From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 13 Exploration

Gilan couldn't help but be slightly startled while listening to Maiev's explanation.

He also didn't expect that those headless monsters had such secrets.

The few people were silent for a long time. Jilan turned to look at the village gate, but found no trace of the double-barreled shotgun and ammunition.

‘It seems that the items that were taken away by me in the movie will never appear again even if I start over. ’

Jilan secretly thought.

He raised his eyes and looked inside the door. After confirming that there was no figure of the pale ax man, he suggested to the doctor and the girl:

"Let's enter this village and explore. Maybe someone can tell us the way out."

"Good idea, Mr. Gillan."

Both the doctor and the girl agreed.

So the three of them walked into the village together, but soon, Brennan and Maiev were horrified by the tragic scene in the stone square. The blood stains and mutilated limbs all over the place made them feel strong discomfort.

"Oh my God! What happened here?!" The girl covered her mouth. "This is a massacre!"

Gilan didn't speak, but led them straight to the path on the left side of the square with an expressionless face.

Along the way, the two of them were still trapped in the shock they had just experienced.

Until Gillan returned to the pig pen where the last movie ended.

Maiev, the girl, was the first to look away. Her eyes were fixed on the brand on the dead pig in the corner. She took two steps forward and walked into the barn. She picked up her skirt and squatted down, looking at it carefully for a moment.

"This is...the magic circle of the old gods' faith." She said softly. "The symbols and words of vertical ovals and horizontal lines symbolize the union of the two sexes, which obviously points to the imprint of the second Si Sui 'Fan Mu'."

"Miss Maiev, why do the villagers here do this?" Dr. Brennan frowned as he looked at the marks and scars on the dead pig's body. "Too cruel and weird."

"It should be because they want domestic pigs to have more children."

Maiev shook her head and expressed her guess.

Only after hearing the girl's explanation, Ji Lan noticed the end of the dead pig's lower body this time. The fat hind limbs were pressing on the half-protruded small palm... It looked like the small hand of a human baby.

Ji Lan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"Most of the beliefs of the old gods are heresies, and most of the people who believe in them are lunatics. There is something wrong with this village."

Maiev stood up and said to the two men with a sad look on her face.

The doctor suddenly frowned and raised his right hand to cover his forehead.

"What's wrong with you, Dr. Brennan?"

Maiev was concerned.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly had a headache and felt dizzy." The doctor raised his hand to indicate that he was fine.

Ji Lan glanced at the two of them, turned around and walked out of the barn, entering the stone and wood bungalow on one side.

He avoided the sight of the two of them, a burst of colorful colors flashed in his hands, and he took out the double-barreled shotgun and ammunition in the dimensional space, and then walked out again.

Maiev, a young girl, has helped Dr. Brennan sit on a wooden pillar nearby. The latter's expression became more and more painful. He covered his head with his hands, inserted his fingers into his hair, closed his eyes tightly, and muttered nonsense:

"I saw... a spiral tower appeared in the distance, and there was... a weirdo wearing a tall hat on top, saying something to me."

"Dr. Brennan, you are hallucinating." Maiev looked worried. She turned around and saw Gillan holding a double-barreled shotgun. She was startled at first, and then very happy. "Mr. Guillen, did you find the weapon?"

"Yeah." Jilan nodded. "I found it in the house, just use it for self-defense."

"We'd better find a way out as soon as possible. There's something wrong with this village. Maybe Dr. Brennan's vision was affected by some mysterious influence."

Maiev suggested.

Gillan nodded and pointed to the front of the pig shed.

"When Dr. Brennan feels better, we'll keep going in."




Black Cork Bros. Scrap Depot, Office on the third floor of Oak Gang Station.

In the spacious room, several quick-developed photos were placed on a valuable carved desk.

The photos recorded the portrait of a blond young man, a black film reel and the tragically dead bodies of several police officers.

"Guillen Iros."

The man at the table picked up the photo and muttered the name.

He had a slicked back hair, thick beard, and a cigarette in his mouth. This person is none other than the leader of the Oak Gang, Lucas Parr.

"Sorry, we don't have this person in the scrapyard." Lucas put the photo down, pushed it forward, and said to a fat man across the table: "Director Hashem, you are looking in the wrong place."

The fat man wore a dark blue uniform coat, with an epaulette symbolizing the director on his left shoulder, an "X" armband with white markings on a black background around his right arm, and a round police hat on his head.

Two guards with serious expressions stood behind him. After hearing Lucas' words, they pulled out the Ruger pistol in the holster on their waist in unison and pointed it directly at Lucas' head.

Lucas lowered his eyes and continued to smoke, turning a blind eye.

Director Hashem chuckled and raised his hand to signal the two guards to put their guns away.

"Mr. Lucas, I won't waste any time talking nonsense." His voice was sharp and sounded very weird. "This man was not just arrested for selling bootleg liquor. He also killed eleven inmates and nine police officers, including a two-star police inspector."

The fat director took out a confidential arrest warrant and slapped it on the table.


"What's more important is that this person destroyed the important plan of the superior's 'Purification Department' and stole the core items... You, Lucas Parr, can't handle this, and the Oak Gang can't handle it, including behind your back. The Lewis family can't help it either. If you want to die, I can help you."

Lucas listened to the other party's words, but he didn't take it seriously. He flicked the ashes from his cigarette.

Can he still not understand "Ghilan Yiros"?

This little guy joined the Oak Gang at the age of sixteen. Four years later, he is still an ordinary low-level kid. If he had the ability to kill so many people in the police station, he would eat the ashtray on the spot.

Lucas secretly cursed, this damn fat man was trying to scare his three-year-old child!

With disdain in his heart, he glanced at the arrest warrant on the table.

This glance caused his expression to change drastically.

It had the words "Purification Department Approval" written on it, as well as the multi-department seals of "Propaganda Department" and "Command". Lucas even saw a signature that he couldn't believe - Stavin Lotito .

Stavin is the Minister of Propaganda of the Empire!

Lucas did not expect that a low-level member of his gang could be involved in such a big matter, which made the "Purification Department" so angry that the documents were even sent to the Minister of Propaganda!

"What on earth did this kid steal from the police station and cause so much trouble?" Lucas thought to himself. "Fortunately, I had the foresight to let Randolph trick him into coming back and put him under house arrest in advance."

This time, he put away his original confidence and became uneasy.

Over the years, the reason why the Oak Gang dared to brew and sell private wine despite the "three major prohibitions" and also secretly engage in contraband business was precisely because they had the support of the Lewis family behind them.

The current patriarch of the family, Mr. Leighton Lewis, was once a high-ranking member of the "Imperial Chamber of Commerce" and held the title of baronet, making him a proper aristocratic figure.

After he retired from his high position, he returned to his hometown of Brack City to live in seclusion. This made the Mangrove Street Police Department turn a blind eye to what the Oak Gang was doing.

But now this matter is really too serious, even the Lewis family can't deal with it!


Lucas, the boss of the Oak Gang, wiped his sweat with a handkerchief.

"Hand over the man." Director Hashem continued in a sharp voice: "And find the film in his hand and hand it over to us intact, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"Gilan is a member of the Oak Gang, that is, my brother, Lucas." Lucas gritted his teeth and looked at the other person firmly. "The Oaks won't betray their brothers."

"There will be no Prohibition Agents patrolling Mangrove Street, Haddonfield Street and Black Barrel Street from 7 to 9 p.m. this week."

The fat director said calmly.

"Deal!" Lucas looked delighted and clapped his hands suddenly.

He originally planned to throw Ji Lan away as a hot potato, but he didn't expect that he could get some benefits from the police station, and he laughed at the kid in his heart.

"Give me two days, I will definitely pry open that guy's mouth and retrieve the important items stolen from your agency." Lucas said decisively. "Damn it for such an audacious thing!"

Outside the office window.

A young man wearing a soft hat squatted down suddenly, holding a bill in his hand, his face turned pale.

"Brother Jilan is in danger!" He murmured tremblingly.

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