From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 19 Revenge 2

Gilan went back to the warehouse and came out again, with a beige soft hat on his head and his old handbag in his hand.

He turned his head and glanced at the two warehouses on the right and inside. The iron doors were closed tightly. It was probably that the gang members inside were still busy brewing private wine and had not heard anything going on outside.

Seeing this, Ji Lan strode towards the courtyard gate.

But as soon as he stepped out of the door, Randolph and the brown-haired man who reported the news came towards him.

"Huh?" Randolph looked stunned, then frowned. "Brother Gillan, don't you have something important to say? I asked you to wait in the yard. Where are you going?"

"Get out of the way, I want to tell the boss myself." Gilan strode forward.

"You remember where you put that reel of film? It's the same thing with me..."

Randolph raised his lips and stretched out his hand to stop him.

At this time, the brown-haired man beside him glanced into the yard and found that the strong man standing guard with him was missing, and his expression changed.

But just as he was about to remind Randolph, Gilan, who was walking towards him, was already there.

"Randolph! Watch out!"

Almost at the same time as he shouted, Jilan had already shot out like a tiger!

His face was full of ferocity, and the five fingers of his right palm, which was covered with white cloth strips, were pressed together, like a machete slashing across Randolph's throat!

Snapped! !

"Ho!" Randolph's smiling face froze instantly.

His eyes were bulging and full of fear.

Ji Lan put away the knife in his hand, curled up his fingers, and pushed forward.

The heel of his palm was like a hammer head, slamming into Randolph's jaw!

Click! !

The huge impact shattered Randolph's jaw and nose bones, and all his teeth were shattered. His head turned back and pressed against his back, and his whole body flew upside down and fell to the ground.

After the soles of his feet twitched twice, his whole body became silent.

If a forensic doctor examined the injury, they would be shocked to find that Randolph's brain was in shreds.

The brown-haired man was stunned by the scene in front of him. From the moment Gillan took action until Randolph fell to death, it only took a second. He glanced at the corpse on the ground and then looked at the expressionless blond young man. He felt cold all over.

"Don't... don't come here!"

The brown-haired man tremblingly took out the Borchardt pistol from his waist. Just as he was about to raise his hand to take aim, Gillan was already in front of him.

The fist wrapped in white cloth hit the brown-haired man's abdomen at an extremely fast speed.

puff! !

The sudden severe pain caused his brain to shut down on the spot, and he dropped the gun in his hand.

The next second, Gillan's right elbow swung sideways like a demolition hammer, hitting the brown-haired man in the face.

Click! !

There was a sound of skull shattering, and the brown-haired man fell heavily to the ground, his facial features sunken and his flesh and blood blurred.

"If you want to harm me, you should die."

Ji Lan glanced at the two corpses on the ground and said indifferently.

He bent down and picked up the Borchardt pistol that the brown-haired man had dropped. He also searched out all the ammunition and stuffed them all into his handbag.

He immediately walked to Randolph's body, took back the Ruger pistol that originally belonged to him, put it on his waist, and walked towards the Oak Gang's headquarters building without looking back.

The warehouse area is not far from the building, almost connected, with just a narrow aisle in the middle.

Gillan walked straight into the front yard of the building, where four or five gang members were still sitting there drinking and playing cards, having a great time.

"Hmm? Jilan?" A man wearing a straw hat chewed tobacco and turned to look over with suspicion on his face. "Aren't you hiding in the warehouse? What are you doing here?"

Several other men also cast their gazes.

Unlike Randolph, they did not know about the plan of the boss Lucas, and they thought that Gillan was simply arranged to hide in the warehouse to avoid the search of police station Bobby.

"I have something important to report to the boss."

Gilan looked up, and there was a bright smiling face under the beige soft hat.

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the building.

"Hey, the important thing is that you were poked in the ass by those Bobbys in the police station, right?" Another fat bearded man laughed behind him. "Are you worried about getting pregnant? Oh, boys can't get pregnant!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Several men slapped the table and laughed.

In the past, they also laughed at Gilan and Momir like this, and enjoyed it.


Gillan stopped.

He turned around, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but he said abruptly:

"You didn't have to die."

"Huh? What did you say?" the bearded guy who laughed the loudest asked in a loud voice.


The next second, his expression froze, and a hole suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

The fat body leaned back and fell to the ground, a pool of blood seeping out from under his head.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

The other men looked as if they were petrified, their bodies stiff, looking at the gun in the blond young man's hand in horror.

Smoke was coming from the muzzle of the gun.

"'re crazy!" The man in the straw hat widened his eyes and leaned back instinctively. "If you dare to kill the brothers in the gang, you will be dead! The boss will not let you go -"

The muzzle of the gun turned.


The straw hat man was shot in the head and fell into the trap.

"Don't shoot! Please don't shoot!" The remaining men hurriedly raised their hands and begged for mercy. "I'm sorry Gilan! We shouldn't have made fun of you!"

Gilan's face was stained with blood beads, and his smile became even bigger.

He strode forward, held the Ruger pistol, pointed the muzzle of the gun into one of them's face, and grinned:

"Laugh, keep laughing."

"I was wrong! I was really wrong! Please..." The man was so frightened that tears and runny nose flowed out.


The gun was fired close to the face, and the bullet passed through the skull.

Half of the man's face exploded and he fell to the side.

"I made you laugh, why don't you laugh?" Gillan pointed the gun at the next one. "laugh!"

The man who was targeted felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, feeling as cold as bones. He trembled and squeezed out a smile, his expression uglier than his dead parents.


Gillan pulled the trigger and killed another person ruthlessly, muttering:

"You actually laughed at me! I hate it when others laugh at me!"

His expression gradually became crazy, and he raised his gun and aimed at the last person.

The man with short hair and a vest suddenly stood up and ran towards the building with all his strength, shouting at the top of his lungs:

"Milo! Falk! Help me!!"

Gilan followed him, walking slowly, pointing his gun at his back and firing several times.

Bang bang bang bang – click!

Four bloody holes were left on the man's back, and he fell forward, vomiting blood and twitching non-stop.

At this time, two secret sentries who were alerted by the gunshots had arrived. They went downstairs and looked at the corpses scattered in the yard with shocked faces.

Jilan walked over with a bag in one hand and a gun in the other, covered in blood.

"Stop!" The two raised their pistols and looked at Gillan nervously. "I think you're crazy, Gillan!"

They just think it's ridiculous!

The blond young man in front of him was so unfamiliar at this moment. The cowardly and introverted look of the past was completely gone, replaced by a ferocious aura that hit his face.

"Stop talking nonsense! Shoot!"

One of them shouted loudly and immediately pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

The bullets all missed!

Before the other party fired, Jilan bent down like a ghost, dodged left and right, took two steps, and came to the two of them in the blink of an eye.

He jumped up like a hawk.

His right leg crossed the afterimage and hit one person on the head hard.

Bang! !

The man tilted his head and flew out, slamming into the wall, his bones shattered, and he collapsed to the ground.

Without even looking at it, Ji Lan reached out his hand after landing, grabbed the other person's neck, lifted him off the ground, then turned around and threw him hard on the ground.

Bang! !

The man's body was turned upside down by Ji Lan with brute force, his head fell to the ground, his neck was bent at 90 degrees in the crisp sound, and he was thrown to death!

Gilan stood there and let out a long breath. Immediately, he wiped away the blood from the bullet scratch on his left shoulder and stepped onto the stairs of the building.

"The boss of the Oak Gang, Lucas..."

A cold voice came from the dim corridor, like the whisper of death.

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