From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 250 Doing everything

"Run separately!!"

The young man shouted loudly without warning and suddenly ran towards the woods on the right.

And the female companion beside him also fled in the other direction in a tacit understanding.

The movements of the two were extremely fast and violent, completely different from the performance of ordinary people just now. In addition, the incident happened suddenly. If it were an ordinary police officer here, he might have let the two of them run away.

However, what they faced was the investigation committee.

Snapped! !

The young man just took two steps and dived towards the dark woods, but the next second, he felt his inertia stagnant.

The back of his neck was clamped by a strong hand!

His pupils shrank sharply.

Just when I was about to raise my hand to fight back, I felt a pain in my knee socket!

Bang! !

Suddenly, his body lost support and he fell to his knees.

The next second, the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against the back of his head, and the indifferent voice of the blond young man came:

"Are you in contact with Maxwell Farhan, the 'grey scar priest' within the esoteric cult?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Cold sweat broke out from the young man's forehead, and he gritted his teeth.

Then, he heard a sigh from behind him.

Bang! !

The young man only felt his head shake, and he suffered a heavy blow from the whip on the back of his neck!

He fell to the ground in an instant, and his head was firmly stepped on by a leather shoe. His cheek was pressed against the gravel ground, and he felt a strong stinging sensation.

Ji Lan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this man and called directly:


"Yes, Master!"

The little familiar flew out and lay down in front of the young man in a tacit understanding, peering into his eyes.

Weiwei's dark eyes reflected pictures of the young man's past.

Not long after.

It flew back and kissed its owner on the cheek.

Through the sharing of memories, Gillan instantly learned the true identity of the person at his feet, as well as the other person's previous actions.

'As expected, he is a member of the "Heavenly Evil Cult"...'

Ji Lan secretly thought.

At the same time, as expected, this man and woman had just met Maxwell in the woods, and when they were about to leave, they were caught by the committee and his party.

It's no wonder that the frightened expressions just now didn't look fake...the two of them were really frightened.

But Gillan admired their acting skills, even Maiev was fooled.

He secretly complained that these two guys would not follow the "Path of the Fire Sword" and become "liars" or "actors", which would be a bit humiliating.

Gillan turned to look.

It was discovered that the young woman who had escaped had also been easily caught by Maiev, and she was holding her in her hand as she fainted.

"Leave four people to keep an eye on these two guys, and the rest of the committee members will follow me!"

Gilan said to the committee members, turned around and walked towards the woods.

"Yes, Team Leader Jilan."

The male and female committee members responded in unison.

Immediately, after a brief exchange, they separated into four people and followed Gilan closely.

After Maiev handed the young woman into the hands of the remaining committee members, she quickly caught up.

"Find Maxwell Farhan?"

She leaned closer to Ji Lan and asked.

Gilan hummed, his eyes scanning the dark woods.

"If nothing else, he should still be inside... We made too much noise just now, he should have noticed it, so be careful."

"Okay." Maiev nodded and whispered a few instructions to the other four committee members.

Gillan gestured.

The demon Weiwei flew over the woods, like an eagle searching for enemies. With the devil's special gnosis, it searched for traces of human figures in a wide range.

The four committee members spread out and patrolled around to prevent Maxwell from taking the opportunity to take a detour and escape.

Not long after.


A majestic howl of a wolf came from the forest on the left front, and everyone present quickly turned their heads to look.


I saw a strong black shadow flashing away, leaving a dazzling red light in the darkness along with the iconic "X"-shaped mark on "Scar Wolf's" eyes.

"Miss Maiev, you lead the team to chase her."

Ji Lan was not impulsive and said with calm eyes.

"But it's also possible that this is just Maxwell's trick to attract our attention and wait for an opportunity to escape... I stayed behind and let the familiar continue to monitor the movements on the other side."

"Okay." Maiev agreed with his view and nodded in agreement. "Be careful yourself."

After saying that, she gave an order and led the four committee members to quickly chase in the direction where Scar Wolf disappeared.

The group of people gradually disappeared into the dark forest.

Jilan walked forward slowly and leisurely, and the little familiar above him suddenly screamed.

"Master! There is an old man running to your right!"


Gillan sneered.

As he expected, the old guy Maxwell was cunning. He would rather give up his split "Scar Wolf" as a bait and cut off his wrist to fight for the chance to escape.


Ji Lan stepped on her foot and her figure flickered in the forest.

Although the bright moon has risen, the moonlight is dim, making it difficult to see even one's fingers in the dense forest.

The field of vision that Jilan saw with his eyes was as bright as day. This was the advantage that the White Cross Body Training Technique brought to him.

At the same time, coupled with the effect of high gnosis, not even the slightest movement can escape his perception.

A figure walking through the forest was quickly caught up by Ji Lan.


The white-haired old man glanced back, with a stern look on his face, and decisively released the power of "Grey Scar".


He roared, and his body suddenly rose up, transforming into a strong werewolf.

Maxwell's werewolf image is different from Viscount Robben and Ramon. He looked taller, and the hair all over his body was not black and shiny, but mixed with some grey.

Look more sophisticated and powerful!

This is a senior believer of "Scar Father"!

"Gilan, my good grandson... you have already killed Ramon and avenged yourself, so why are you chasing after me?"

As Maxwell ran wildly, he turned his head and said calmly to the blond young man chasing behind him.

"If you hadn't intervened last time, I would have killed him long ago... Since you chose to intervene in my affairs, don't blame me for killing you too."

Ji Lan took a long breath and said calmly.

He moved around in the mud filled with rotting leaves, his body passing through afterimages.

The distance between the two is still getting closer.

Obviously, his speed is even better than the transformed old Earl Maxwell!

"I'm proud of you for having such ability at such a young age... and at the same time, I'm happy for your stupidity and arrogance. Haha, if you don't chase me alone, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to kill you before leaving. here."


The two-meter-forty-five-meter-tall strong werewolf suddenly stopped, suddenly changed direction, and punched behind him.

"Death!!" Maxwell shouted hoarsely.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was not afraid at all and punched as well. A fist that was much smaller than the size of the fist collided head-on with it, making a loud explosion and strong winds scattered in all directions.

Bang! ! !

The tall old werewolf only felt pain in his fists, and a huge force pushed him backwards. His back slammed into a thick tree, and the tree crown shook violently and rustled.


Maxwell looked up in disbelief.

In the dark blue wolf eyes, the pupils shrank suddenly.

This young grandson, with his mortal body, actually overpowered him in a fist fight? !

Under the dim moonlight, I saw a tall figure walking through the dark forest.

The young man's bloody hair is messy and there is no wind.

His fair and handsome facial features showed a frightening and crazy smile. There are dense black blood vessels on both sides of a pair of dark eyes.

The sense of oppression coming from the other party made Maxwell unconsciously feel strong uneasiness from the bottom of his heart.

Gillan, who had activated "Humanity Release", directly let the "Mad King" take over his body. His consciousness was hanging high and he was indifferently overlooking the overall situation.

bass! !

Jilan stepped forward and kicked him directly.

The terrifying air waves roared, frightening the old werewolf's face to change dramatically.

Oh shit!

What kind of monster is this kid? !

Maxwell was filled with shock and suspicion, and he threw himself to the side. Although he was embarrassed, he did not care about his grace in order to survive.

He just dodged.

Bang! ! !

A deafening loud noise came from behind!

Countless sawdust exploded and scattered in all directions. The tree, which was as thick as an adult man's waist, was kicked in half and collapsed. There was a loud rumble and smoke rising high.

When Maxwell saw this, his eyes twitched!



His heart beat rapidly. He still had the strong desire to fight, so he turned around and ran away!

I wish I had eight legs!

I don't know what state this grandson has entered, and his fighting power is overwhelming. Maxwell even suspected that even if it were the "Scar Bearer" with three gray scars within the "Heavenly Evil Order", he would be beaten to death on the spot!


Run quickly!

Maxwell was secretly annoyed. If he had known it, he would have broken out from the other side... Although Gillan was only one person, facing him would have been worse than facing an entire team of committee members!

Maxwell ran away wildly, but within a few seconds, his heart sank.

Because the figure of the blood-haired young man had quietly sneaked in front of him!

The other party didn't say anything and attacked directly!

Bang bang! !

Bang bang bang bang! ! !


The old werewolf couldn't escape, so he had to fight for his life, roar and punch hard, and engage in the most brutal and primitive hand-to-hand fight with the opponent.


Just a few breaths of time.

Maxwell received more than a dozen punches!

The wolf's face, chin, chest, abdomen, and ribs were all bruised, bruised, and bruised by the terrifying heavy punches.


The old werewolf spurted blood from his mouth and howled.

His injuries were so severe that he could no longer hold on and fell to his knees in the mud with a plop.

Maxwell raised his head tremblingly, still wanting to speak to deal with it.

The other party said nothing.

Taking a step forward, another explosive kick came!

The actual murderous intent was like layers of black waves, drowning Maxwell...

He wanted to hide away, but his body couldn't move!

The blood-haired young man's kicks were so fast that he couldn't even see them clearly!

Bang! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the old werewolf who was kneeling on the ground flew out horizontally, rolled and slid on the ground for more than ten meters, and plowed a wide ravine.

Finally, he collapsed to the ground and became motionless.

Gillan strode away.

During this process, his red hair, dark eyes, and blood vessels at the corners of his eyes all faded away, returning to normal.

The ferocious smile slowly turned back to a rational look.

Gillan came to a stop in front of the old werewolf's body.

He bent down and searched his body, and unexpectedly found a secret letter that he had not yet opened. It was probably the one the man and woman had given to Maxwell just now.

Nothing but this letter.

Jilan thought for a while, then raised his head and asked Weiwei, who was hovering in the air, about the situation over there.

"Master, your companions have just killed the giant wolf. They are still far away from you... but they are coming here."

Weiwei answered truthfully.

Gillan reached out decisively and touched Maxwell.

Colorful light blooms.

The werewolf's corpse then decayed, quickly turned into dust and disappeared without a trace.

A piece of fur was left on the ground, with a cross flame-like gray scar branded on it.

The color number "94" in the corner of Jilan's vision jumped.

It became "194"!

100 points of mysterious energy!

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