From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 26 Secret Society 3

The room Gilan chose was No. 301 on the third floor.

This room is close to the spiral staircase, which makes it easier to go up and down the stairs.

That's all.

According to Mr. Stork, he guessed that there should be another member of the "Recording Society" living in room "302" next door. He was just a newcomer and he did not intend to interact with other people with his current slovenly image.

After opening his own door, a small but clean and tidy bedroom came into view.

The carved glass window is facing the door, and the sunlight coming in at noon shines through the window, making it very bright and bright, and even makes the yellow-green patterned wallpaper in the room particularly bright.

On the right side is an old-fashioned wooden double bed, which is covered with warm and soft plaid cotton quilts. There is a red stool cabinet at the foot of the bed for sitting.

To the left is a fireplace, with a wall calendar hanging above it, but judging from the traces of the frame left on the wall, a large decorative painting should have been hung before...perhaps it was removed due to the "Art Order" Go destroyed.

To the left of the fireplace is a coat rack, and to the right is a wardrobe and full-length mirror.

Gillan looked at the room and nodded with satisfaction.

He took off the black felt hat that Mr. Stork gave him, put it on the bedside table together with his handbag, and immediately walked into the bathroom in the corner of the room.

'Finally I can take a bath...'

He took off his dirty clothes and let out a sigh of relief.

Open the water supply valve, and cold water pours from the shower head, washing over your body.

Amidst the sound of gurgling water, Jilan let herself go.

The long-lost feeling of comfort relaxed his tense nerves.

Those complicated thoughts and worries about the future seemed to be washed into the floor drain along with the black and red sewage under my feet.

Gillan opened the iron soap box in the hanging basket and took out a cut orange soap bar.

'I heard from Miss Sparrow that the cheapest soap costs 8 pfennigs per pound. It can not only clean the body, but also leave fragrance and prevent miasma... But ordinary working-class people can't afford it. Cleaning products in this world are really expensive. , simply a luxury product. ’

You know, in this era and in this country, beef is only 8 cents per pound, but the price of soap is more than ten times that.

Growing up, Yuan Shen always used clean water to bathe, and occasionally dipped some cheap tooth powder into it and rubbed it hard. Most of the residents in the Mangrove Street slum are like this.

As Gilan lathered up his body with soap and wiped his body, he thought to himself:

‘According to her, it’s because mysterious formulas are added to these cleaning products that they can resist the ‘miasma’, so they are expensive...’

At this time, an old male voice came from outside the bathroom:

"Mr. Snow Owl, Mr. Stork asked me to bring you a change of clothes, and I put them on your bed."

"Okay, thank you. Also thank Mr. Stork for me."

Ji Lan stopped what he was doing and responded toward the door.

"Yes, sir." Old Jerry, the butler, replied.

Immediately, the footsteps moved away, followed by the sound of the bedroom door closing.

After a while.

After taking a shower, Gilan dried her body with a brand new towel, walked out of the bathroom and changed into clothes.

This is a simple white shirt and trousers, which also comes with a belt and a blue tie. The clothes are a little too big, but they don't look ugly when he wears them. Instead, they give people a lazy and carefree look.

Putting on his black felt hat, Gillan went straight downstairs.

Because of the soap, he could smell a strong fragrance on his body. The fragrance of lavender mixed with violets made him energetic.

As soon as he got down to the first floor, Ji Lan heard bursts of chatter and laughter coming from the restaurant.

He followed the sound and soon saw a round dining table with four people, two men and two women, sitting there. In addition to Mr. Stork and Miss Sparrow, there were two other strange men and women.

At this time, Miss Sparrow took off the lace on her head, her smooth blond hair fell down, and she only tied it into a simple low ponytail. A young woman was sitting next to her, talking and laughing with her, her bright red lips slightly raised.

The woman was tall and slender, wearing a blue-gray dress and a beige collar flower on her plump chest. She has short black hair that reaches her ears, a high nose bridge, sharp lip lines, and an air of perseverance between her brows, which makes her unusual.

"Mr. Snow Owl, you're here." Miss Sparrow's eyes lit up when she saw Jilan, and she immediately waved with a smile. "Hurry up and sit down. Old Jerry is preparing the meal. It will be ready soon... Also, I have to compliment you. This outfit suits you really well. It looks very good!"


Ji Lan nodded towards her and glanced at the stove behind him - the old housekeeper who had just delivered his clothes upstairs was wearing an apron and skillfully stirring the soup in the pot.

‘So old Jerry is not only Mr. Stork’s assistant and butler, but also the groom and cook? ’

He couldn't help but be amazed at Old Jerry's versatility.

After he took off his hat and sat down at the table, Mr. Stork, who was in charge, raised his hand and introduced Gillan:

"This is the new member of our club, Mr. Snow Owl. He is quite capable. He defeated Granny Remo single-handedly and he also has a new reel of film in his hand."

"Welcome." The short-haired woman raised her eyebrows and smiled at Jilan. "You can call me 'Seagull'."

Her light brown eyes flashed, showing a strong look of inquiry.

"Miss Seagull, please." Ji Lan nodded towards her.

This woman gave him an inexplicable sense of aggression, which made him slightly uncomfortable.

"Welcome to join us, Mr. Snow Owl."

Another strange man smiled heartily and stretched out his hand towards Gilan.

"I didn't expect you to be able to defeat Detective Granny. You are a 'teacher' level fighter... Sorry, I talked too much. I forgot to introduce myself. I am 'Oystercatcher' and I also like fighting. , we can discuss and learn from each other when we have time.”

"No problem, Mr. Oystercatcher." Gillan extended his hand to shake it.

The man was muscular, wearing a plaid shirt and a leather vest. He has short brown-red hair, thick eyebrows and a beard, and has a strong sense of power in his movements.

But Mr. Oystercatcher doesn't give Gillan as much of a threat as Detective Glennie does.

"Now that everyone is here, let's chat while eating."

While Old Jerry was bringing the food, Mr. Stork spoke to everyone.

"To show my sincerity, I decided to enter the "Black Lake" movie on the next 'movie day', and then slowly study the 'real film' in Mr. Snow Owl's hands." He turned to look at Gillan.

Ji Lan nodded slightly.

"No problem." Miss Seagull opened her red lips slightly as she cut the steak. "It just so happened that the movie we explored last time was the one we explored. We already have preliminary information."

"Yes, I am summarizing the information. I will try to type it out on a typewriter tonight. I will give each of you one copy after copying it tomorrow."

Mr. Stork ate the salt-grilled fish fillets and spoke softly.

Everyone briefly discussed "Black Lake" for a while. Gilan was confused, so he just ate in silence.

Through listening, he soon learned that the "real film" known as "Black Lake" came from Mr. Oystercatcher and belonged to his father. He later donated it to the "Recording Society" free of charge.

The background of the movie is not much different from the present time, but it takes place in a "town of Fayelan" that has never been heard of, where legends about demons seem to be circulating.

The four members of the "recording meeting" went in once, but they only had a brief taste. They briefly explored the situation and then exited, planning to explore a second time after being fully prepared.

Their overall assessment is that the risk is not high.

"Then the 'movie viewing day' will be June 25, which is ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Mr. Stork swallowed the food, wiped his mouth with the napkin at hand, and said.

"Still the old rule, the cost of the 'mercury battery' is shared equally by everyone."

Taking advantage of the gap in the discussion just now, Gillan asked Miss Sparrow beside him about the "mercury battery". According to the other party, this kind of battery is different from the "whale oil battery" and cannot be bought on the market at all. It seems that Specially used to power the machinery and equipment of the Imperial Secret Service.

But for some reason, only projectors using "mercury batteries" can play "real film" normally.

Its production process is quite complex and there are technical barriers. Apart from the official government, only a few black merchants have the supply.

In the "Recording Meeting", Mr. Stork and Miss Seagull both have their own channels to purchase "mercury batteries", but they are quite expensive, costing 100 gold Caesars per battery, and occasionally the price increases.

Four people can watch movies at the same time, so it can be used twice.

Now that Jilan is added, the energy supply time may be shortened even further.

"no problem."

Miss Seagull and Mr. Oystercatcher nodded in agreement.

Miss Sparrow turned her head and glanced at Ji Lan, and then whispered to Mr. Stork:

"Then let me help Mr. Snow Owl with his share first."

Ji Lan was slightly startled.

He saw Miss Sparrow blinking at him and suddenly realized that the other party knew that he came from the poor area and was worried that he did not have enough funds to pay for this team fee.

"Haha, Miss Sparrow is still so kind."

Mr. Oystercatcher gave her a thumbs up and complimented her.

But Miss Seagull showed a meaningful smile and joked:

"As expected of a little sparrow in a golden cage, he is quite rich... Why don't you give me an advance as well?"

"Miss Seagull is powerful, so don't bully me."

Miss Sparrow rolled her eyes.

"Thank you, Miss Sparrow." Ji Lan suddenly spoke. "I still have some money on me, enough to pay for this."

He said, got up and went upstairs, and soon came down again carrying a handbag.

Then, with everyone's weird expressions on their faces, he took out a large gold watch, two gold bars, two Borchardt pistols and a bunch of magazines from his bag.

"By the way, does any of you know where I can sell these?"

Thanks to "Bai Xiyan" for the 5000 point reward!

Thanks to "Far Fire Roasted Rice Cake" for the 500 point reward!

Thanks to "Wittwood" for the 200 points reward!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from "This sword, you should be optimistic about it"!

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