From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 22 Detective

June 23, Wednesday, cloudy.

In the morning, at the Fengdeng River pier outside the wealthy area, a medium-sized ferry docked quietly. There were several small fishing boats floating around the river, and a dozen dock workers were busy unloading and hauling goods on the shore.

Several small carts selling food were placed on the embankment on the slope behind. Some passers-by were attracted by the smell of smoked salted dried herring and hot coffee and stopped.

A large number of workers wearing brown stoker shirts gathered together and walked along the embankment to the nearby Glass Glass Factory at 14 Wenlu Street.

What people didn't notice was that in a residential alley not far away, a young "beggar" was sitting on the ground, holding a warm ham and egg sandwich and munching on it.

His mouth was full from eating, but his cold eyes were always staring at every corner of the pier - there were a dozen police officers standing scattered there, patrolling around without leaving a trace, examining everyone on the pier. .

‘The train station has been blocked by the police station, and the dock seems to be impassable. ’

Jilan swallowed the food in his mouth, picked up a cup of hot cocoa beside him and poured it into his mouth.

His mood was as gloomy as the weather.

After leaving the Oak Gang, Gillan has been hiding for the past two days because he discovered that there are more and more "prohibition agents" patrolling the streets, but the purpose of these people is obviously not to inspect illegal liquor... but to Search for someone.

And this person is probably himself.

An obvious piece of evidence is that Gillan saw his wanted posters on several street walls, with a reward of 50 Caesars. Even if he provided valid clues, there would be a reward of 5 Caesars.

"How come a broken sandwich and a drink cost 5 cents? If Lucas hadn't been robbed of a sum of money, the deposit in the iron box would not be enough." ’

Jilan cursed secretly, crumpled the paper bag and cup into a ball, and threw it into the garbage pile beside him.

His current image can be described as quite embarrassing.

In order to cover up the blood stains on his body, he smeared a lot of mud on his body. The beige soft hat was blown away by the wind at the scrap yard. Gillan didn't pay attention at the time. Later, he simply disguised himself as a homeless man and scratched his blond hair. A little gray.

After not taking a shower for several days, Jilan only felt that she smelled bad.

But in order to survive, he didn't care about this.

‘Go back to the unfinished building to hide, and then think of other ways to leave. ’

Gillan turned around and walked towards the gray stone street at the southernmost end of the slum area.

Graystone Street is adjacent to Black Barrel Street and is a newly opened neighborhood. The local council originally planned to build an industrial zone in that area. However, due to financial and many other factors, the construction was forced to stop in the middle, resulting in a large number of unfinished buildings. .

The infrastructure of Greystone Street is incomplete and the transportation is inconvenient, so almost no one lives there. It is quite remote... but many displaced beggars or gang members are particularly fond of it.

Gilan also relied on his original memory to find a temporary place to stay on Graystone Street.

"Ah sneeze!"

As soon as he came out of the alleyway, he sneezed inexplicably and his head started to feel dizzy.

Holding on to the old wall covered with moss, Gilan bent down and coughed twice.

'Um? Got a cold? ’

Jilan had doubts in his eyes.

He thought that after practicing the "White Cross Body Training Technique", his body was stronger than that of normal men and he would not get sick easily. After entering the first stage of "mucus", the effect was particularly obvious. Even if I sneezed and coughed just now, there was no tears or phlegm.

‘It’s better to leave quickly. ’

After a short rest, he stood up straight again, looked around and found no one, and immediately took steps forward.

After walking carefully for a while, Gilan walked through the dirty and narrow alleys, returned to the gray stone block, and went straight to an unfinished building in a remote corner.

This building was originally supposed to have five floors, but only three floors were built. Several thick square cement pillars soared into the sky, and the steel wire mesh was exposed, rusted by wind and rain.

Gilan stepped on the cement steps and went up to the empty second floor, intending to sit in a familiar corner and rest for a while. Along the way, he felt that his throat was dry and itchy, his forehead was also a little warm, and he was very uncomfortable.

However, he soon stopped.

Because a strange man was standing there at the edge of the floor more than ten meters away.

This person was wearing a tweed hat and a brown high-end windbreaker. He had arrived at an unknown time. He was smoking a cigarette with his back to Gillan, and seemed to be looking at the desolate open space behind the unfinished building.

Jilan's eyes narrowed.

Judging from the other party's clothes, this person is obviously not a homeless man or a gang member, but more like an upper-class person in a wealthy area. But it feels wrong if he dares to appear alone here. After all, this place is too remote and chaotic. There is no chance that a group of thugs will rush out and steal your valuables, or even kill you.

Gilan pretended not to see the man and quietly backed away, planning to leave.

He is still wanted and does not want to have contact with anyone.

However, the man spoke without looking back:

"Mr. Guillain Iros."

The man's voice is very magnetic, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Ji Lan stopped again, narrowed his eyes and stared at the back of the strange man.

This person is coming for him!

"Who are you?" Jilan asked in a deep voice.

The man smiled and turned around, revealing an ordinary face. He had a mustache and looked to be in his thirties or forties.

"Granny Remo, a private detective, was hired to find you."

After the man took the last puff of his cigarette, he dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out with his shiny leather shoes.

Jilan kept an eye on the opponent's movements, kept his body in an alert posture, and continued to ask:

"Private detective...what do you want from me?"

"You took a black film from the Mangrove Street Police Station. My mission is to get it. If you can give it to me, I can pretend I didn't see you and leave directly."

Detective Glennie smiled gently.

"I haven't seen any film." Gillan said coldly.

"In this case, I can only take a heavy blow and hand you over to your employer."

Granny's smile faded.

Bang! !

A gunshot suddenly appeared.

However, Detective Glennie had already bent down and dived, evading the aim in advance. The bullet hit the cement pillar behind him, scattering dust and debris.

Gillan held the Gru pistol, but it was too late to aim and fire the second shot.

Snapped! !

Detective Glennie stepped forward, his black suit pants flashing through an afterimage, and his swift whip hit Gillan's hand accurately, kicking the Ruger pistol out of the unfinished building.

The pistol drew a black parabola, fell from the sky, and disappeared into the grass in the open space.

The detective had a sneer on his lips and was about to grab the young man in front of him.

"Seeking death!" Jilan's eyes were fierce.

He took a step forward, positioned himself within one meter of the detective, and suddenly popped out his right fist.

Whoosh—pop! !

This punch was originally aimed at the opponent's face, but Detective Glennie blocked it with his left arm.

Thump thump thump!

The detective took a few steps back before standing still.

Dust was rising around him. He raised his head in disbelief and said in surprise:

"'Instructor' level fighter?!"

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