From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 253 Sailing

Seeing this, Ji Lan suddenly thought of the real environment he was in, and he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

'No wonder the Bremen Empire promulgated the "Prohibition Order", and also had the "Rejuvenation Plan" to reduce taxes on refreshing drinks and food, and promote the drinking of tea and coffee...'

Ji Lan looked stern.

Only then did he understand the truth behind the promulgation of these laws and policies.

This different world is seemingly different from the previous one. Although there is also a "prohibition on alcohol", the fundamental reasons for the emergence of the two are completely different!

‘Alcohol can make people fall asleep in dreams, so they have a higher probability of visiting the so-called “real dreams”? ’

Ji Lan's eyes were filled with thought.

At the same time, there is also the "twelve-hour work system."

If it were before, he would only think that this was a kind of exploitation and oppression of civilians by capital.

But now Gillan understands that this is actually reducing the sleep time of ordinary people, thereby reducing their probability of visiting "real dreams".

Everything seems to have an invisible big hand, controlling the birth of mysterious power through macro-control, thereby maintaining stability.

"Propaganda Minister Stavin Lotito..."

Ji Lan frowned slightly.

Almost all of these laws and policies come from the Propaganda Department. He didn't know whether this was the meaning of the Führer or the meaning of Stavin and his faction, the "Hawks".

But judging from such a tough attitude, Gillan is more inclined to the proposition of the empire's "hawks".

Because Parra occasionally shows a hint of disdain, even disgust, for the current empire's laws and policies. And he is the leader of the "Crow Faction" and one of the most important followers of the Führer.

Through these details, Gillan deduced that the head of the empire, Caesar Geed, did not act arbitrarily, but gave great power to various departments, thus creating the current situation.

Of course, it is also possible that something went wrong with the head of state.

Because of the lack of key information, Gillan did not know the specific situation.


He continued to flip through Glimpses of True Dreams.

In my heart, the doubts about the real dream "Toyalan" are getting deeper and deeper.

What is it?

Soon, the contents of the classics talked about this in detail:

"The mind is the ultimate mystery of the human body, a world of consciousness that mortals cannot pry into. Deep dreams connect each individual's mind and form a dream sea of ​​collective consciousness."

"According to legend, at the end of the Dream Sea, there is a vast continent, which is the 'Real Dream'."

"It also has another name, the land of gods - 'Toyalan'."

"'Toyalan' has no entity and only exists in dreams. Its existence violates mortal logic and transcends mortal understanding, but it is extremely real."

"Therefore, no one has ever been able to draw a map for 'Toyalan'. They can only record the approximate landmark buildings and areas based on the impressions left in dreams."

"Even so, it's difficult to tell the spatial orientation."

"Some people compare it to 'Toyalan' being a big mountain."

"The boundary of the mountain is called the 'lower level'. Everything here is full of ambiguity and absurdity, and is full of dangers. You can even find anything here that has been imagined in the history of mankind."

"The waist of the mountain is called the 'Corridor'. No one has calculated the exact number of cloisters, and no one knows. Here is... (scratch), which is where a small number of apostles, most of the transmuters and spiritual bodies place to live."

"The top of the mountain is called the 'Temple'. Through the last corridor door, you can reach the top of the mountain. According to legend, the Sichens live here."

"'Toyalan' is the residence of Sichen people, a temple hidden from the world."

"When mortals are dreaming, their consciousness may inadvertently visit 'Toyalan'. If the dreamer's gnosis is too low, the probability of this happening is extremely small, and to them, it is nothing. Good thing."

"In that extremely small probability, if there are mortals who are lucky enough to dream of 'Toyalan', successfully board the shore and leave footprints...then there is a high chance that they will be lost in the 'lower level' and be trapped. Killed by weird things, and finally died suddenly in a dream.”

"Of course, there are some lucky people who survived, and thus obtained the 'Shenxiang Brand' that is only available in the Kusei stage... If they step into the ranks of mystics and start climbing the 'Fire Sword Road', they will be even better than the others. Most seekers are more likely to become chroniclers.”

"Because they have already completed the most difficult step..."

“From level 3 ‘glow’ to level 4 ‘fertility’, the indispensable condition is the ‘brand of Shenxiang’.”

"General seekers need to take the kingdom of their own soul as the starting point, and then use their spirituality as a ship to start sailing. In the vast ocean of dreams, they need to pursue the traces of 'Toyalan', the hometown of God."

"Only by visiting 'Toyalan' once and leaving your own footprints there can you establish a connection with it and obtain the 'brand of sacred land', which will make your body in the world undergo qualitative changes from the inside out and become a long-lasting By!"





Half past three midnight.


Gillan finally closed "Glimpses of True Dreams."

"Huh..." He let out a long breath.

My mind was still slowly digesting the unfamiliar and huge amount of information in the book. Only then did he learn about the real dream "Toyalan" and the secrets of the Kusei.

‘Toyalan, the hometown of God, Sichen’s home…’

Ji Lan held his forehead and lowered his head, half of his cheek lost in thought was in the bright shadow of the desk lamp.

"Shenxiang Brand" is the ticket to the 4th level gate!

If you want to get it, you must find "Toyalan", visit it ashore, leave your footprints, and get in touch.

It stands to reason that he has just climbed to the second-level "basic base", so it is too early to start preparing for the fourth level so soon.

But Gillan knew that he was different from others.

The speed of his progress cannot be measured by common sense.

In terms of gnosis, there is the "Twelve Thorns" "Iron Thorn Meditation Method", which is twelve times more efficient than ordinary people.

In terms of spirituality, with the help of "wick magic potion", one day is equivalent to a month of hard training.

The journey from level 2 to level 3 was a matter of time and effort, a process of slow accumulation, but Gillan directly rode the rocket to catch up. It may take others seven or eight years or even ten years to accumulate, but he may only need half a year or even a few months...

Therefore, if he can visit "Toyalan" in advance and obtain the so-called "Sacred Land Brand", then when he climbs to level 3, there will no longer be thresholds and bottlenecks.

It is very possible to rush all the way, climb to level 4 in a short time, and become a powerful and rare Kusei!

"Then let's try it first."

Gillan murmured.

He knew that this matter was extremely difficult and could not be accomplished overnight. But since you already know the secret, it's not a bad thing to try it in advance and accumulate experience.

Jilan put away the precious classics, stood up, and lay down on the bed.

Close your eyes and choose to sleep.

His consciousness sank rapidly, and he fell asleep in just one breath.

Under the dark night.

Gilan came to his own spiritual kingdom.

He stood on the shore and looked at the open-air stone temple from a distance.

Beside the Cross Sword bonfire, the three Mr. Storks were still meditating diligently.

I don’t know if it’s because they don’t have the “encumbrance” of the physical body, but the three of them have refined their gnosis extremely quickly, and now they have exceeded the standard of a first-level spiritual mystic.

Even the spirituality has completed its first dyeing.

The stork is gray and black, symbolizing the earth element of the Winter Scepter; the oystercatcher is blue, symbolizing the water element of the Summer Grail; and the seagull is golden, symbolizing the air element of the Autumn Pentacle.

However, due to the lack of physical bodies, the three of them were unable to establish a spiritual kingdom at all, so they were still unable to enter the "Road of the Fire Sword".

Gilan looked past them to the throne, where "Mad King" Iros sat quietly, like a statue.

He stared at the gray stone armor on Iros, his eyes thoughtful.

'I don't know whether my idea will succeed in the end...'

Gilan had mentioned to the Seagulls that in the future they might be able to return to reality and be no different from ordinary people.

The core of this idea is "beautiful", but the necessary conditions are still lacking...

He withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked to the shore.

Everything as far as the eye can see is darkness.

Under the dim night, the endless black ocean has no waves, and there is silence all around.

The isolated island where Gilan is located is like an insignificant grain of sand in the desert in this sea of ​​dreams.

The vast black sea is full of mystery, danger and unknown, which makes him feel an unspeakable tension and uneasiness in his heart at this moment.


Jilan raised his right fist high and spoke the name of the spiritual kingdom in a deep voice toward the sea ahead.

In his eyes, the outline of the Cross Sword bonfire was reflected, and the flames were burning brightly.

Bang! !

A small mahogany boat less than three meters long appeared out of thin air and landed on the sea, splashing water.

The surface of this small boat was filled with scarlet luster, and there seemed to be sparks hidden in the wood texture.

This strange performance stems from the fire element attribute of Jilan's spirituality, because the boat is a symbol of spirituality.

The more spiritually stable the boat is, the stronger it will be and can carry Jilan farther.

If the spirituality is weak, it is very likely that the sailor will capsize and fall to the bottom of the sea due to the capsizing of the boat. He will be lost in the vast and majestic negative emotions, completely sinking, and never wake up.

So Gilan's behavior was a bit risky.

After all, the most suitable stage for sailing is Level 3 "Glow"... There are probably very few spiritual mystics like him who choose to sail at Level 2 "Basic".


Jilan jumped and landed on the spiritual boat.

He didn't even need to speak, just a thought in his mind, and the boat automatically moved without oars, slowly sailing away from the shore of the island of the soul, heading towards the boundless black sea.

'According to "A Glimpse of True Dreams", "Toyalan" can only be found by taking a spiritual boat... If you fly, you will not be able to see the outline of the land of God in your lifetime. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

In my ears, there was only the sound of the boat rowing across the sea. The island behind him and the fire in the center are getting farther and farther away, getting smaller and smaller.

Finally, until it disappears...

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