From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 14 Erudite


The double-barreled shotgun sprayed out flames and heat, and a shambling villager was head-exploded on the spot. The old straw hat flew away, and the whole person fell upside down in a cloud of fleshy blood mist, and the short-handled scythe fell out of his hand.

Guillen folded the shotgun and quickly loaded it.

At the same time, look to one side.

Dr. Brennan was seen holding a shiny scalpel, swiping it with his hand, and stabbed it accurately into the eye socket of a villager. Then he quickly withdrew it and stabbed it into the man's jaw from bottom to top.

The villager let out a scream. The sound was extremely unpleasant, like the cry of a wild animal.

Dr. Brennan didn't stop moving, and kicked out, hitting the villager on the inside of his left knee with a cunning sound - with a snap sound, the villager's left leg suddenly bent, and his body lost balance and fell.


One step on the heavy leather shoes directly drove the scalpel into the villager's brain.

'I didn't expect that Dr. Brennan, who looks so gentle and gentle, actually has such high combat power. ’

Ji Lan stared silently, amazed in his heart.

He then looked to the other side and saw two crazy villagers with red eyes rushing toward Maiev, a girl in a white dress and twin ponytails. Gilan was about to raise his gun to shoot, but saw the latter purse her lips and reach out from her collar. He took it out and took out a square pendant.

It was a hollow brass piece, shaped like a complex magic circle.

Two villagers suddenly knelt down in front of Maiev, covered their faces with their hands, and screamed in pain, with a shrill voice.

Maiev seemed to take a step back nervously, then opened the book she had been holding in her hand, took out a brass piece as a bookmark, and raised it towards the two villagers in front of her.


The two villagers actually scratched their faces, gouged out their eyes, and their faces were covered in blood and flesh.

Maiev picked up the meat chopping knife that the villager had dropped aside, bit her lower lip, closed her eyes tightly, and raised the knife with her hand.


The meat cleaver was cut on the villager's throat.

She screamed and stabbed another villager to death.

Maiev opened her eyes and wiped the blood on her cheek with the back of her hand. When she saw the blood on her white dress, her pretty face was full of sadness.

'It seems that this girl is not simple either...'

Ji Lan sighed secretly.

Seeing the performance of the two people, he couldn't help but think of the other nine passengers on the train.

‘No, maybe none of them are simple. ’

Gillan came to the two of them with a gun in hand. Dr. Brennan was squatting down, wrapping his fingers with a handkerchief, and carefully examining the villagers' bodies.

"It's so strange. These people have severe burns on their skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles, cell protein denaturation, tissue necrosis, and even bones and internal organs have been affected, but they haven't lost their mobility yet." Dr. Brennan helped him. He adjusted his glasses and frowned. "This is incredible."

"They are all crazy, and they are seriously contaminated by miasma."

The girl Maiev judged with an almost firm tone.

"Miasma?" Jilan asked doubtfully.

‘I didn’t expect this to be said in the movie world. Is it some kind of artistic processing? ’

He couldn't help but guess.

"Yes, miasma." Maiev turned to look at him with a strange look. "The world is full of 'miasma' and filth. Following the 'mystical dressing science' can effectively resist 'miasma' and reduce the probability of illness, bad luck and madness. In addition, the house, makeup and mental state have corresponding effects."

"Miss Maiev, what is 'occult dressing'?"

At this time, Dr. Brennan on the side also turned his head curiously and asked this question for Gillan.

"It's not surprising that you don't know this. This is a theory put forward by the famous scholar 'Para Celsus' more than a hundred years ago. He believed that wearing clothes will affect people's unique temperament and spirit. If it is done Oneness can highlight the beauty deep in the soul, thereby improving the mental state and resisting 'miasma'."

Maiev explained patiently.

"Although as time goes by, later generations gradually forget this theory and its founder, but they still remember the external unity, so men will wear hats when going out, and women will wear makeup when going out. This is the reason."

"I see." Dr. Brennan nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you Miss Maiev for your answer. Your knowledge is admirable."

"Thank you." Maiev smiled sweetly and saluted with her skirt in one hand.

But the white dress was stained with blood, like a rose blooming in the snow, eye-catching.

"Let's continue walking inside. Maybe we can find some villagers who are still sane. This place is too weird. We need to find a way out as soon as possible."

Gillan suggested.

Doctor Brennan and the girl Maiev nodded and continued along the path.

Jilan glanced at the two of them, touched the four corpses of the villagers on the ground without leaving any trace, then pretended to be nonchalant, got up and followed.

Behind him, the four corpses decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, collapsed immediately, and finally turned into dust and dispersed.

Colorful numbers appeared in the corner of Jilan's sight, jumping from the original "0" to "4".

‘It seems that I don’t need to kill them myself. As long as they are the mysterious monsters in the movie, even the contaminated people, they can be turned into points after being corrupted by me. ’

he mused.

The three of them were walking through the mist-filled village lanes.

Gilan remembered the mysterious method Maiev had used just now, and was quite curious, so he asked him aloud.

The girl did not hide anything, but explained generously:

"That's the 'Sliding Door', a protective method used by ancient magicians. You can understand it as a kind of amulet." Maiev smiled. "I like to delve into these things, so I made some 'sliding doors' based on a magic book circulated by the 'Psychic Society'. I didn't expect that it would actually work."

"What is the 'Spiritual Society'?"

Gillan once again heard unfamiliar words from the mouth of folklorist Maiev, and couldn't help asking curious questions. Dr. Brennan also listened attentively.

"Oh, that is a quite ancient mysterious organization. It is said to have existed hundreds of years ago. It is full of great scholars who are proficient in magic and ritual. They have been pursuing the true meaning of the soul all their lives."

Maiev said with longing in her eyes.

"I dream of finding this organization and learning from those knowledgeable mages."

Gillan raised his eyebrows, becoming more and more interested in this movie.

If he could really find that extraordinary mysterious power, he would be able to have enough self-protection capabilities.

He was about to continue asking some questions to the knowledgeable Maiev, when his vision was covered by a burst of intense colors, and there was a rapid knock on the door in his ears——

Bang bang bang!

"Brother Jilan!"

A sound came from far to near, if it was there or not.

Ji Lan's heart trembled, and she suddenly realized that something had happened in the real world.

He thought for a moment, then closed his eyes tightly.

The colorful colors became more and more intense, like a wave of waves drowning them.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was back in the warehouse.

The movie was still playing on the wall in front of them. The girl Maiev and Dr. Brennan were walking side by side on the village path. The thick fog filled the air, except for his figure.


Gillan stopped the projector and found that the silver cube had shrunk once again, becoming only the size of a lychee.

He guessed that this thing could only support him to enter the movie one more time.

Bang bang bang!

The warehouse door was hurriedly knocked again, and Momir's call came from outside the door.

Gillan strode forward and opened the door a crack.

"Brother Jilan! You, run away!"

Momir was holding two baked potatoes and a slice of brown bread with peanut butter in his hands. He looked anxious, obviously taking advantage of the meal delivery opportunity.

"Boss Lucas betrayed you. He made a deal with the police chief 'Bobby' and prepared to hand you over to him, so you will die!"

Thanks to "Wupupil Tree" for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to "Yu Xing" for the 600 points reward!

Thanks to "Five Vietnams in the Same Boat" for the 500-point reward!

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