From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 24 Secret Society


The brown horse slowly stopped its hooves, shook its head and neighed.

A man and a woman got off the carriage. The middle-aged man wearing a black top hat was holding a walnut wood cane inlaid with gold. The hem of his black coat reached his calves. He didn't seem to see the vigilant look on Gilan's face, so he took off his hat and said with a smile:

"A very exciting battle, Mr. Gillan. It seems that Detective Granny was no match for you. He died of his own overconfidence."

Ji Lan narrowed her eyes and looked at this man. The man's medium-long gray hair was neatly combed, and two strands of hair fell from his forehead, adding a bit of aristocratic temperament to his already mature and handsome face.

Those amber eyes seemed to take in the whole world, hiding stories.

"Are you in the same group?" Jilan said coldly.

"Oh, no." The middle-aged man shook his head. "We are not affiliated with any party, but we have been following you for a long time, Mr. Gillan."

"Being able to survive alone until now, after being hunted by the police, the Oak Gang, and the Lewis family, is enough to prove your excellence... We are willing to provide you with shelter."

The middle-aged man looked serious and said seriously.

However, Jilan was still wary. He took a step back and stood sideways so that he could take action or escape at any time.

"Protect me? Ha... let's not talk about whether you have the ability or not. Just tell me what you want. I think there should be no free lunch in this world."

Jilan said calmly.

The middle-aged man turned a blind eye to his actions, nodded and said:

"What we want is simple, your help."


"Yes, we need the 'real film' in your hand and your participation to help us explore the secrets left by that great being."

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

""Real Film" turns out that this is the name of that mysterious black film. ’

Gillan thought.

At the same time, the "great being" mentioned by the other party most likely refers to Si Chen, who created the film, the "director" who symbolizes February. Obviously this strange man and woman had a certain understanding of the origin and significance of film.

"So you guys are here for the film too." Gillan sneered.

"That's your thing, Mr. Gillan. We are not robbers who take things by force." The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled. “We just want to work together and bounce ideas off each other.”

"What kind of cooperation method?" Ji Lan raised his eyebrows.

Seeing that he seemed to be moving, the middle-aged man lowered his head slightly and put the hand holding the hat on his chest.

"Let me introduce myself first. Our secret society is called the 'Recording Club'. We gather together just to explore the secrets of the 'real film'. Of course, as members, we will also help each other... I will temporarily serve as the host of the 'Recording Club' , you can call me 'Mr. Stork'."

The middle-aged man smiled and raised his hand to signal the young woman beside him.

"This is also a member, Miss Sparrow."

Miss Sparrow, who was wearing a light yellow dress and a floral tie, made a skirt-lifting ceremony towards Ji Lan, with a smile on her pretty face with light makeup.

"Hello, Mr. Gillan." Her voice was sweet and gentle.

Gilan didn't answer, just nodded towards her.

Mr. Stork continued:

"Although there are not many members in the 'Recording Society', they are all rare elites. I can assure you that as long as you join, neither the police department, the Oak Gang, nor the Lewis family will be able to find you for the time being."

"As a cooperation, you need to take out your 'real film' for us to enter. Of course, you can also view the two 'real films' in our hands... but the corresponding consumption of 'mercury batteries' will require You're responsible for it."

After hearing what the other party said, Ji Lan fell into silence.

Mr. Stork didn't rush him, he just waited quietly.

Gillan's current biggest dilemma is the police chase, which makes him exhausted. Even if he has a certain ability to protect himself, it is still difficult to escape from Brak City. As the scope of the blockade shrinks, it is foreseeable that he will be arrested sooner or later.

By then, I'm afraid even death will be a luxury.

The conditions proposed by Mr. Stork were not too harsh, and the "Recording Club" also owned two other reels of film, which greatly aroused Gillan's interest.

The reason why I was able to escape repeatedly was precisely because I got the exorcist's weapons and equipment from "Yuezhuo Village # 1" and the "White Cross Body Forging Technique".

If he enters a new movie world, then Gilan can rely on "beautifulness" to obtain more armed forces to improve his strength... In this way, he can survive in this world better.

As for the "mercury battery" the other party mentioned, it must be the kind of silver cube that serves as the energy source to open the movie world... Gillan also has a huge sum of money at the moment, so he feels that this expense is not a problem.

"Okay, I agree to join you." Jilan said solemnly. "But I have a condition."

"Please say."

"I have to enter the movie world in your hands first before I take out my film."

Gillan stared at the other person.

Mr. Stork was startled for a moment, then he smiled sincerely and put on his black hat again.

"Of course, this is the sincerity we should show...Welcome to join." He took off the deerskin glove on his right hand and stretched out his hand. "But before that, I think you should give yourself a bird code name. This is the rule of the 'Recording Meeting'."

Ji Lan thought for a moment and reached out to shake it.

"Snowy Owl."




Gillan got into a private carriage.

This is the first time he has ridden in a carriage since he came to this world.

The convertible leather seats are very soft, and even when driving on gravel paths, the bumps are within an acceptable range.

Mr. Stork and Miss Sparrow did not show contempt or disgust for his clothes and "sloppy" image. On the contrary, Mr. Stork noticed something and took out a brand new black men's fedora hat from the small cabinet at his feet and handed it to him. Come over.

"Although it doesn't match your temperament, it's better than not wearing it at all."

Mr. Stork said softly.

Jilan looked at the man and woman sitting opposite him, hesitated for a moment, then took the hat and put it on his head.


"You're welcome." Mr. Stork smiled slightly.

"Mr. Snow Owl, you are contaminated by the 'miasma'." Miss Sparrow on the side saw Jilan's poor expression and saw that he was covered in mud and blood, so she spoke in a low voice. "It can be seen that you are not having a good time during this period. You even lost your hat... After returning to the secret residence of the society, you need to take a good bath, change clothes, and rest."

Gillan once again heard the talk about "miasma" and thanked Miss Sparrow for her concern.

After a brief silence, both sides spoke.

"If you don't follow the 'mystical dressing theory', will people definitely get sick, unlucky and crazy?"

Gilan asked the question that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

Mr. Stork and Miss Sparrow didn't seem to hear anything strange. They just thought it was a sign that Gillan was in a depressed mood after fleeing and being infected by the miasma.

"Yes, the world is filled with invisible and intangible 'miasma'. This is a recognized natural law for hundreds of thousands of years... But people are smart and will always come up with ways to deal with it. 'Dressing Science' is the most mainstream the wrist of."

Miss Sparrow stretched out her index finger and touched the corner of her mouth, showing a thoughtful look.

"In addition to the protection of the house, reducing the frequency of bathing and changing clothes frequently can also be considered as a method... Well, soap, fragrance and perfume should also be good anti-miasma supplies. And..."

She talked a lot in succession, and Gilan just listened silently.

Miss Sparrow's words made him think that this other world might really have the so-called "miasma".

"Not everyone is afraid of 'miasma'."

Mr. Stork spoke at the right moment and joined in the conversation.

"Such as those mysterious astrologers, alchemists and magicians."

"Is there really such a person? Mr. Stork?" Miss Sparrow raised her eyebrows, looking very interested. "Aren't these all fictitious stories in the story..."

Mr. Stork shook his head.

"Of course." He glanced at Miss Sparrow and Mr. Snow Owl, his expression didn't seem to be fake. "Because I've seen it with my own eyes."

Thanks to "Wupupil Tree" for the 5,000 point reward!

Thanks to "Luobobuuke" for the 2000 point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20210301104136489826" for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20210209233356369" for the 100-point reward!

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