From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 7 Beautiful

boom! !

A deafening explosion occurred in front of a group of police officers!

The powerful impact blasted several police officers away, and the high temperature burned their dark blue uniforms and even their flesh in an instant.

This is not the scariest thing.

The most terrifying thing is the dozens or hundreds of iron pieces and nails hidden in the explosives!

Ding-ding-ding-ding! !

In an instant, these small but deadly metal objects scattered around at a speed comparable to bullets, penetrating all obstacles.

In addition, the screening room is a confined space. After the iron pieces and nails exploded, they hit the walls, ceiling, and floor, and ejected several times, causing horrific damage to police officers, epidemic prevention personnel, and even unsuspecting prisoners. !

At this moment, the screening room suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth!

The four or five police officers and epidemic prevention personnel who were closest to the exorcism pot were killed in an instant without any precautions. Their bodies were shattered and bloody.

Although those who were farther away did not die on the spot, they were seriously injured, with dense scratches and holes all over their bodies, and they lay dying in a pool of blood.

The wooden table in front of the curtain had already turned into sawdust since it was in the center of the explosion. Although the middle-aged police inspector hiding behind was not affected by the first wave of impact, the secondary damage from the shrapnel nails still penetrated his body, causing him to be on the verge of death.

The inspector's face was covered in blood, his left arm was torn and bruised, three fingers were missing, and the Ruger pistol fell aside.

He covered his bleeding abdomen with his trembling right hand and leaned against the wall, his face full of pain.

"No...that's not right." He endured the ringing in his ears and the severe pain in various parts of his body, and raised his head with difficulty. "No one has ever been able to pull a physical object out of a film. Who the hell are you?"

The inspector's voice was weak, filled with shock and anger.

In the screening room, wails could be heard one after another.

The triangular thick iron shield overturned with a clang, and a tall and thin figure slowly stood up, carrying the double-barreled shotgun, and limped up to the middle-aged police inspector.

The inspector saw the face clearly.

Under the messy blond hair, there is a face that is pale due to blood loss. There is still a wound scratched by shrapnel on the left side of the cheek, which is bleeding continuously.

The young man's eyes reflected the flickering gas light, like a candle in the darkness.

"My dream was almost ruined by you, you all deserve to die!"

Ji Lan stuck out his tongue and licked the blood that fell from his cheek, showing a ferocious expression.

He raised the shotgun, snapped it directly into the inspector's head.

"Don't... don't shoot!"

The police inspector felt the cold muzzle of the gun, and his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't understand what the young man meant at all. He just felt that the other person's mental state seemed to be abnormal at this time, and he was afraid that the other person would go crazy and kill him with one shot.

"Your 'Gnosis' is very high, and you have also passed the secret project above. As the police inspector of Mangrove Street, I assure you that I will recommend you to join the special department. Your past crimes, including everything that happened today, will be cleared." It can be written off in one stroke!”

"You are a talent! An extremely rare talent!" Whether it was the pain of the injury or the panic of facing death, cold sweat broke out on the middle-aged police inspector's forehead. "The empire is willing to be lenient to you, as long as you..."

Bang! !

Before the middle-aged police inspector finished speaking, his head exploded like a watermelon.

Brain plasma and blood sprayed on the curtain, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"You are lying to me. I hate it when others lie to me."

With a look of disgust on his face, Gillan quickly folded the barrel of the gun skillfully and reloaded the shotgun.

As a disabled person who lost both legs in his previous life and was bullied since childhood, he lacked care and grew up in a malicious environment, which gave him an extremely sharp and sensitive heart.

The other party's expression and tone were like the faces of those "evil people" in previous lives. In his opinion, 99% of them were fake.

Guillen couldn't take it anymore and shot him dead.


Jilan looked around, looking at the tragic scene he had caused, but he felt no discomfort. Instead, he felt a sense of relief and pleasure.

"I just want to live a good life as a healthy person, why do you have to force me?"

He murmured, a flash of color flashing in his eyes.

The double-barreled shotgun in his hand was wrapped in a burst of color and slowly disappeared.

This is a skill that Gillan has figured out.

He seems to possess some mysterious power, which manifests itself in the form of colorful colors that only he can see.

This mysterious power can not only give Jilan Meng enlightenment, but also corrupt supernatural monsters and provide him with points that can instantly master skills. It can also bring specific items in the film out of reality and store them in a certain place. in dimensional space.

However, this ability also has limitations.

First of all, only items with "information descriptions" can be hijacked, and the quantity is limited. Currently, carrying shotguns, shields and leather packages seems to be reaching the limit.

Jilan secretly named this power of his "Bailan".

Jingle Bell--

At this time, an urgent ringing sound came from outside the screening room, which seemed to be an alarm triggered by the explosion and gun battle just now.

Jilan saw this, but did not panic.

He lowered his head and looked at his left leg. The cheap linen trousers were torn, with holes in the trousers, and a piece of flesh was missing from the calf, which was bloody and bloody. Fortunately, the original bullet did not penetrate the bone, and it was only a traumatic injury.

'I hope the exorcist's medicine is effective, otherwise this leg injury will seriously affect my mobility. ’

Gillan took a deep breath and took out the "magic gauze" obtained from the film.

He untied the string and wrapped the white gauze around the injured leg.

A layer of strange yellow-green plaster was smeared on the inside of the gauze. As soon as it touched the wound, Gilan felt a coolness, and most of the original pain miraculously disappeared.

He raised his eyebrows and tried to walk with his legs up.

Although he was still weak, it no longer affected his normal movements, and he could even trot as long as he endured slight pain.

'The effect is incredible. ’

Gillan was in a good mood.

He ignored the wailing dying people around him, and then bent down to pick up the Ruger pistol next to the middle-aged police inspector's body.

But this time, the colorful information description did not appear again, which made Gillan a little disappointed, because this meant that the pistol could not be stored directly in the dimensional space.

He quickly adjusted his mood and checked the ammunition in the magazine.

The Ruger pistol had a magazine capacity of only eight rounds, and the pistol had been empty of bullets by the police inspector.

Ji Lan secretly said something bad, threw away the empty magazine, and turned around to search the other police officers for ammunition.

Because the situation was urgent, the manpower of the police station would probably surround him soon, so Jilan did not dare to waste too much time. After only searching for four or five magazines, he put them into his trouser pocket.

He loaded the pistol, finally came to the fragments of the wooden table, and pulled out the projector that had been destroyed in the explosion.

His intuition told him that the mysterious film was very important.

‘With it, I will have the opportunity to enter that movie world in the future and find more useful things to arm myself with. ’

Gillan thought.

Fortunately, the film was not damaged, or would not be damaged, and it was still the same as before after he took it out.

At this time, the colorful colors that had been silent suddenly reacted.

In Jilan's field of vision, a text description suddenly appeared:

""Yuezhuo Village # 1". One of a series of movies created by the 'director' Si Chen who symbolizes February. It contains a terrible story, many mysterious things, and even secret history."

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