From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 25 Secret Society 2

"When I was young, I traveled around the world and got to know an alchemist. I saw him turn stones into gold with my own eyes. He even used his body to resist bullets after taking alchemy potion..."

Mr. Stork recalled.

"Although I didn't get along with him for a long time, in those few months, I never saw him traveling wearing a hat, but he never showed any signs of being infected by the 'miasma'."

"Wow!" Miss Sparrow's beautiful eyes lit up. "How amazing! If I could have such power, I would turn all the dolls at home into gold!"

Mr. Stork shook his head helplessly and said:

"Miss Sparrow, your family is already quite wealthy... Moreover, if we study the 'real film', we will be able to find such a mysterious power one day."

Ji Lan glanced at Miss Sparrow without any trace, secretly thinking that this woman was probably a wealthy daughter, and she didn't know why she joined a mysterious society like the "Record Society".

He was also very interested in the alchemist Mr. Stork mentioned, so he asked:

"Mr. Stork, didn't you learn anything from that alchemist?"

"No." Mr. Stork sighed regretfully. "That is a mysterious power that requires extremely high talent to master. It's a pity that I don't have such talent."

"The alchemist did not call himself an 'alchemist', but called himself a 'spiritual mystic'... He once told me in a subtle way that the process of mastering this mysterious power is like climbing a mountain or trekking through the woods. On this rugged road, all seekers who study the mysterious arts call this road the 'Road of the Fire Sword'."

'"The Mysterious One", "The Path of the Fire Sword"...'

Ji Lan couldn't help but yearn for it.

This is not only to find strength to arm and protect oneself, but also an instinctive curiosity and desire for mystery.

He believes that with "Bailan" around, one day he will be able to come into contact with and master the mystery.




After the carriage left Gray Stone Street, it headed along the main road towards "Fengshan Mountain", where the wealthy area was located.

The neighborhood he originally passed through was quite familiar to Gilan.

After the carriage passed through the "Daffodil Square" by the "Fengden Lake", all the street scenes and environments felt strange to him.

The buildings here are tall, the streets are clean, and the shops are high-end and prosperous.

Pedestrians are mostly well-dressed and well behaved.

Even the originally bumpy carriage became stable and comfortable after driving onto the flat road here... It belongs here and should be enjoyed by the rich.

Gilan has never been here before, because you don't just enter the wealthy area.

If there is no proof of residence or employment, just based on his lower-class clothes, he will inevitably attract an interrogation by the patrolling security guards.

As you can imagine, you are lucky to be kicked out of a wealthy area. If you are unlucky, you may be charged with "obstructing public order" or "suspicious behavior" and taken to the police station for detention.

'The original man's biggest dream is to live in a wealthy area one day, buy a decent tombstone for his mother, and bury her in the "Fengdeng Cemetery" on the top of the mountain... But this dream is out of reach for him. ’

Jilan's eyes reflected the colorful scenery along the way, and her heart was filled with waves.

He put his hands on his warm legs and said secretly:

'You fulfilled my dream...I will also fulfill your dream. ’

‘This is a debt that a man cannot forget. ’

Mr. Stork, who was sitting opposite, caught Gilan's lost expression and thought he was looking forward to the life of a rich man, so he couldn't help but show a hint of emotion.

However, at this time, a group of police officers wearing "X" armbands with white stripes on a black background passed by the roadside. Mr. Stork narrowed his eyes and whispered:

"Host Police Department's search team."

When Miss Sparrow heard this, she reacted quickly. She immediately changed her seat and sat next to Ji Lan. She reached out and hugged his arm and leaned forward.

Gillan instinctively felt a resistance and wanted to push it away.

But Miss Sparrow in his arms raised her head, winked at him, and put an index finger on her lips.


At this time, Jilan also noticed the search team on the roadside. His heart was frightened, and he quickly lowered his head and pulled down his black felt hat.

But his body was still tight and stiff... Jilan had never had close contact with the opposite sex, which made him very uncomfortable.

The police officers from the search team glanced at it without paying attention.

It wasn't until the carriage passed a certain distance that Gilan raised his head and whispered to Miss Sparrow:


"You're welcome, Mr. Snow Owl." Miss Sparrow let go of her hand, sat upright again, and smiled. "As a member of the 'Recording Committee', you should be there to help each other."

At this moment, Ji Lan caught a glimpse of Miss Sparrow's clean leg-of-mutton sleeves and her white palms stained with her own mud, and couldn't help but said in a deep voice:

"Sorry for staining your clothes."

"It doesn't matter, I have to change it anyway."

Miss Sparrow seemed to see his guilt and said quickly.

As she spoke, she also took out a bottle of exquisite glass perfume from her bag and put it into Gillan's hand.

"Spray some, it will relieve your dizziness and discomfort."

Jilan looked at the valuable perfume bottle in his hand, hesitated for a while, then opened the cap and sprayed twice on his stinky body.

Suddenly, a mixed fragrance of citrus hits your nostrils.

The aromas of tangerine, lime, lemon, grapefruit and citron are intertwined together, seeming to create a girly and playful atmosphere, which relieves Gillan's tense mental state.

I don’t know if it was a psychological reason or if it was really effective. Gilan did feel that her dizziness and fever symptoms were relieved, and even her dry and itchy throat gradually became calmer.

"Thank you." Gilan thanked him again and handed back the perfume bottle.

Miss Sparrow took it and responded with a smile.

Ji Lan couldn't help but be stunned.

He didn't know how long it had been since he'd seen someone smile so sincerely at him.

Yes, sincerely.

The carriage finally stopped in front of a single-family apartment in the middle of Horst's third block.

There is a coffee shop on the first floor. On the side of the dark brown floor-to-ceiling window is the words "Horst Third Street, No. 13".

Gillan followed Mr. Stork and Miss Sparrow out of the carriage.

"Mr. Stork has rented out this entire apartment, and the annual rent is 85 Caesar... He also owns the coffee shop downstairs, and he always says that I am rich. I think he is the invisible rich man."

Miss Sparrow whispered beside Gillan.

Mr. Stork walked ahead, opened the double doors of the apartment next to the coffee shop, turned back and said with a smile:

"It's not a ladylike behavior to talk about others behind their backs... Please come in, you two."

Miss Sparrow stuck out her tongue at him, and then led Gillan into the apartment.

As soon as he entered, Gilan saw the spacious living room.

The huge leather sofa is placed in an "L" shape, surrounding the glass coffee table, and there is a crystal chandelier with a diameter of nearly two meters on the top.

The bright yellow light is reflected on the ground, and the polished wooden spiral staircase winds up to the upper floor, giving the whole place a clean and luxurious feel.

"Mr. Snow Owl, except for '201', '202', '205' on the second floor and '302' on the third floor, you can choose any one to stay in. Each room is equipped with a bathroom. You can first Go upstairs and take a shower, and I’ll ask old Jerry to bring you a change of clothes.”

Mr. Stork said to Gillan.

The "Old Jerry" he calls is the coachman who just drove the carriage and is also Mr. Stork's assistant and butler.

"It's almost dinner time. I will introduce you to other club members later."

Mr. Stork raised his hand to look at his watch and smiled.

Gillan looked around, took a deep breath, nodded to Mr. Stork and Miss Sparrow, then turned and went upstairs.

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