From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 11 Re-entry

The warehouse on the left where Gilan was hidden by Randolph was actually not very big, only about fifty or sixty square meters.

There were walls on all sides, with a row of closed glass windows high up, and the only entrance and exit was the iron door behind him.

At this moment, the skylight is projected through the window, like a beam of light, and the dust floating in the air can be vaguely seen.

As far as the eye can see, there are a lot of debris piled up. On the walls, corners and even on the floor in the center of the warehouse, there are books, paintings, sculptures, vinyl records, tapes, phonographs and other works of art covered with white cloth.

It was only then that an important memory popped into Gilan's mind.

‘Since ten years ago, the Bremen Empire has not only issued severe criminal laws such as the “Prohibition Order”, but also successively issued “Art Orders” and “blasphemy orders”. The "Art Order" classifies all works of art as contraband and will be confiscated and burned by the authorities. Both the creator and the private holder will be liquidated. The former will be punished by death, and the latter will be sentenced to imprisonment for hundreds of years, which is very harsh. ’

'As for the "blasphemy order", within the empire, except for orthodox beliefs and doctrines, all other doctrines and religious activities are prohibited. Even printing related books and brochures will be sentenced to more than fifty years in prison. In serious cases, the same It's a death sentence. ’

Jilan frowned as he looked at the warehouse full of "contraband" in front of him.

It turned out that the Oak Gang was not only engaged in the bootlegging business, but also hoarded so many contrabands for a very suspicious purpose.

‘Perhaps the more illegal it is, the higher the huge profits can be made. ’

Gilan shook his head, feeling that the Oak Gang would have to finish sooner or later.

He took two steps forward, lifted a piece of white cloth, and took out the projector he saw at first glance.

The projector seemed to have been left aside for a long time, and the surface was covered with a thick layer of dust and even had some cobwebs hanging on it.

Gillan used the white cloth as a rag and wiped the projector.

He then searched around the warehouse and found several reels of film and two square "batteries" the size of soap.

Gillan first took a look at the "battery" in his hand. It was made of metal at both ends, with grooved sockets on the top. A circle in the middle was spray-painted with blue paint, with the words "Macmillan Energy Company-A1 Model" engraved on it. Whale oil battery" and other words.

In the original impression, this kind of battery is an emerging product that has only appeared in recent years. It is said to be a technological product developed by the "Mechanics Union" in the imperial capital "Muse City". It can not only be adapted to most daily necessities As with electrical appliances, the battery life is also amazing.

But the price is not very affordable. One such whale oil battery costs 12 pfennigs and 5 melangs, which is equivalent to the food expenditure of a working-class family for more than half a month.

‘Is this considered black technology? ’

Ji Lan was quite surprised and sighed that this thing didn't even exist on the earth of his previous life.

He plugged the projector's power interface into the whale oil battery, fumbled around a bit, and successfully started it. Then he put the found film reel called "A Midsummer Night's Dream" into it and let it play.

Because the light is too bright and the wall is white, the picture is not clear when projected on the wall.

Gillan watched it casually for a while. The content of this movie was very similar to the story in his memory. It was also a wonderful comedy about several pairs of lovers who "the lovers finally get married" under the intervention of the elf king Oberon.

It's just that the frame rate of the movie is low, the picture quality is blurry, the actors' performances are stiff, and the costumes and sets are simple, which made Gillan, who is used to new-age blockbusters, very disappointed.


He stopped the projector and removed the film.

‘It seems that this is just an ordinary movie film. Only the mysterious film taken from the police station can allow me to enter it. ’

Gillan confirmed this after this attempt.

He took a deep breath and raised his hand.

Colors flashed across his eyes, and the black film titled "Yue Zhuo Village" was wrapped in color and appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Gillan installed it on the projector, but this time it didn't play properly.

The projector's shuttle rotated for a moment and then stopped working.

'Um? ’

Gillan frowned.

He immediately thought of something, opened his handbag, and took out the silver cube.

‘I remember that the epidemic prevention person stuffed this thing under the projector. ’

Gillan thought to herself.

He tried unplugging the projector and plugging it into the silver cube instead.


This time, the projector finally worked.

'feasible! ’

Ji Lan raised his eyebrows.

After taking a deep breath, he sat on the floor and immediately looked at the wall.

A train is slowly driving into the forest.

Gilan felt that hazy feeling again, and her vision became blurred.

He closed his eyes, and the next moment he felt a cool breeze blowing against his face, his body vibrated, and a clanging sound came from his ears.

Opening your eyes, the high-standard VIP carriage comes into view.

‘Come in. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

He looked forward and suddenly his face was startled.

Because there were eleven men and women in different costumes sitting on the leather benches on the left and right sides of the carriage.

Seven men and four women were doing their own thing at the moment, reading, eating, playing with cameras, dazing or even looking at the scenery outside the window out of boredom.

Ji Lan observed for a while and already had a guess in his mind.

'These eleven people should be the original characters in the movie. When they first came in, the eleven death row prisoners replaced them, allowing the movie to continue to develop. ’


The train suddenly blew a whistle.

When Gilan heard the noise, he secretly thought, "It's started."

The speed of the train slowly slowed down until it suddenly stopped in the forest.

Thick fog shrouded the train, limiting visibility.

"Huh? What's going on?" A white-haired old man wearing a black suit, a black cocked hat, and a sandalwood cane in his hand frowned. "Why did the train stop suddenly?"

"I'll go ahead and ask the flight attendant."

Another red-haired woman who looked like a schoolgirl stood up and strode toward the car in front.

Most of the other passengers looked puzzled and looked out of the carriage.

"Hello sir, may I sit here?"

At this time, a sweet voice sounded from Jilan's ear, attracting his attention.

Jilan turned around and saw a black-haired girl with twin ponytails standing next to her bench. She was petite, only about 1.6 meters tall. She was wearing a white dress and holding a thick book in her hand. book, with the words "Monster Anatomy and Guhiru Folklore" written on the cover.

"Of course, please take a seat."

Ji Lan was a little surprised, but nodded anyway.

"Thank you." The girl smiled sweetly, lifted her skirt and saluted politely, and then sat down next to Jilan with her book in her arms. She glanced at Gilan curiously and said again: "Sir, you are very strange."


Ji Lan looked at the girl, a little confused.

The girl with black hair and twin tails smiled and stretched out her index finger, pointed at other people in the carriage, and then pointed at Gilan.

"No matter how hard they try to hide it, the other passengers all have expressions or body movements of doubt, nervousness, and restlessness, but you, sir, don't have that. On the contrary, you give me a feeling of relaxation and even anticipation."

Her brown eyes stared directly at Gilan, and the corners of her mouth raised.

"It's like you know what's going on and you're not worried."

Ji Lan couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart as he listened to the girl's analysis.

Of course he knew the development of the story, so he acted casually, but he didn't expect that the characters in these movies were so real and even knew how to analyze the details of his own expressions.

"Mavie Martyriye, a folklorist from the south, plans to study in Peel."

The girl extended her hand and introduced herself.

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