From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 18 Revenge

Jilan looked at the solid wood workbench. There was a dent on it that was punched by himself, and the cracks spread like a spider web. Then he raised his hand and checked the edge of his palm again, and found that it was only red and slightly scratched.

‘Such power is more intoxicating than firearms! ’

He grinned.

'With "Beautiful" here, maybe one day, I can be like the deputy leader of the "Healing Knights" in the records, forming an army by myself and kicking the steel to pieces! ’

Gillan closed the notebook and put it into the dimensional space.

In the exorcist's reward package, there were two small gold bars as thick as fingers. What he didn't expect was that "Bailan" unexpectedly gave the corresponding text description:

"Roughly refined gold. It weighs 3.8 ounces. The gold bar is refined with poor techniques and materials. It has many impurities, but it has been ceremonially 'consecrated', which makes it tainted with a bit of mystery."

"The reward for the mission that belongs to 'The Exorcist' Orlando Pitt has never been delivered to the other party, or will never be delivered again."

Ji Lan weighed two small gold bars. They collided in the palm of his hand and made a crisp sound.

‘It’s not bad to bring out the rough gold of the movie. ’

He didn't forget that he was quite poor in reality, so he conveniently put it into the dimensional space.

Immediately afterwards, Gillan picked up the fallen candlestick on the table, turned around and went back up the wooden stairs, and started exploring several rooms on the first floor again.

He was just looking for the entrance to the basement before, so he didn't search too carefully. This time, he found a short-barreled shotgun in the closet on his side. Unfortunately, the gun was seriously damaged, the barrel was broken, and the gun was The support is cracked.

But fortunately, there were two boxes of shotgun ammunition on the side, 12-gauge, suitable for the double-barreled shotgun in Gillan's hand, which he took away with joy.

In addition, he also found a sharp boning knife in the kitchen, intending to defend Maiev from herself.

Such a small and lightweight kitchen knife is more convenient to carry than those villagers' farm tools or bone chopping knives.

However, when Gilan returned to the living room, he found a girl in a white dress and double ponytails slumped on a chair, covering her head and moaning in pain.

"Miss Maiev?" Gilan walked over quickly and helped her up. "What’s wrong with you?"

"I...I must be hallucinating." Maiev's pretty face turned pale and she opened her eyes tremblingly. "I saw a tall spiral tower with a weirdo in a tall hat, who seemed to be talking to me."

"Towers and weirdos." Jilan was startled.

He remembered that during the last movie trip, Dr. Brennan had such symptoms and also saw visions of towers and weirdos.

Unexpectedly, even Maiev saw it this time.

Gillan increasingly felt that the movie world was surrounded by a thick fog, hiding many mysteries.

"Can I still leave?" he asked in a deep voice.

Maiev looked at the expression of the blond young man. For some reason, she felt panicked and gritted her teeth:


Gilan said nothing and just nodded.

He handed the boning knife to Maiev, who thanked her quietly.

Gilan held the gun in one hand and held the girl's waist with the other, lifting her up easily. When Maiev saw this, she was startled for a moment, and then her eyes flashed with surprise and admiration.

However, as soon as the two of them walked out of the red brick house, an air raid siren suddenly sounded throughout the sky:


The harsh sound caused Maiev to scream briefly, showing an expression of pain.

Jilan's eyes twitched and he cursed in his heart:

'Oh shit! The siren is coming again! What the hell! ’

The vision quickly became filled with noise, the surrounding scene began to flicker and tear, and even the girl in Gillan's arms became blurry.

Almost instantly, Gillan found himself outside the world of the movie.

He was sitting on the floor of the warehouse, and the movie screen projected on the white wall in front of him had turned into black. At that moment, the projector stopped with a click.

Jilan turned around and saw that the silver cube connected to the power cord was also consumed at this moment.

"Huh..." He stood up slowly, took off the black film reel from the projector and put it away, sighing. "It's a pity. I originally wanted to continue exploring the village... It seems that next time I want to go in, I have to find a new silver cube."

Gilan shook his head and checked his situation again.

What made him happy was that the physique he gained from practicing the "White Cross Exercise" in the movie was synchronized with reality. At this moment, he felt full of energy and strength, far from the small body he had before. .

"In that case, then it's time to reciprocate...even Miss Maiev praised me as a graceful gentleman, right?" Gillan murmured.

He first looked at the sky outside the window and confirmed that the time at this moment should be around ten in the morning. Then he bent down and picked up the white cloth covering the contraband, tore it into strips and wrapped it tightly around his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he strode to the warehouse door.

Unlock and push the door open.

Instead of waiting for the boss Lucas to send people to force him again, it is better to strike first!

In the yard, two gang members responsible for guarding the "Wealth Well" were standing under the hornbeams. After seeing Gilan walking out of the warehouse, they looked at each other and quickly stopped in front of each other.

Randolph had already privately told Gilan not to leave here.

"Hey, Gilan, where are you going?" One of the men with brown hair said. "The Bobbys from the police station are searching for you outside. If you don't want to die, just stay in the warehouse."

"I want to see Boss Lucas. I have something important to tell him."

Ji Lan put his hands in his trouser pockets and said calmly.

When the two of them heard this, their faces lit up.

"Okay, in that case, I'll call Randolph over, and you'll wait here for now." The brown-haired man spoke quickly, and walked out of the yard as he spoke.

Seeing this, another strong man added in a deep voice:

"This is for your own good. If Bobby finds you, the boss won't be able to protect you."

Ji Lan didn't say anything. He just looked at the brown-haired man who came to report the news silently. It wasn't until the man gradually disappeared from sight that he grinned cruelly.

"Huh?" The strong man noticed the strange expression on Jilan's face and couldn't help but be surprised.

He instinctively raised his hand and put it on the holster on his waist.

But in the next second, Jilan suddenly pulled out his hands hidden in his trouser pockets and punched out - the fist wrapped in white cloth streaked across like lightning and hit the strong man's chin hard.

puff! !

The strong man's entire jaw was shattered, his eyes turned white, and his fallen teeth spurted out mixed with blood.

He didn't even have time to react before he fell to the ground.

Jilan looked ferocious and pounced forward!

The right knee fell like a heavy hammer, hitting the strong man's neck hard!

Gaba! !

The strong man's head was bent at 90 degrees, his body twitched reflexively, and he died on the spot!

Ji Lan, who has mastered the "White Cross Body Training Technique", is no longer what he used to be. Even if he has just entered the threshold of the first stage of "slime", he is not comparable to ordinary people. With his strong body and superb fighting skills, he easily killed this strong man with a gun in a sneak attack.

Gillan expressionlessly pulled out the Borchardt pistol from the waist of the corpse, took away the two magazines from the opponent's pocket, then held the strong man's leg with one hand and threw the corpse into the "wealth well" inside.


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