linen trousers, then threw away the carton, picked up the shotgun and looked at the village gate.

"Spend it sparingly."

He murmured and then cautiously entered the door.

What came into view was an empty square. It was not big, but it was equivalent to two basketball courts and was in the shape of an oval.

This seems to be the public activity area of ​​the village, with a simple pavement made of soil mixed with stone bricks.

But I don't know what tragic and terrible things happened here. The stone brick square was covered with dried and black blood, and there were some vaguely identifiable stumps and broken arms, which looked obviously human.

Flies were flying everywhere in the square, giving people a strong sense of filth.

Gillan frowned.

The pungent stench and bloody smell filled the air, causing him to subconsciously cover his mouth and nose with his arms.

At this time, a figure wandering in the distance broke into Gilan's sight.

It should be a man, skinny and skinny. The linen shirt used for farming was full of dirt and waxy yellow. He also wore a worn-out farmer's straw hat on his head.

When Gilan saw a living person, he immediately became vigilant.

But he still took a step forward, intending to step forward to find some useful information.

But in the next second, a pale, bloated and naked man who looked like a corpse rushed to the farmer's side in a few steps. He raised the ax in his hand and chopped off the farmer's head!

As the blood spurted out, the farmer's headless body collapsed.

But the pale man still didn't give up. He raised and lowered his ax and continued to swing the ax, slashing at the farmer's body crazily. There is still a maniacal smile on his face that remains unchanged.

The situation was like a crazy butcher struggling to chop meat.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Droplets of flesh and blood splashed onto the man's pale skin, adding a touch of blood and weirdness.

‘It’s the guy in the dream! ’

Ji Lan recognized the man with the ax at a glance and quickly got down.

Because of the revelation of the dream, he felt that the other party was so powerful that he could not guarantee that the shotgun in his hand could kill the other party.

What's more, the only eight rounds of ammunition left were extremely precious, and Gilan didn't want to fight with them unless it was a last resort.

'Go the other way and avoid him. ’

Ji Lan looked around and quickly made a decision.

The position of the man holding the ax seemed to be the main road leading to the depths of the village, but the man was right in the middle of the road. Gilan found that there was another trail on the left, so he held his breath and took steps slowly.

When Gilan completely left the square area and could no longer see the man's figure, he let out a sigh of relief.

For some reason, the other party always gave him a strong sense of threat.

The path was not paved with stone bricks, and the ground was muddy. On both sides were some stone and wooden bungalows with signs of time, which seemed to be the residences of village residents.

But Jilan didn't see a single figure anymore, and the surroundings were frighteningly silent.

The mist began to thicken, blocking his vision.

Faintly, a row of wooden fences appeared on the side of the road not far away. They seemed to be fences built close to the bungalows for raising livestock.

Gilan walked over and found that the fence had long been damaged, with an opening. The broken boards at the edges were uneven, and there were many wood fragments on the ground... It was as if domestic animals had escaped from here.


Gillan glanced into the barn and quickly spotted something.

In a fence covered with brown soil, there was a fat pig's body lying alone in the corner. The pig was extremely large, much larger than the domestic pigs in Gillan's impression, and its body was also covered with scars and scars. brand.

Jilan thought for a moment, then walked sideways through the gap in the fence.

As he got closer, he could see clearly that the marks on the pig carcasses were actually circular patterns with vertical ovals in the middle. A horizontal line divided the ellipses. There were many strange things he didn't recognize in the gaps between the patterns. Words and symbols.

'Why so many strange marks on a pig? ’ Jilan frowned and covered his nose. ‘This village is really weird. ’

Looking at the pig carcass in front of him, he thought about it and squatted down, reaching out and trying to touch it.

However, the magical colorful colors did not appear, as if he was not interested in this thing.

‘Only monsters can be corrupted? Or do you need me to kill it myself? ’

Gilan secretly guessed and stood up slightly disappointed.

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that there seemed to be a package on the other side of the pig carcass, but he didn't notice it because his line of sight was blocked.

'What's this? ’

He walked around the pig carcass and picked up the leather package on the ground.

Under the package, there is an irregular triangular iron plate half a person's height, with a pull ring standing in the upper part of the middle.

Jilan grasped the tab tightly and turned it over with difficulty, only to find that it was actually a rough shield.

The surface of the shield was covered with bullet holes and scratches from claws, and it looked like it had been baptized by battle.

"A homemade thick iron shield. It can effectively defend against attacks by small-caliber firearms and monsters, but it has a huge flaw, that is, it weighs 32 pounds and is very inconvenient to carry."

"This is one of the armors of Orlando Peet, the Exorcist. It was abandoned here for some reason."

Colored words appeared in Gilan's eyes, and he analyzed the shield's information.

‘That so-called exorcist thing again? ’

Gillan couldn't help but look down at the double-barreled shotgun in his hand. This gun originally belonged to Orlando.

After putting the shield aside temporarily, he leaned against the wooden fence and unwrapped the leather.

There were not many items in the package, just two fist-sized brown iron kettles, a roll of gauze, and a note.

Ji Lan picked up an iron pot and quickly raised his eyebrows.

"Orlando's exorcism pot. A defensive grenade filled with gunpowder, silver-plated iron sheets and iron nails. It can effectively kill human and monster targets. Countless evil people have died due to this homemade product."

'good! It's a weapon of mass destruction! ’

Gillan smiled.

He then picked up the roll of gauze and inspected it, and the colorful colors appeared in his field of vision again:

"Magic gauze. The gauze smeared with a secret ointment is a medicine developed by Orlando the Exorcist with his lifelong knowledge of alchemy. It can effectively heal trauma, and he has survived many life and death crises through this."

‘It’s also a good thing. ’ Jilan was very happy, but soon thought of something again, and his face became solemn. 'I just don't know if I can return to reality. If I can go back with these things...'

His eyes were cold, and if he had a chance, he would make those guys at the police station pay the price.

Exhaling a breath, Gillan looked at the sticky note one last time.

Above is a scrawled handwriting, seemingly hastily written in an emergency:

"Damn! Something is wrong with this place! There are followers of... (Scratch) everywhere. Even I am beginning to be affected, and my memory is fading! Don't forget the reward this time, Orlando, that is what you dream of, It's in the village clerk Espy's house. He put it in the basement. Go get it and leave as soon as you finish it!"

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