From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 6 Resistance

'This should be a note written by the exorcist to himself... The mysterious power here seems to have affected his memory, so he wrote down important things to prevent forgetting. ’

Gillan rubbed the note and looked thoughtful.

'It seems that this village should have been infected by some evil force, and then someone invited an exorcist to try to fight against this force, but the result did not seem to be successful...'

He took inventory of his equipment and looked beyond the livestock shed to the end of the trail.

‘The note contained an important message. There was an item that the exorcist coveted, which was hidden in the basement of the clerk’s house. ’

Ji Lan was a little moved.

After seeing so many mysterious and supernatural things, he felt that that thing was by no means simple. If he could get it, it would be of great help to his situation.

But Gilan was very unfamiliar with this village, and had no clue as to where the secretary lived.

"Try to look for it."

Jilan murmured and picked up the package.

But at this moment, a burst of air defense sirens suddenly sounded throughout the sky:


Gilan was startled, and the harsh noise made his face look painful. He couldn't help but squat down and cover his ears.

'what happened! ? ’

He was extremely frightened by this. The original silence of the village was broken by the sudden air raid siren.

For some reason, Jilan found that there were noise spots in his sight.

After struggling to raise his head and scanning, he was shocked to realize that it was not that there was something wrong with his eyes, but that the scene around him had changed suddenly with the sound of the siren - the TV picture, as if the signal had been interfered with, was constantly flashing, and even a line appeared. Black vertical spots.

Colors flashed across Jilan's eyes, and a strong intuition suddenly emerged from her heart.

He is leaving the world of cinema.




His consciousness fell into a trance again.

Awakening again, with his eyes refocused, Gilan saw clearly the curtain not far ahead.

Under the dim light of the gas lamp, the movie screen stopped abruptly and turned into a black background full of noise.

A group of police officers and epidemic prevention personnel were standing in front of the projector with their backs lit, staring closely at the prisoners present.

'Back to reality...'

Ji Lan's heart trembled, and she calmly observed the surrounding environment with her peripheral vision.

He found that the other prisoners were restrained on the chairs, twitching and twisting, and letting out horrifying, unexplained howls and screams from their mouths, as if they had suffered horrific torture.

Sitting next to him was the long-haired bearded man who he had killed with his own hands. The man was slumped on the chair, with his head hunched, as if he had lost his breath.

‘These people should have all died in the movie, due to attacks by those monsters in the forest. It seems that their bodies in reality will be affected accordingly! ’

Gillan thought to herself.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed that the police inspector in front of the projector was looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

'Yes! All these prisoners had painful reactions, but I was the only one who was out of place, which must have aroused suspicion! ’

Ji Lan's mind was spinning and he quickly came up with a plan.


He let out a muffled scream in his throat, straightened up suddenly, and immediately his whole body twitched as if he had been electrocuted.

Even though his hands and feet were tied to the chair by ropes, the intense twisting still caused the chair legs to rub and collide with the ground, making a harsh clanking sound.

Gilan raised his head, his veins were exposed, he rolled his eyes, his blond hair was messy, as if he was having an epileptic seizure.


He fell to the ground with his chair on his side!

Still twitching!

The middle-aged police inspector who was staring at Gilan couldn't help but frowned when he saw this.

"It seems I guessed wrong... This guy just held on longer than the others." The police inspector thought to himself. "It's a pity. If someone can insist on watching the movie, the 'purification department' will be very happy. After all, there has been no progress in the research on this new film."

He glanced around the screening room again. The prisoners were dead and crazy.

The police inspector raised his hand and made another gesture, and ordered:

"Take them away, burn them and bury them."

"Yes, sir."

The personnel behind him in bulky protective suits responded in unison and quickly walked towards the prisoners.

Gillan also noticed two people approaching him.

His body was still twitching hard, but his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to break the situation.

‘What to do next? ’

Under the messy blond hair, a pair of eyes are as sharp as an eagle.

'Even if I knock down these two people when they are not prepared, I will still have to face the pistols of other police officers, and I still have gunshot wounds in my legs, so I can't escape at all...'

The smell of death enveloped his heart, making Gillan taste despair again.

But at this moment, his vision was covered by colorful colors.

Ji Lan was stunned.

Because he suddenly saw that there seemed to be something wrapped in those colorful colors——

It was the double-barreled shotgun, shield and leather package that I got in the movie!

‘You can actually bring it out! ’

Ji Lan's eyes lit up, and infinite hope suddenly filled her heart.

This hope is like a pot of gasoline, pouring out the burning desire to survive even more intensely!

At this time, an epidemic prevention person reached out to hold down the convulsing Gilan, and another person quickly untied the rope that restrained him.

Ji Lan did not move rashly during the whole process until he completely regained his mobility.

"Fuck you!"

Without warning, Gilan suddenly got angry and hit the face of the anti-epidemic person closest to him with his elbow.

The latter screamed in pain and threw his head back after being hit.

"You! What are you doing?!" The other person was shocked by the sudden change and was a little at a loss for a moment. A dull sound of surprise came from his thick mask.

However, what responded to this person were two dark muzzles.

Seeing the double-barreled shotgun suddenly appearing in the hand of the blond prisoner in front of him, and the ferocious smile on the other's face, his eyes widened under his goggles, flashing with confusion and horror.

Bang! !

A loud gunshot echoed throughout the enclosed screening room.

With a flash of flame, the head of this anti-epidemic worker exploded on the spot, and his chest and abdomen were smashed by dense lead balls. His flesh and blood were blurred. His whole body was blown several meters away by the strong impact, and he was knocked to the ground like a rag doll. .

"Damn it! Damn it! Why is this guy okay?! Where did the shotgun in his hand come from?!"

This series of accidents happened so much that all the police officers and epidemic prevention personnel in the screening room were stunned.

The middle-aged police inspector reacted the fastest. He quickly hid behind the projector table, took out the Luger pistol from his waist, and yelled:

"Everyone is in combat mode! Shoot and fight back!"

The police officers have received professional training and have the necessary qualities.

They immediately came to their senses, took out their pistols and shot at the blond prisoner at the command of their superior.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, the entire screening room was ablaze with fire and gunshots thundering.

The tracer tracks of the bullets passed by like golden threads.

However, these bullets all hit a thick steel plate, making a crisp clang sound and flying sparks.

The middle-aged police inspector's pupils shrank when he saw the blond prisoner hiding behind a triangular shield.

But soon, he realized that these were probably items the other party had obtained from the movie, and he couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

"I really didn't expect that this is the second time I've been involved in the experiment on death row prisoners, and it's given me such a big surprise."

The inspector narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to have seen the "purification department" above award him a medal for this, and then met with the commander to be promoted to an official.

"Catch them alive! Catch them alive!"

The middle-aged police inspector roared loudly with veins popping out on his forehead.

However, at this moment, an inconspicuous brown iron kettle was thrown from behind the triangular shield and rolled towards the inspector with a clanking sound.

He was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed drastically.

Thanks to "Ai Xi_Feiguang Fengjiu" for the 2000 point reward!

Thanks to "Weiwenweide" for the 1,500-point reward!

Thanks to "The Lazy King of Qingqing Prairie" for the 1,000 point reward!

Thanks to "First this and then that" for the 300-point reward!

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