From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 8 Prison Break

"That movie was originally called "Yue Zhuo Village"..." Gillan looked confused. ‘But who is the so-called “director” of February Sichen? ’

He listened to the ringing bells outside the house and felt a little irritated, so he had to put aside the question for the time being.


Jilan blew a breath to blow away the dust on the black film reel. The next second, he wrapped it in colorful colors and put it into the dimensional space.

He thought for a while, then reached out and rummaged under the tattered projector, and soon found a silver cube.

But compared with the size of an apple in the hands of epidemic prevention personnel at that time, it has shrunk a lot and become only the size of an egg.

‘This should be some kind of special energy, take it with you, maybe it will be used in the future. ’

Ji Lan had a flash of thought and put it into another trouser pocket.

Standing up, he stopped no longer, held the Ruger pistol tightly and pushed out the door.

Outside the screening room is a narrow corridor. There is a row of closed glass windows above the wall near the ceiling. The misty sky is shining in from the outside, making the environment not too dark.

Gillan walked quickly to the end of the aisle, intending to escape from the police station as soon as possible.

But at this moment.


The carved wooden door at the end of the corridor was knocked open, and two armed police officers rushed in.

"Huh?" The two men were startled when they saw Jilan, and then they raised their pistols and took aim. One of them was the scarface. He shouted in shock and anger: "You damn bastard! Why aren't you dead yet? !”

Bang bang!

What he responded to was two gunshots.

Gillan didn't talk nonsense to this man at all, he raised his gun and shot.

Scarface not only humiliated him, but also shot and wounded his cherished left leg. Gilan had long been tempted to kill him.

However, his proficiency with firearms was limited to double-barreled shotguns, and he was not very familiar with pistols. He was only able to use them, so that one of the two shots missed and the other shot only hit the scar-faced police officer's thigh.

"Ah!" Scarface screamed and collapsed, then roared in pain: "Shoot! Kill him!"

With that said, he took the lead in pulling the trigger on Gilan.

Another police officer also heard the sound and then shot.

Bang bang bang bang!

However, what surprised the two of them was that the blond young man took out a triangular iron plate from somewhere and set it up in front of him, while he hid behind it.

All the bullets were blocked by the shield, making a clanging sound.

The other party was unharmed.

Immediately afterwards, a black Luger pistol of the same specification poked out from behind the shield, making both of them feel their hearts in their throats.

There was no cover in this narrow corridor, and the two of them stood there like targets!

"Hide quickly——"

The scar-faced police officer's expression was distorted at this moment, but he didn't finish his words.

Bang! !

His face was frozen, and he lowered his head with wide eyes.

A hole suddenly opened in the dark blue uniform on his chest, and blood continued to seep out, moistening a large area.

The severe pain caused his expression to contort and his mouth to open wide, like a dying fish.

The other officer turned and ran, trying to escape through the open doorway.

Bang bang bang!

Gillan had no expression on his face and fired three times.

Although the shot missed again this time, the remaining two bullets all hit, including one hitting the opponent's back of the head.

The police officer fell forward with the inertia, his domed police hat fell to the side, and he was dead.

Gilan's fingers exuded colorful colors, she kept the triangular shield invisible, and immediately walked to the wooden door with a gun.

The two police officers were lying on their backs on the ground, motionless.

He looked at Scarface's lifeless expression, but suddenly raised his hand and shot him twice without warning.

Bang bang - click!

until the magazine is emptied.

"You want to lie to me too? I hate it when others lie to me!"

Ji Lan grinned cruelly.

He wasn't beating the corpse to vent his anger, but he realized that this guy was pretending to be dead.

Scarface's eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and blood flowed out.

He used his last bit of strength to turn his eyes and looked at the blond young man. He didn't know how the other party saw his disguise, and then he suddenly died. This time he was really dead.

Gillan coldly unloaded the empty magazine and threw it away. He replenished some ammunition from the two police officers and then ran out quickly.

After passing through another corridor, he passed the previous interrogation room at the corner, continued forward, and came to the lobby of the police station.

The place is full of Western-style decoration from the beginning of the last century, and there is no one at the desk.

Gillan glanced at the wall calendar printed next to the wall clock, which read:

Dawn 1926, June 20, Sunday.

At the top, there is also a line of large characters "Salute to the Great Head of State Caesar", with an "X" pattern logo on a black background and white stripes next to it.

He quickly looked away, banged open the door of the police station, and came to the street outside.

This is an old-fashioned street, with a stone road more than ten meters wide for carriages to travel.

Tall tallow trees are planted on both sides of the street, with their red and yellow leaves whistling in the breeze. This is also the origin of "Mangrove Street".

To the left and right of the police station, there are rows of three- or four-story residential buildings. Opposite are some shops, but it's still early in the day and they haven't opened for business yet.

It was bright at this time, about six o'clock.

It was quiet all around, and not a single soul could be seen on the entire street. Only a few security guards in the distance were patrolling with flashlights.

Jilan looked around and quickly got into the alleyway on one side.

He leaned his back against the wall and took a deep breath. The fresh free air made him feel calm inexplicably.

He began to think about what he should do next.

This place is obviously different from the modern society that I am familiar with, more like a Western country in the last century, but it is actually specious.

Due to his original narrow knowledge, Gilan only knew that the city he was in was called "Brack City", which belonged to the Bremen Empire and the Kawo State Forest Area.

But apart from a few local slum neighborhoods and the outskirts of wealthy areas, he knew little about the outside world.

His original name, "Guilan Iros", grew up in a poor single-parent family. His mother raised him alone until he was fifteen or sixteen years old. One day, he suddenly died of a serious illness and left no inheritance.

He himself had not read many books and had no skills, so in order to survive, he began to hang out at the bottom of the Oak Gang early on, and most of the people he knew were gang members.

Although the Oak Gang is quite united, and the boss, Lucas Parr, knows the local aristocratic Lewis family, Gillan does not think he has the face to allow the leader to protect him.

Moreover, the crime he committed was so big that the Oak Gang might not be able to protect him.

'I escaped from prison as a death row prisoner and killed so many people. The police department will never let me go easily. ’

Gillan lowered his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he turned around and ran towards home according to the impression in his memory.

He planned to pack up his belongings and then find a chance to escape from here.

In order to survive, he had no choice but to escape.

However, under a tallow tree opposite the police station, a sneaky figure poked his head out and looked at Gilan's back.

He was a thin boy wearing a blouse and a soft hat, with freckles all over his cheeks.

"Jilan actually escaped?!" His face lit up with joy, and then his eyes showed sadness. "But the police department has been cracking down on bootlegging recently, and Iros may still be hunted down by those damn 'Bobbys'. I must tell Boss Lucas about this immediately. Only he can save Iros."

Whispering, the boy pressed the soft hat on his head, lowered his head and ran away.

Happy New Year and Happy New Year's Day. I wish every reader good health, academic success, smooth career, happy love, and family harmony!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20230712021904668" for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to "Earth and Moon Loneliness" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20201231123050806" for the 100-point reward!

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