From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 20 Revenge 3

On the third floor of the station building, in the office at the end of the corridor.

Lucas, the leader of the Oak Gang with a slicked back hair, was sitting on a leather chair, carefully playing with some torture instruments on the table, thinking about how to pry open the mouth of Gilan and get the whereabouts of the film.

However, there was a sudden gunshot outside, making Lucas frown.

With a clang, he dropped the vise he was holding and wanted to light a cigarette, but found that the cigarette box was already empty.

Lucas cursed secretly, bent down and rummaged in the cabinet. After a while, he took out a brand new pack of cigarettes, and while opening them, he shouted impatiently:


Not long after, the office door opened.

"Boss, what's wrong?" came a man's voice.

"What the fuck is going on out there?!"

Without raising his head, Lucas took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, but his hand holding the match suddenly stopped.

Because he finally realized that the voice that responded to him was not Fokker at all!

He looked up suddenly.

The muzzle of a black hole had already been pointed at his own eyes.

Lucas glanced up from the Ruger pistol - the hand covered with blood-stained white cloth, the black blouse, and the expressionless face stained with blood under the beige bonnet.

Guillain Iros? !

He couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

After a brief moment of confusion, Lucas calmly lit the match.


He lit the cigarette in his mouth, flicked out the match between his fingers, leaned back on the soft leather chair, and said calmly:

"It seems that you have killed everyone below, Jilan... It's incredible. How did you do it? At first, I didn't believe what Hashem said, but now it seems that I have to believe it. You do He fought his way through the police station on his own and broke out!"

Lucas blew out a puff of smoke and shook his head mockingly.

"Oh, I naively wanted to control you, but I didn't expect that I would lead a wolf into the house... You are able to acquire such skills because of that black film, right? It's no wonder that the police station and higher-level departments are so nervous and eager to put you under control..." Take it back."

Gillan did not respond to Lucas' question, but simply said:

"Are these your last words?"

"Last words? No, no, no." Lucas showed a sincere smile and spread his hands. "I know that my previous offense to you made you angry. I sincerely apologize to you for this, and I will give you satisfactory compensation! There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests. We can cooperate!"

"With your strength and that film, I can convince Mr. Leighton Lewis to use all his contacts and resources to protect you. By then, you will no longer have to hide, and you can even walk sideways in Brak City! Even if you want to leave one day , I can also guarantee that you can go to other places smoothly and will not be intercepted by the police station!"

Lucas said loudly, staring directly at the blond young man in front of him.

Gillan nodded.

"I can see that you didn't lie to me."

"Of course, you are worth much more than you think, Mr. Gillan."

Lucas smiled and couldn't help but feel relieved.

Bang! !

The smile on his face was frozen, and there was a bloody hole between his eyebrows.

Lucas collapsed on the leather chair. In the last moment before his consciousness fell into darkness, he was still confused. He really couldn't understand why Gillan wanted to kill him with such an attractive bargaining chip.

"But a man can never forget the debt he owes."

Gilan holstered the gun and said softly.

"This is my creed, and it is for you, Mr. Lucas Parr."

He strode over, grabbed the leather chair, and opened the chair with the body.


Immediately, Gillan began to search in front of the desk, and soon found a locked drawer.

He didn't bother to look for the key and just kicked it out.


The solid wood drawer door shattered instantly. Gillan reached out his hand expressionlessly and took out a ledger, a roll of banknotes and a gold watch.

He played with his valuable gold watch and nodded secretly.

In the original memory, watches are not something that ordinary people can own. Even the cheapest wall clock costs at least 2 to 3 Caesars, let alone a delicate and compact gold watch.

Generally speaking, working-class people who need to go to work on time, or horsemen who haul goods early in the morning, will hire "window knockers" to wake them up at a fixed time, and each "wake-up call service" only costs 1 plum.

As for the profession of "window knocker", as long as you grit your teeth and scrape together enough money to buy a watch, invest it, and pair it with a long bamboo pole, you can get long-term income.

It can be seen that in the eyes of the general public, watches are undoubtedly valuable luxuries.

‘Lucas’ gold watch should be worth ten Caesars. ’

Gilan thought to himself and stuffed it into his handbag.

As for the roll of banknotes, after counting, it was 15 Caesars.

This was no longer a small amount of money, but Gillan frowned, because he had personally participated in the sale of moonshining wine, and also knew that the Oak Gang was engaged in the business of contraband in addition to the moonshining business.

Lucas should definitely not only have this little stolen money in his hands.

Before the "Prohibition" was promulgated by the Bremen Empire, a bottle of whiskey could be bought for 5 cents. But now, the "Mr. Barley" privately brewed by the Oak Gang, which is low-quality whiskey mixed with water, is sold for 1 cent. One bottle of Nepal more than doubled, a huge profit.

As for the other "Grape Lady", which is privately brewed red wine, it sells for 3 pfennigs and 10 melangs a bottle. The Oak Gang must be extremely rich.

Gilan frowned and opened the ledger.

Soon he found the answer.

"Dawn 1926, January 31, delivered 53 gold Caesars to Mr. Pa Louis. Business was good during the New Year."

"Dawn, 1926, February 28, delivered 29 gold Caesars to Miss Beatty Lewis. The police department has been strict recently, and two brothers were almost arrested."


"Dawn of 1926, May 31, delivered 42 gold Caesars to Mr. Curt Lewis, sold a gramophone, and gave the seller a vinyl record."

"Thanks to the Fortune Well, the moonshining business is so good! The old gentleman values ​​me so much! Should I send a few more people to guard it... I'll think about it for a few days."

Gillan looked at the records and handwriting left by Lucas on the account book, and immediately understood that all the money of the Oak Gang was taken by the Lewis family behind it.

‘It seems that the connection between the Lewis family and the Oak Gang is closer than I thought. ’

Gilan closed the ledger, thought about it, and stuffed it into his handbag to take away.

He killed Lucas and a group of gangsters who framed him, plundered property worth about 25 Caesars, and was in a good mood.

He bent down and grabbed Lucas' body by the collar, and slowly walked out of the office.

A few moments had passed since the gunfight. Gang members disguised as porters from the scrap yard heard the sound and rushed over, crowding into the courtyard of the station building.

When they first saw the corpses strewn on the ground, they couldn't help but gasp, and the smell of blood filled their nostrils.

"Oh my God! What...what happened here?!"

The faces of these gangsters were full of shock.

Just then, someone noticed something and shouted quickly:

"Look! There's someone upstairs!"

Everyone immediately looked up, and in the next second, they saw a black shadow falling from the sky and falling heavily in front of them.

Bang! !

Dust rose and blood splashed everywhere.

Taking another closer look, it turned out to be a corpse with twisted limbs!

With his leather jacket, slicked back hair, and beard, isn't he none other than their boss, Lucas? !

" dead?!"

The gang members were horrified and stunned by this scene.

Not long after, a tall figure slowly walked out of the corridor.

He held a bag in one hand and a gun in the other, and walked slowly toward the crowd.

A strong wind blew across the yard, blowing off the beige soft hat on the man's head, revealing a messy blond hair with a cold smile underneath.

Soon, the man raised his pistol in this direction!

More than a dozen gangsters suddenly became numb, screamed and turned around to run away.

"Gilan is crazy! Run! Run!!"

However, Guillen did not fire.

He only kills those who want to harm him.

Seeing the gang members crawling and escaping, Gilan slowly put away his gun.

"I'm not crazy." Facing the wind, he strode forward. "I'm a classy gentleman."

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Thanks to "Xingchen Ye" for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to "The World of Humanity" for the 500-point reward!

Thanks to "Far Fire Roasted Rice Cake" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to "Xingguang Hanxuepiao" for the 100-point reward!

As an aside, the first round of PK for new books will begin next week. If you think "Dream of Epilepsy" is okay, I would like to encourage you to read it. Thank you!

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