Parra didn't say anything more and directly asked the second question:

"In addition, I want to confirm one thing. Have you learned the 'White Cross Exercise' from real film and have practiced it to the fourth stage of 'Black Bile'?"

"That's right."

Gilan took a deep breath and nodded.

Parra was not surprised, but thoughtful.

He was silent for a while.

"How many secret techniques in body training have you learned?"

"Four items," Gillan replied. "Broken bones, melted skulls, bathed in blood, and Wuxiang...I have mastered them all."


Parra was finally moved.

"You have learned all the secret skills of the four great knight captains? It's incredible!"

As the former military physician of the "Healing Knights", he knew the four knight captains very well.

Although the secret skills of the four are not very profound, even geniuses would never be able to master them all in such a short period of time!

The young man in front of me did it!

Parra suddenly felt something in her heart.

The idea that had been buried for countless years and almost forgotten was once again ready to take action.

"A long, long time ago, I had a naive idea, and that was the 'Secret Technique of Fusion'..."

The white-haired old man looked back in memory and spoke slowly.

"This idea is precisely because of the inspiration given to me by the four great knight commanders... Each of their secret skills has its own strengths and weaknesses."

"So I once thought that if I could fuse different secret techniques and develop an 'ultimate secret technique' that combines all the advantages and discards the disadvantages, what kind of extraordinary power would it be."

"Later, I took the initiative to learn from the four major knight commanders. It took me several years to master the essence... and I used myself as the experimental blueprint to keep trying."

"It's a pity that the result made me quite disappointed."

Parra sighed and shook her head.

"I failed."

"The human body is not omnipotent, and it is also limited by its natural structure. It is impossible to integrate different secret techniques into one. So I later gave up on this proposition and focused on the future of body training..."

"Back then, the four major knight captains all finally emerged from their own fifth stage or even sixth stage through their own exploration and attempts..."

"They are getting stronger and stronger, and finally they even enter an otherworldly realm..."

"And I also benefited from the convenience of being a military doctor. I often asked them for advice, followed their footsteps, created my own fifth stage, and unearthed the mysteries of the human body."

With that said, Parra turned around and randomly pulled out a black hard-cover tome from the bookshelf.

This book is just an ordinary "Breakthroughs in Modern Medicine: Professional Terminology of Human Body Structure".

Bah! !

Red lightning suddenly burst out from his hand.

With a flash of lightning, the black book instantly turned into powder!

Immediately, Parra raised his other hand, the powder gathered together, and in the blink of an eye, a brand new red Chu book was condensed.

This book is exactly the same as the one Maiev took away just now.

"A Glimpse of a True Dream"!

‘The alchemist’s decomposition and reconstruction? ’

Gillan looked at this scene and thought of the scene when Mr. Parra disassembled the head of the head of state that night and reconstructed the "miniature model".

Now that he had witnessed it with his own eyes, it still amazed him.

Such miraculous power may be able to match the identity of Para Celsus, an ancient alchemist.

Parra snapped her fingers.


In his free hand, red light suddenly appeared again, and there was another blue-covered book with "The Theory of Balance" written on it.


Parra handed two books, one red and one blue, containing precious knowledge to Gilan.

His old face was full of expectation.

"Since you want to know the secrets about Kuze in advance, then I will satisfy you... In addition, this "Balance Theory" was written by me personally, and the content discussed is exactly the original idea of ​​the "Secret Technique of Fusion"."

"You don't have to take it too seriously, but you can give it a try... Just because I didn't succeed doesn't mean that this proposition is doomed to fail."

"Over the years, you are the most suitable candidate for the 'White Cross Body Training Technique' that I have seen. Maybe you can really do it and integrate the secret technique."

"Thank you, Chairman Parra."

Gilan took the two books and solemnly thanked them.

Parra waved her hand.

He picked up a pile of documents on the table, picked up a pen, and began to make comments with his head down, saying without raising his head:

"Go ahead. Study hard when you go back. In addition, the 'Grave Digger' assessment may be this month, so be prepared."


Gilan held the brim of his hat and bowed his head.

Immediately, he held two books, stood up and left the chairman's office.




That night.

Gillan was flipping through two classics in his rented apartment on Price Street.

There was only one desk lamp on in the master bedroom, and the warm yellow light illuminated the words on the book.

The content of "The Theory of Balance" is mainly advanced knowledge based on the "Theory of Four Humors", and even involves mysticism, astrology and soul science, and has some related discussions.

It points out that the four humors in the human body are only the most easily understood symbols, and there are still many mysteries that have not yet been explored.

Parra wrote the first draft when he was young, using his own experiments and attempts as reference data...but when he was more than one hundred years old, and again when he was more than two hundred years old, he made several additions and revisions.

As his age and experience grew, and his knowledge became more profound, Parra gained more profound insights.

So much so that Ji Lan found it difficult to watch.

‘…The balance of the four body fluids, tracing back to its origin, is actually the balance of the four elements of the universe. But because spirituality has clear attributes, such a balance does not exist in theory. ’

Jilan looked focused and read the contents of the book silently in his heart.

'But the "secret skill" is not a bodily fluid. It is just an external means to discover the mysteries of the human body. It is a tool and a technique that may achieve such a balance...'

Time passes unconsciously.

At around one o'clock at midnight, Gillan slowly closed the cover of "The Theory of Balance" with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Only Jilan himself knows that he is not a genius, and he is not very compatible with the White Cross Bodybuilding Technique.

The reason why he was able to practice the physical training technique to the fourth stage "Black Bile" and master the secret skills of the four knight commanders in a short period of time was all thanks to the help of "Banlan".

However, the book "On Balance" written by Parra did give Gillan a great inspiration.

What others can't do, "Bailan" may really be able to do it...

'gorgeous! ’

Ji Lan closed her eyes and called out in her heart.

He concentrated on thinking and tried to fuse the four secret skills of the White Cross.

However, in the dark sight, the color number "194" was dim and weak, indicating a negative meaning.

At the same time, above the colorful numbers, a skewed, distorted and undulating translucent number "1000" appeared.

'Um? ’

Gillan opened her eyes with a surprised expression.

He was surprised by the new changes in "Beautiful".

‘Is it because I climbed to Level 2? So "Banlan" has also evolved new functions...'

Through the "beautiful" reaction, Gillan easily understood its meaning.

"Secret Techniques of Fusion" is possible!

It’s just that the mysterious energy required is not enough!

‘Do you want 1,000 points…’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

He thought back to "Bailan"'s response.

Among them, there was an extremely abrupt point that caused difficulties in the deduction of the "Secret Technique of Fusion".

That is "Bone Broken" among the four secret skills of the White Cross.

'The effects of these three secret skills, Bathing in Blood, Melting Skull, and Wuxiang, focus on explosive potential, accumulating strength, and improving perception and reaction...'

Ji Lan's eyes were filled with thought.

‘If they were put into the game, they should be status-adding BUFFs, or passive skills… Only “Bone Crushing” is an actively released kicking skill. ’

‘It’s no wonder that the deduction is not smooth and requires so much mysterious energy... This is quite a forcible fusion of two completely different abilities. ’

‘If we can find a secret gain skill and replace the “Bone Crushing”, we may be able to successfully perform the secret fusion skill with less mysterious energy. ’

Ji Lan was secretly convinced.

Although tonight's attempt ended in failure, he saw clear hope and was still in a good mood.

Immediately afterwards, Gillan put away "The Theory of Balance" and picked up "A Glimpse of True Dreams" to read.

As soon as he opened the title page, Ji Lan raised his eyebrows.

What surprised him was that the author of this book was actually Sade Balbina!

The author of "Secret Records of the Iron", the ancient female magician in the "Society of Spirits" and a great occultist.

No wonder Parra said that "A Glimpse of a True Dream" was written by his old friend.


Gillan turned to the first page of the text.

The first sentence is:

"Even the most imaginative people in the world will only have a 'real dream' once or twice in their lifetime."

'Real dream "Toyalan"...'

Ji Lan murmured silently in his heart.

He had seen Sade's related records in the demon summoning ritual in "The Secret Record of Branding Iron", but it was not detailed.

The following text of "A Glimpse of a True Dream" continues:

"And the people who inadvertently visited the real dreamland 'Toyalan', because of their ignorance, just regarded it as ordinary... and then missed one of the few opportunities in their lives to obtain mysterious power."

"In ancient times, seekers who were thirsty for the truth tried to use alcohol as the key to open the door to 'real dreams'. Of course, some people would even use hallucinogenic drugs or poisonous substances to find another way. But in most cases, the results were tragic. The ending comes to an end.”

"People are always keen on items that make them wake up, such as coffee and tea. On the surface, it seems that people don't want meaningless dreams to occupy their limited lives. In fact, the rulers don't want people to set foot in the Valley of Dreams and the Sleeping Wall."

"There shouldn't be too many mystics. Even if one person among millions of people has no intention of grabbing power from dreams, then the rule of the world will be a little more unstable."

“A foolish man longs for wakefulness, a wise man longs for sleep.”

"Every night's dream is like a crazy adventure. Because people don't know the dangers involved, they have such great courage to brave the dream every night."

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