The original person didn't have much interaction with the neighbors on weekdays, and those people knew that he was a gang member and didn't want to get close to him.

‘So who would come to him so early? Are they the pursuers from the police station? ’

Ji Lan's eyes narrowed and he walked slowly to the door.

He turned sideways and hid behind the wall, raised his gun hand toward the sky, and said in a deep voice:


"Iros, it's me, Momir." A young voice came from outside the door, and the other party added: "There are also two brothers from the gang. Even Brother Randolph is here. The boss knows that you have been raped by that group of people. 'Bobby' got caught and was worried, so let us come over and help you."

Gillan narrowed his eyes.

This Momir is the member with whom he has the closest relationship in the Oak Gang. He is young, only seventeen, three years younger than him. He has a simple personality and a loyal character.

As for Randolph, he is a close associate of Lucas, the boss of the Oak Gang, and is usually responsible for managing the lower-level members.

After thinking about it, Gilan opened the iron door a crack.

Momir was very happy when he saw the door opened, but the next second, his expression changed drastically.

A black muzzle was pointed at his face through the crack in the door!

"Brother Jilan! Don't shoot!" Momier quickly raised his hands and said in fear: "It's me! Your best friend!"

Even the three strong men on the side were shocked. The empire strictly controlled firearms, and only the management of the gang was qualified to be equipped with a Borchardt pistol. They didn't know where Gillan got one. Ruger.

The two pistols are very similar, and both have eight rounds of ammunition capacity, but the Borchardt is more bulky and prone to jamming. The Ruger is a new firearm improved on the basis of the Borchardt.

The grassroots law enforcement officers of the Bremen Empire are basically equipped with Ruger. It is very rare for gangs like the Oak Gang to obtain outdated models.

"How did you guys know that I escaped from the police station?"

Gillan asked coldly.

If the other party's answer does not satisfy him, he will kill these people mercilessly, because this means that his whereabouts have been leaked and there is a high possibility that he will be hunted down soon.

"Last night I saw you being surrounded and arrested by 'prohibition agents' behind Noor's Grocery Store. I was very worried, so I kept hiding opposite the police station to observe. I didn't expect you to escape early in the morning... I think Those 'Bobbys' will definitely not let you go, so they will go back and ask for help from the boss."

Momir stammered and sounded a little aggrieved.

After listening, Ji Lan looked at the other person for a few seconds, and after confirming that the other person was not lying, he slowly put down the pistol and opened the door.

He said nothing more, just patted Momir on the shoulder to express his gratitude.

The latter's expression eased somewhat.

"Don't worry, Jilan, our Oak Gang will never give up on any of our brothers." A long-haired man behind Momier stepped forward with a smile. "The boss has ordered us to escort you back to the station and hide you out of the limelight."

Gillan glanced at the other person and recognized that this person was Randolph, the boss's right-hand man.

"I have been sentenced to death at the police station. I was originally going to be shot this morning..."

Before he finished speaking, several people burst into laughter.

Another dark-skinned bald man said:

"Come on, brother, in the current 'Prohibition' environment, of our Oak Gang brewing and selling bootleg liquor, who will not die if caught?"

"But I also killed police officers in the police station."

Ji Lan pretended to hesitate.

The four of them couldn't help but be startled.

Although murder is also a capital felony, the police department's investigation intensity will definitely be greater than that of catching bootlegging criminals. Especially if you kill a police officer, you will definitely not let it go.

They glanced at the gun in Guillen's hand and now understood the origin of the Ruger.

"What does this mean? I just killed a 'Bobby'!"

Randolph grinned and smiled dismissively.

"During the firefight with the Kuka Gang two years ago, a lot of people came to the police station. In order to cover the boss's retreat, I killed two 'Bobbys' on the spot. This is why the boss values ​​me... Don't worry, Gilan. , serve the boss well from now on, and nothing will happen to you."

'I killed more than one. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought, but did not correct the other party, and simply chose to acquiesce.

His understanding of the outside world is too limited, and he may easily be caught if he escapes rashly.

‘This is an opportunity. ’

Since the Oak Gang is so lawless, he can just use the other party as a cover to buy himself more time. Wait until the intelligence information is almost collected and the time is right before leaving.

As for continuing to stay in the Oak Gang and work for the boss, Gillan has no idea at all.

"Let's go back to the station before it's fully dawn. It won't be good if we are discovered by 'Bobby' who is patrolling the streets."

Randolph glanced around and urged.

Gilan nodded, followed a few others, and left the slum together.

They walked along the path at the end of Mangrove Street, and after a series of twists and turns, they went to another adjacent block, Haddonfield Street.

Haddonfield Street has the largest scrap recycling yard in the area, called "Brack Cork Brothers", but this is just a cover from the outside. In fact, there are several old residences and warehouses inside, which are the core residence of the Oak Gang.

This isn't Gillan's first time here.

Following the four people into the familiar scrap station, he saw two men guarding the door, nodding to his group without leaving any trace.

Continuing to walk in, there were many piles of bottles, cans, newspapers and furniture on both sides of the path. Many young and strong men had already started working, sorting and moving.

Most of them wear sleeveless shirts and men's soft hats. They are actually members of the Oak Gang. They work in the scrapyard during the day to hide from others, and at night they are responsible for selling bottles of moonshine brewed by internal members.

Randolph and his party did not talk to these "workers", they just nodded and said hello, and then led Gilan all the way to the innermost part of the scrap yard.

Gillan soon arrived in front of a three-story building.

Entering here, the defense intensity increased significantly. Four or five men were sitting in the yard drinking and playing cards, with steel pipe blades and other weapons at their feet. There are several hidden sentries on the second floor, equipped with Borchardt pistols.

Gillan knew that the boss, Lucas, was usually in the office on the third floor, and he usually went there to report bills to the other party.

But this time, Randolph did not take him upstairs, but continued walking inside.

‘Are you going to the warehouse area? ’

Gillan has never been to the warehouse in the years since he joined the Oak Gang. He only knows that it is the most important secret area of ​​the Oak Gang, because the private wine is brewed there, and ordinary gang members are not eligible to enter.

Walking into the warehouse area, three warehouses are arranged in a concave shape. A tall hornbeam tree is planted in the open-air yard in the middle, with its egg-shaped and toothed leaves swaying in the wind.

Under the tree is an old well, and two gang members with guns are guarding the well.

They stepped forward, checked Gilan's handbag, and found that there was no flammable or explosive material in it before letting him go.

"That's the 'Wealth Well' of our Oak Gang." Randolph pointed to the well and turned to Gillan to explain. "The water source of moonshine comes from that well. It was discovered by Boss Lucas many years ago. The wine brewed from the water in that well will be very delicious. Look at those old customers who have bought our moonshine. , who doesn’t want to drink it a second time?”

"This should be considered a secret of the gang. Why do you tell me?"

Ji Lan looked away and asked with a frown.

"Of course it's because of the boss's respect. You can escape from the police station single-handedly because of your ability." Randolph grinned and patted Gillan on the shoulder. "Congratulations, you are now considered a core member of the gang. Maybe the two of us will work together for the boss in the future."

He said, taking Gilan to the door of the warehouse on the left.

"But before that, you need to stay here for a few days to avoid the limelight. The boss will help you cover up. 'Bobby' from the Mangrove Street Police Station doesn't dare to come here to search."

Randolph said.

Ji Lan keenly felt something was wrong, because he realized that the other party was not telling the truth.

"Thanks, Randolph."

He pretended to be dumb and nodded, feeling anxious in his heart.

"We are all brothers, you don't have to be polite." Randolph still had a smile on his face and opened the warehouse door, but before Gilan walked in, he stopped him: "By the way, according to the boss's rules, after entering the warehouse area We need to take your gun away."

"Don't worry, I'm just keeping it temporarily and will return it to you when you come out."

Randolph held out his hand.

A coldness flashed in Jilan's eyes, and just as he was about to refuse, he saw something in the warehouse through the door out of the corner of his eye.

His heart couldn't help but move.


Gillan pretended to be reluctant, took out the Ruger pistol from his waist, and handed it to the other party.

Randolph couldn't put it down and played with the Luger pistol, looking happy and secretly relieved.

"This stupid boy." A thought flashed through his mind.

"Try not to come out these days. There will be brothers who will bring you food and water." Randolph smiled and turned around, leading Momir and the other two people away. "Let's go first. If you need anything, you can call the brothers in the yard."

Ji Lan nodded and watched the four people walk away.

After he entered the warehouse, his expression quickly turned cold.

Then Randolph was obviously lying to him, and maybe the boss Lucas had intentions behind it, but he couldn't figure out what he had in him to deserve what they did.

‘Forget it, if you want to harm me, don’t blame me for being cruel when the time comes. ’

Ji Lan took the initiative to close the iron door and lock it.

Immediately he raised his eyes and looked straight at the corner of the warehouse——

There is a projector sitting there.

Thanks to "Luobobuuke" for the 1,000-point reward!

Thanks to "I don't want to drive, I just want to mess around" for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20201231123050806" for the 100-point reward!

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