From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 21 Discussion

The city of Brak is located in the northeastern part of the Bremen Empire and belongs to the Great Forest Area of ​​the Kawo State.

However, the entire city of Brak only covers an area of ​​24 square kilometers. It is not an exaggeration to call it a "small town". It is the smallest city in the large forest area.

Because the urban agglomeration is built on hilly landforms, there are many hills in Brak City. One of the highest mountains is called "Fengdeng". It is located in the city center and connects to the "Fengdeng Lake" at the foot of the mountain, forming a natural isolation zone. The dividing line between rich and poor areas.

Centered on the mountainside parliament building "Fondenburg", the surrounding urban area is called "Host", which is where the most powerful and wealthy people in Brak City gather.

At this moment, in a single-family apartment in the second block of Haust, four or five upper-class people were sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking tea and chatting.

"Pa, why are you so anxious to call us here? What's the important thing?"

A man with short brown hair and a thin face was sitting on the edge of the sofa, holding a delicate tea cup in his hand, crossing his legs and smiling cynically.

"Call brother, Curt, don't forget the etiquette your father taught you."

The man named "Pa" has neatly styled hair, sits upright, and wears a form-fitting striped suit, making him look extremely handsome. He glanced at his brother and said calmly.

However, Kurt didn't care about this and just smiled.

Beside him, a young woman wearing a sky blue low-cut long dress put down her teacup, her face with light makeup smiled, and her red lips spoke:

"Brother, did something happen to the Oak Gang?"

"Yeah." Pa nodded solemnly. "Lucas Parr is dead, along with a dozen gang members, including his henchmen."

Hearing this, the expressions of several direct descendants of the Lewis family present changed.

The Oak Gang is their money-spinner, and they are constantly sending Golden Caesars every month. Even if it is not much for nobles like them, it is still considerable, and it is an exquisite "dessert income".

Several men go to the club every month for entertainment and occasionally watch horse racing or fighting games. Women also need to buy various perfumes and fragrances to "anti-miasma", and there are expenses everywhere.

If the Oak Gang stops, their originally comfortable life will shrink a bit.

More importantly, the Oak Gang is the spy and tool that his father, Leighton Lewis, attaches great importance to.

As far as they know, their father has been letting Lucas secretly collect banned art and heretical books. The real purpose is to find the inheritance left by the ancestors of the Lewis family in their hometown of Braque City!

Father once said that their ancestors had powers beyond the ordinary. If they could get that inheritance, the Louis family would be longer and more glorious. They could even rise to the top and become one of the few nobles at the top of the Bremen Empire.

This is also the real reason why my father was willing to give up his many years of accumulation in the capital "Muse City" and return to this small marginal city after he retired from the "Imperial Chamber of Commerce".

The father handed over the management authority of the Oak Gang to several of their children. They can use the property they receive every month as they please, but they must not stop the secret mission!

Now that Lucas Parr, the gang leader, is dead, and his confidants are also dead, all the arrangements made by their father may be interrupted, and the brothers and sisters will inevitably suffer their father's wrath.

For this reason, a deathly silence fell in the living room.

"Did the Mangrove Street Police Department do it?" Kurt bit his finger, anger flashing in his eyes. "We have done a lot of good to the city police department. How dare they risk offending my father and kill Lucas!"

"It's none of the police station's business." Brother Pa shook his head and sighed. "It was a low-level member of the Oak Gang who did it."

"Huh?" The brothers and sisters were confused.

"Gang infighting?" Biddy, the second oldest, asked. "But how can a low-level gang member kill so many people?"

"His name is Guilan Ilos, he is 20 years old. He is just an ordinary gangster who grew up on Mangrove Street. He was arrested and imprisoned by the 'Prohibition Agents' when he was selling private wine a few days ago. But the strange thing is that this guy, on his own He killed eleven inmates at the Mangrove Street Police Station and nine police officers, including a two-star police inspector, and escaped."

Pa spoke in a deep voice to the brothers and sisters about the information he had gathered.

"This incident even alarmed the superiors of the police station. Mr. Stavin, the Minister of Propaganda of the Empire, personally signed an arrest warrant, and he was bound to be arrested... just because this guy stole the core object of an important project of the 'Purification Department'. A black mysterious film."

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, feeling incredible.

"After this Gilan escaped from the police station, he returned to the Oak Gang. Lucas originally planned to secretly hand him over to the authorities, but before he could do anything, he was killed by that guy."

Pa said, pinching his temples with a headache.

Kurt put down the teacup heavily and gritted his teeth and said:

"Where has that guy gone now? We can't just let it go! If father finds out, we will mess up the matter..."

He said with a hint of fear in his eyes.

The expressions of several brothers and sisters were also quite ugly. Brother Pa then spoke:

"Of course we can't just let it go. We have to find him first at the police station and find out the whereabouts of the film, and then leave it to my father to make a decision... The 'purification department' is not that easy to deal with. Even my father can't handle the pressure. All we can do now is try to make up for our mistakes."

Of course everyone understood what Pa meant.

After all, that Gilan is a member of the Oak Gang, and the Oak Gang is controlled by the Lewis family.

Now that the police station has lost something important, the "Purification Department" and even the Propaganda Minister are blaming it, and my father cannot bear the responsibility.

"Put together the money and ask Mr. Granny to help."

Pa glanced at everyone and said.

"Father has some friendship with him, so we might be able to get a discount on our commission."

Unexpectedly, none of the people present objected, but were extremely in favor.

Granny Remo is the most famous private detective in Braque City, with top-notch professional skills. At the same time, the most crucial point is that he also has another identity——

He is a "teacher" level fighter!

This is not a "teacher" comparable to the coaches in the fighting club, but a professional fighter who has passed the Bremen Empire military assessment and been issued a certification.

Mr. Glennie is even qualified to coach the local army!

"You each contribute 45 Caesars." Pa said, calling the butler and asking him to bring his wallet. "As the elder brother, I will contribute 70 Caesars...a total of 250 Caesars, which must be enough for Mr. Granny to do his best."

"Okay!" Although Kurt was in pain, he still gritted his teeth. "We must make that boy pay the price!"

Sister Biddy sighed.

Although the Oak Gang made such a big mistake, it was not their fault, but my father would not listen to their explanation. Now he could only try his best to recover the losses and make up for the mistakes.

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