From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 249 Divination

It stands to reason that whether a "wizard" or a "magician" has an affair with the devil, it is a violation of the "blasphemous order" within the empire and will be arrested and secretly tried.

But Gillan was not worried about this at all.

the reason is simple.

His current identity is the leader of the investigation committee.

In terms of status alone, he is even superior to the deputy ministers of regular departments.

Not to mention that the "blasphemy order" was issued by the Purification Department, and the initiator of the order was Propaganda Minister Stavin Lotito. He and the commander-in-chief of the military, Reich Mesa, were both "hawks" in the center of imperial power.

As the balance department and logistics department of the "Crow Faction", they can't deal with it.

The Investigative Committee has a transcendent status, and Stavin can't control it even if he wants to, let alone dispatch a decontamination team to arrest Gillan.

If he dared to do this, he wouldn't even have to wait until the next day. Within an hour, Chairman Parra would send a committee member to "invite" Stavin to the committee hall for tea.

Even if Stavin saw Gilan driving the devil with his own eyes, he could only ignore his true intentions and spare no effort to praise him, saying that Captain Gilan had a thorough research on the occult and could use this power to serve the empire.

This is the huge change and contrast brought about by the improvement of strength and status...

"Leader Jilan, is this your familiar?"

Maiev looked at the enchanting little man and asked curiously.

As soon as Jilan waved, Weiwei sat on his shoulder and waved to Maiev with a playful smile.

"Yeah." Gillan nodded. “It has helped me a lot on my journey of finding my way.”

Maiev raised her pretty eyebrows, feeling that the relationship between the other party and his familiar was much better than the "wizard" in his impression.

She said no more, but called her committee members over to clean up the battlefield.

After a while.

The lobby on the first floor of the hotel seemed empty due to the sudden situation just now. All the guests were scared away.

Jilan and Maiev were sitting in the corner chatting. The landlady learned that the two were official dignitaries. She was in awe and offered them food and drinks with great hospitality.

"This pursuit mission was successfully completed!"

Maiev smiled as she drank her coffee.

"Although it's a pity that I couldn't capture the target alive... But anyway, it's all thanks to you, Mr. Gillan, otherwise it wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

"Although Ramon and Crook are twin gray-scarred 'scar-bearers', it would be strange if the two committee leaders could not quickly deal with them if they took action at the same time."

Ji Lan shook his head.

Maiev smiled slightly, and the other party's words were indeed correct.

But she felt a little sad in her heart.

Ramon Farhan, as the biological father of Mr. Gillan, had no good intentions from the beginning and planned to follow the evil "eldest son sacrifice system" within the "Heavenly Evil Order" and use him as a sacrifice for the "sharing ceremony" .

Now, Mr. Gillan has to kill his biological father... Although he looks calm and relaxed, he must be in pain inside, right?

Maiev secretly expressed sympathy and deliberately did not mention this topic, pretending that she did not know.

"We will spend the night in this hotel and return to Mussiti tomorrow morning."

she suggested.

"Okay." Ji Lan had no objection and nodded in agreement.




At night.

The two groups of committee members took up residence on the second floor of the hotel.

Gillan stayed alone in a most upscale suite, but this was just a small town after all, and even the suite's internal conditions and facilities were not as good as the worst hotels in North Muse.

He doesn't have any requirements for this, as long as he can live there.

The curtains are closed in the dark room.

There was silence all around.

Four burning white candles stood on the desk in front of the window, and the firelight was shining on a bone carving board.


Ji Lan opened the cork of the thin-necked and fat-bellied bottle, and lightly sprinkled the last 1 ink unit of mysterious dust on the Ouija board of Luo Sexiu.

The gray-black dust shone a little brightly under the candlelight, and slowly sank into the Ouija board, as if it merged with it.

"Where is Maxwell Farhan now?"

Ji Lan closed her eyes and asked calmly.

His fingers clung to the cold and smooth hollow bone fragments, an inexplicable cool breeze blew by, the candle flames swayed, and the bone fragments began to move on the Ouija board on their own!


Ji Lan silently memorized the movement trajectory of the bone fragments, which moved twenty-two times this time.

Not long after.

Wait until the bone fragments completely stop.

Only then did Gilan open his eyes, combine the ancient Xilu letters on the Ouija board, and interpret the divination predictions.

"North of Muse City...the town of Petyr...the east...the suburban trails."

"Huh?" Jilan narrowed his eyes. "Around here?!"

He thought for a while and quickly figured out the reason.

I'm afraid this old guy has always been in contact with Ramon. This time he was probably here to help Ramon and Crook, but he didn't expect the investigation committee to move so quickly.

Seeing that the situation is not good now, I am planning to leave.

"Cunning old thing!"

Gilan put away the Ouija board on the table, blew out the candles, and stood up immediately.

"Now that you're here, don't leave..."

He turned around and strode out of the room, picking up his coat and hat and putting them on.

Gillan immediately went to the next room and knocked on Maiev's door.

The female team leader had not yet gone to bed. When she opened the door, she looked confused and heard Gillan talk about the fact that Maxwell Farhan was also in Petyr Town and was planning to escape.

Maiev looked surprised.

She looked at Ji Lan's expression that didn't look like he was joking, and knew that the situation was urgent, so she didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she quickly went to other rooms and summoned all eight committee members. Immediately, the group went downstairs without stopping and took a car towards the east of the town. go.

The town is very quiet at night.

Because the lighting system is not yet complete, there are not many street lights and the light is not sufficient.

The roar of the car engine seemed particularly loud.

Gilan drove the car with a calm expression. Maiev, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned to him and asked:

"Leader Jilan, is the information accurate?"


Jilan said bluntly without squinting his eyes.

"But I feel that I would rather give it a try than miss this opportunity. If Maxwell is let go because of this, it will be very difficult to catch him in the future."

"That's right." Maiev pondered. "However, can you elaborate on the source of the information?"

"Occult means."

Ji Lan glanced at the woman and said calmly.



Maiev raised a pretty eyebrow.

If ordinary people heard about divination, they would probably be suspicious of it, or even sneer at it, thinking it was some kind of trick.

But as the leader of the mysterious investigation committee, she is extremely serious and serious about this.


It's not illusory.

In the context of occultism, strictly speaking, it is a higher power that ordinary mystics do not possess.

Only those who have mastered the Four Paths of the Spirit or are proficient in astrology can master divination... Of course, some ancient occult creations also have the effect of divination, warning or prophecy.

After thinking for a while, Maiev basically confirmed in his mind that the "divination" mentioned by Gilan Yiros was most likely based on some kind of mystical creation.

She was even a little envious of this.

Even within the committee, divination artifacts are extremely precious and rare... As far as she knows personally, she has not heard of any team leader having such a thing in their hands.

Gilan possesses the power of "divination", which will not only be a huge help in carrying out future tasks, but also ensure his own safety.

It can be encountered but cannot be sought.

After a while.

A group of people intercepted a suspicious car on a dark suburban road.

"Get out of the car and get checked."

Maiev strode forward, holding a small white pistol in one hand and a square flashlight in the other. The muzzle of the gun followed the beam and was pointed at a rich young man in the driver's seat.

"You...who are you?"

The young man looked frightened, and a young female companion in the passenger seat also looked uneasy. She nervously grasped the corner of the young man's clothes and hid behind him.

But Maiev still had the same indifferent expression as when she was performing official duties, and her gun was waving.

"The Empire's special department is secretly investigating. Once again, turn off the engine and get out of the car immediately, otherwise we will take coercive measures."

"Okay, okay...we are willing to cooperate!"

The young man quickly turned the key to turn off the engine, then opened the door and got out of the car, raising his hands.

The female companion beside him also behaved the same way.

Ji Lan stood aside, silently observing the two people's reactions at an angle, and found that their fear and uneasiness did not seem to be fake.

"Your car seemed to be parked on the side of the road just now, but the man came out of the forest. What were you doing?"

Maiev asked calmly.

The young man glanced behind the long black-haired woman. Eight men and women in suits and ties were holding pistols with indifferent expressions, blocking the way forward.

He looked behind him again, and saw a blond young man looking at them expressionlessly.

"Go...uh, go to the toilet..."

The young man opened his mouth, looking embarrassed and embarrassed.

The female companion next to him was blushing.

"It takes two people to go to the toilet?"

Maiev said suspiciously.

The young man quickly explained:

"This suburb is not safe. I was worried about wild animals, so I accompanied Dansi there..."

"Are you going to play in the field?"

Maiev frowned and said without hesitation.

"Cough!" The young man coughed violently.

The female companion beside him even covered her face.

"Okay, let's go..."

Maiev sighed and waved her gun.

"Thank you, officer!"

The young man looked happy and took his female companion with him to go back to the car, but was blocked by the blond young man behind him.


He raised his head and looked at the cold expression of the blond young man close at hand, and his heart skipped a beat.

"This... this police officer? Is there anything else you can do?"

"You two, take off your clothes."

Jilan said calmly.


Both the young man and his female companion were shocked.

Even Maiev raised her eyebrows, but she quickly thought of something and did not stop her.

"Members of the 'Heavenly Evil Cult' must have hideous scars on their bodies... You can leave if you want, provided that you two don't have large scars on your bodies."

Gilan said, slowly pulling out the silver revolver from his waist.

He chuckled lightly, his eyes meaningful.

"It can't be such a coincidence, you all have it, right?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of both the young man and his female companion changed slightly.

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