It's night, already deep.

The bright moonlight shines into the warehouse through the window, like a spotlight on a dark stage.

Gillan was leaning in the corner, with various heretical books pillowed under his head. On both sides stood four or five plaster sculptures of female "angels", with wings spread on their backs and naked smiles, like blond young men among the guards.

His legs were casually draped over a gramophone, and his indifferent eyes were staring at the ceiling.

My mind kept thinking about what happened during the day.

Momir told him all the secrets he overheard, which made Gilan secretly resentful.

Although he had long sensed that the gang had an impure purpose in bringing him back, he did not expect that the Oak Gang boss Lucas would then sell him, nor did he expect that the police department would move so quickly and even alert the higher authorities.

However, Jilan was mentally prepared for these. He was just annoyed that he didn't have much time.

Before he had time to collect more information and intelligence, the enemy had already caught up with him.

'If nothing else happens, Lucas will send someone to test me tomorrow, and even use torture to force me to hand over the film... Hehe, we'll see. ’

Ji Lan grinned with a sneer.

His eyes moved and looked at the projector placed in the center of the warehouse.

'The best way to break the situation right now is to find more armed forces from the movie world... Unfortunately, there are still no clues about the residence of the village secretary. ’

Suddenly, Gilan thought of something.

When he was facing a desperate situation in the police station jail, it was precisely because of the "testing link" of the epidemic prevention personnel that he came into contact with a piece of negative film, and thus obtained the inspiration of the dream, which allowed him to avoid the first wave in the movie. Danger, and got a double-barreled shotgun.

‘Can I again receive guidance as to the residence of the Clerk through the revelation of a dream? ’

Ji Lan thought about it for a while and decided that this idea could be a try.

He immediately took out the black film reel, held it in his arms, and closed his eyes.

‘Beautiful, dreaming. ’

I muttered something silently in my heart, regardless of whether it could actually be realized.

In the quiet night, the moonlight draped over Ji Lan like a thin blanket.

I don't know how much time passed, but his breathing gradually became longer, and colorful colors invisible to others were looming, radiating from the back of his head, and slowly fluctuating with his breathing - like a rainbow aperture.

Gillan had a dream.

In the dream, he once again boarded the old-fashioned train that was bound to stop. The subsequent development was just like his experience during the day, and he met the folklorist Ma Wei and the surgeon Brennan.

Under the guidance of Ji Lan, the two of them passed through the bear trap and escaped the attacks of the "Gong Wolf" group, and finally arrived at the village in the forest.

But here, a completely different development occurred.

Gillan followed his intuition and suggested splitting up, so that the three of them could find their way out of the village more efficiently, so they separated on the stone square and agreed to continue to meet here.

But when Gillan returned after exploring for a while, he only saw the figure of the girl Maiev, while Dr. Brennan was inexplicably missing.

However, the doctor left a text message in the square in advance, and it seemed that he had discovered something.

But the words were blurred in the dream, and even though Gilan tried his best to read them, it was difficult to make them out.

Bang bang bang!

A sound of banging on the iron door suddenly sounded.

Gillan's eyes shot open.

He quickly glanced out the window. The night had long faded, and it was now the morning of the next day.

‘Dreams do work! It seems that if you want to find the clerk's residence, you need to get the message left by Dr. Brennan! ’

Gilan took a deep breath and stood up.

The black film reel in his arms was also wrapped in color at the same time and disappeared without a trace.

He took a few steps forward and opened the warehouse door a crack.

Randolph's smiling face suddenly appeared outside the door. He held two baked potatoes and a glass of water in his hands and said:

"Good morning, Brother Gillan, here's your light meal today."

"Thank you." Gillan took the food and asked calmly: "Why didn't Momir come to deliver the food today? Why bother Randolph to go there in person?"

"Momir..." When Randolph heard this, his smile gradually disappeared, his face became ugly, and he sighed: "Oh, he...he is dead."

Ji Lan was startled.

Momir is dead? !

Although he had no feelings for this childish seventeen-year-old boy, he had to admit that he regarded him as a true friend. He was also the only person who cared about him after he traveled to this world, and even dared to risk his life. Danger whispers.

But now, this man is dead.

"How did he die?" Gillan asked expressionlessly. "Randolph, do you know?"

"Little Momi was discovered by the patrolling 'Prohibition Agents' when he was selling liquor on Black Barrel Street last night. He tried to escape, but failed. Instead, he was accidentally shot by those damn Bobbys, and even the body was Take it away and burn it.”

Randolph said angrily.

‘Being shot dead in the street by a police officer... ha. ’

Ji Lan sneered secretly in his heart.

Momir snitched yesterday and died on the street today. If this was a coincidence, he would never believe it.

"What time did he go?" Gilan asked casually.

"It was around ten o'clock. I can't remember exactly, but it was already very late at that time. I didn't expect that group of Bobbys were still patrolling." Randolph didn't know why Gillan asked so, so he answered casually.

He shook his head with a sad face and said a few words of comfort.

Soon, he seemed to have thought of something again and asked: "By the way, the boss asked me to ask you this morning if you have ever seen a black film reel at the police station."

Randolph had already asked the two brothers guarding the "Wealth Well", but when they checked Gillan's handbag yesterday, they did not see the film inside.

So he was sure that Gilan must have hidden it elsewhere.

"Film?" Jilan pretended to be absent-minded and shook his head blankly. "Did not notice."

"Is that so... Okay then." Randolph's eyes stayed on Gillan's face, and after hearing the answer, he smiled indifferently. "If you think of anything, you must tell me in time."

He leaned over and whispered:

"The boss said that those Bobbys seemed to attach great importance to that thing, but now it has been lost. Hey, if we can find it, we can blackmail Director Hashem for a lot of money and avenge little Momi! "

Gillan nodded.

Randolph patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Looking at the back of the long-haired man walking away, Jilan's eyes were cold and silent.

He can now confirm that Momir's death was caused by Lucas, the boss of the Oak Gang.

According to the information tipped off by Momier, Gillan knew that Lucas used himself as a bargaining chip to make a black deal with Director Hashem. There would be no inspectors from 7 to 9 pm this week.

But Lucas deliberately asked Momier to sell bootlegging wine at ten o'clock, just to kill him.

Gilan could even imagine that the weak and immature Momir knew that there was a huge risk of being caught, but still could only bite the bullet and obey the boss's order, anxiously embarking on the road of no return in the night, and finally in pain and fear and die helplessly.

It's too easy for Lucas to kill Momir. He only needs to send someone to leak the news deliberately, and the little guy can't run away... Maybe he found out the clues and wanted to silence him, or he just wanted to kill Momir. His death stimulated Gillan to obtain the whereabouts of the film.

All in all, extremely cruel.


The warehouse door was closed tightly, and Gillan locked it with his backhand.

He walked to the projector without saying a word, took out the silver cube and the black film reel, operated it for a while, sat on the floor, and raised his hand to flip the switch.


The shuttle spun and a beam of light hit the wall.

'Cheat me, frame me, kill Momir to stimulate me... OK, OK! ’

Ji Lan showed a ferocious expression and stared at the movie screen.

'You - all deserve to die! ’

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