From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 251 Meritorious Service

Jilan raised his eyebrows.

'This old guy has quite a lot of mysterious energy...'

His mysterious points, which originally fell below double digits, are now back to three digits after being supplemented by old Earl Maxwell.

It's enough to meet unexpected needs.

Ji Lan picked up the piece of gray-scarred fur on the ground, opened the seal of the secret letter on the spot, pulled out the letter paper inside, and read it.

There was only faint moonlight in the dark forest, but he could clearly read the writing on it.

Soon, Jilan's eyes hardened.

The content of the secret letter mainly urged Maxwell Farhan to go north as soon as possible to the important trading city "Bosivia" on the northern border of the empire.

It can be seen from the secret letter that the Cult of Heavenly Evil seems to have some contact with the Owena Federation, and even colluded together, secretly plotting something, and planning to make big moves in "Bosylvia".

'This is important information...'

Ji Lan thought to herself and put away the secret letter.

He turned around and left, heading towards the direction of Maiev's team.

Not long after.

The two sides met again in the forest.

"Alert cleared, it's Team Leader Gilan Iros."

Maiev's voice came from the darkness.

There was some movement around, and the four committee members put down their pistols and gathered together.

Before Maiev could ask, Gilan had already taken the initiative to step forward, without saying a word, took out the piece of fur and handed it to her hand.

"This is……"

Maiev held the fur, lowered her head and looked at it, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Maxwell has been killed by you?!"

"Yeah." Jilan said calmly. "He used the split 'Scar Wolf' to attract your attention and tried to escape from the other side, but I caught him."

Hearing this, the other four committee members were also shocked.

Maxwell Farhan is a senior "scar bearer" with double gray scars, and his strength is much higher than that of ordinary committee members.

In less than ten minutes, he was killed by Team Leader Jilan single-handedly?

Team Leader Jilan's strength is as strong as rumored...

"I also got an important piece of information from Maxwell."

Gilan said, made a gesture, and then walked out of the dense forest.

"We'll talk on the way."

"Okay." Maiev nodded.

She called to her committee members and followed them together.

After a while.

Gilan drove on the forest path and returned to the small town of Petyr.

He grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, took out a confidential letter from the outer pocket of his coat with the other hand, and handed it to the co-pilot, Maiev.

When Maiev took out the letter and read it over, her face became stern.

"It is indeed an important piece of information."

She said, frowning and gritting her teeth.

"This group of damn, inhumane Heavenly Evil Cult lunatics always like to stir up trouble... I really want to kill them all!"

Maiev's life experience is closely related to the Cult of Heavenly Evil.

Her parents were both members of the Heavenly Evil Cult. When she was young, it was precisely because she was persecuted by the Cult that her mother had no choice but to be forced to leave her hometown and flee.

It can be said that among the entire committee, the person who hates the Cult of Heavenly Evil the most is probably Maiev Martieri.

"This is what 'Scar Father' believers are like."

Gillan shook his head.

"Killing, chaos, war...this is exactly what they desire, in order to please the First Secretary, so as to obtain rewards and feedback."

"The war between the Empire and the Federation is now at a critical period. The move of the Heavenly Evil Order is probably in line with the Federation's wishes. It is not surprising that the two sides have conspired together."

Maiev folded the letter carefully, stuffed it back into the secret letter, turned to Jilan and said:

"We need to report this to Chairman Parra as soon as possible!"

"Yeah." Gillan parked the car downstairs of the hotel and turned the key to turn off the engine. "We will return to the capital early tomorrow morning."




October 8th.

The two committee teams led by Gillan and Maiev returned to Muse City successfully.

The two immediately went to the Triumph Building in the Central Triumph District and took the elevator to the 70th floor.

They first went to the handover office, made written notes and oral notes on the detailed process of the task, and the clerk compiled it into a book using a typewriter, and made several copies for the record.

The "grey scars" left by Ramon, Crook and Maxwell were also handed over to professionals for review, inspection and preservation.

The two committee committee teams that went out to perform the mission this time both received corresponding merit awards.

Among them, Jilan and Maiev, as team leaders, received the most merit, 200 each. Jilan made the greatest contribution, adding an additional 50 meritorious deeds.

As for the other eight committee members, they all have 50 meritorious service.

After leaving the handover office.

Jilan opened the "Investigation Book" in his hand and took a look. Every achievement recorded on it was explained in detail. The total number of achievements currently is 300.

After this.

The two of them took the copied documents and went to the chairman's office to report the situation to Pala Celsus.

It's approaching evening.

The rays of the setting sun shine through the windows of high-rise buildings, dyeing the room golden.

"...You guys did a great job."

The white-haired old man Parra sat behind a huge curved desk. He folded the letter paper on hand again and stuffed it into the secret letter. He raised his eyes and chuckled in approval.

"This information will help the empire prepare in advance. It may also be used to deploy an ambush in Bosvia to arrest the Heavenly Evil Cult and federal spies."

"Add 100 to each of your merits."

Parra looked pleased and added:

"Of course, there are special additional rewards, you can try to come up with them yourself..."

Maiev was a little surprised.

Chairman Parra's special rewards are never given out lightly. Only committee members who have made significant contributions to the Empire are eligible.

Moreover, as a famous mystic, alchemist and scholar, the Chairman rarely has any rewards that he cannot win!

Both within the Investigative Committee and the senior officials in the imperial power center, they all had a strong sense of reverence for the legendary figure Paracelsus.

In the minds of most people, the Chairman has almost become an omnipotent existence.

"Chairman Pala, I am now a third-level spiritual mystic. My next climb on the 'Road of the Fire Sword' will involve the more profound stage of the Kusei..."

Maiev looked calm and spoke seriously.

"I feel strongly confused and confused about this, and I don't know how to proceed... I implore you to give me some advice."

In the process of climbing the "Road of the Fire Sword", it is recognized that there are several big thresholds and difficulties.

The first time is the level 2 “base”. Because it is necessary to touch the essence for the first time, to create something from nothing.

And the second time, it was level 4 "Abundance".

When the mystic has completely dyed his spirituality and reached the tower of reason, the next step will be to touch the higher essence and master more powerful mysterious power.

At the same time, it will also surpass the limits of the human body and achieve a qualitative change in life, thereby gaining a longer lifespan.

Level 4 "Abundance" is a key node in the qualitative transformation from a spiritual mystic to a long-lasting person, and the difficulty can be imagined.

And because it involves the secret and precious knowledge of the "Road of the Fire Sword", it has blocked many seekers throughout the ages.

There are probably nine out of ten Level 3 "Glow" spiritual mystics who are stuck at this step, unable to make any progress throughout their lives until their natural lifespan is exhausted and they grow old and die.

"Mavie Martieri, you are still young, only 28 years old. You still have quite a long time to study the occult patiently in the future. There is no need to feel anxious about it."

Parra spoke in a gentle tone and comforted the woman.

"Level 4 'Abundance' not only requires gnosis and spiritual intensity that far exceeds Level 3 'Glow', but also requires long-term practice of 'secret teachings', and the search for the essence through the guidance of feedback..."

He said, raising his hand and spreading his fingers.

After a dazzling red light flashed, a simple embroidered classic in red hard leather lay quietly in his palm.

Gillan and Maiev saw it clearly. On the surface of the book cover, in gold-plated ancient Xilu calligraphy, it read: "A Glimpse of a True Dream".

"This is written by an old friend of mine. It records things about the real dreamland 'Toyalan'... Setting foot in 'Toyalan' is a necessary condition for becoming a Kusei."

"At the same time, it is also the most critical condition!"

"The reason why Level 4 'Plenty' is difficult is actually because of this..."

Parra said slowly, then pushed the book in her hand in front of Maiev.

"Although your gnosis, spirituality and essence are not enough to climb the fourth level of 'abundance', it is not a bad thing to understand the real dream in advance and make preparations in advance."

"Thank you, Chairman Parra."

Maiev stroked the soft and gentle book cover, raised her head and thanked the white-haired old man.

"Okay, Maiev, go back first."

Parra waved her hands and smiled.

"I want to talk to Gillan alone again."

"Yes, Chairman."

Maiev nodded and stood up holding the book.

He glanced at Jilan beside him again, raised his eyebrows at him, and then left the chairman's office with a chuckle.


Wait for the door to close.

Gilan and Parra were the only ones left in the office.

"Gilan, where are you, what do you want?"

The old man cast a questioning look.

Ji Lan almost didn't think about it and spoke directly:

"Like Team Leader Maiev, I also want to know how to enter the stage of being a Kusei."

"Huh?" Parra was a little surprised. "Aren't you just a second-level 'Basic' now..."

Halfway through, he stopped talking.

Parra stared at the blond young man in front of her, and then remembered something... It seems that this young man has been on the "Path of the Fire Sword" for less than three months.

It’s already been level 2 in three months!

This speed is unprecedented, but it is also quite shocking.

According to this progress, Jilan will surely be able to climb to level 3 soon, and will face the same obstacles and difficulties as Maiev.

"Hmm..." Parra pondered. "I want to ask you two questions first, Gilan."

"Have you embarked on your own path other than Twelve Sichen?"

Jilan knew that this matter could not be hidden from Parra, so he nodded simply and admitted calmly:


"very nice."

Parra suddenly laughed, her eyes full of appreciation... and even a hint of admiration.

"You did what I always wanted to do but didn't dare to do when I was young."

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