From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 254 Garden

Gilan didn't know how long he had been drifting on the sea of ​​dreams.

I don’t even know how far it sailed.

The surrounding environment remains the same.

Dark, dead, depressing.

As time passed, Gilan's inner uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

This uneasiness comes from the unknown.

On the vast sea, the boat and he seemed extremely small, and they didn't know where they were drifting.

No purpose, no direction.

"Toyalan" does not have the concepts of space and time, so it has no exact orientation. In other words, it can be said to be changing all the time.

Even in "A Glimpse of a True Dream", there is no description of where it is.

Because it cannot be described.

Every spiritual mystic who sets sail to find the land of God will embark on an unrepeatable journey.

Everything is full of unknown and uncontrollable.

Gilan slowly squatted down and sat cross-legged on the boat, feeling the slight sway of his body as he drifted with the current.

He took a deep breath to calm himself.

The voyage continued like this for a long time.


Ji Lan looked shocked.

He saw from a distance that a faint light appeared at the end of the sea level.

This is good news for the environment that has remained unchanged since the voyage.

Where there is light, there is guidance.

Jilan followed the direction of the light and drove the spiritual boat straight away with her thoughts.

However, Wangshan ran to death.

This time, quite a long time passed.

As he got closer to the light, Jilan finally saw clearly what it was——

It was actually a small, but extremely tall, steep and rugged black and brown mountain peak.

The mountain peak is like a spear pointing straight into the night.

On the top of the mountain, stands a tall black and white tower, wide at the top and bottom and narrow in the middle. It looks like a chess piece.

The light came from a window in the tower.

The ship docked at Gilan.

But because the shore was covered with rocks, he had to stay a hundred meters away, so he took off into the air, abandoned the dimming spiritual boat, and flew to the tower on the top of the mountain.

Not long after.


Gilan landed in front of the tower gate.

"Huh?" He looked up.

This black and white tower is actually not very big, only about twenty meters high. At the same time, the door does not have a door panel structure, it is directly a door opening.

It looks more like an ancient lighthouse.

Because of his experience of meeting the wheelchair girl Torina in Castle Black, Gilan is wary of strange islands in the dream sea.

This island, this tower, most likely belongs to some powerful mystic. Perhaps from the moment he landed on the island, he had been known to the owner of the tower.

"The voyage seeker has no intention of visiting, so I'm sorry to disturb you."

Ji Lan stroked her chest and saluted the unoccupied doorway.

Immediately, he cautiously took steps and walked in.

However, when he just walked into the tower, his eyes suddenly lit up, like daylight!

My vision suddenly becomes clearer!



Jilan squinted his eyes to adapt and his pupils shrank.

His nose smelled the rich fragrance of flowers, and the sweet fragrance was refreshing.

The environment in front of me is not the dim hall or spiral staircase I expected at all, but a huge and colorful garden!

The surroundings are covered with colorful and exquisite flowers, and golden, blue-black and cherry-pink butterflies dance in the air.

On the branches of the lush trees, several unknown birds, similar to goldfinches but much smaller, were looking at Jilan curiously and chirping crisply.

The sky is no longer dark night, but a brilliant blue sky.

Under the bright light, a path paved with white cobblestones, surrounded by flowers, winds forward and leads to the depths of the garden.

Jilan suppressed his surprise, slowly walked forward along the cobblestone path.

Gradually, he heard some talking and laughter.

Those were the voices of several women, like a scene like an afternoon gathering of ladies and gentlemen.

When he walked around a corner.

What caught his eye was a huge golden lace parasol. There is a small wooden round table below, and three ladies in different costumes are sitting on the high-backed carved chairs beside the table.

One person has short white ear-length hair, a white evening dress, and an appearance and facial features that are beyond ordinary.

One person had purple hair tied up, a black and white rose flower stuck behind his ear, and he was wearing a dark green embroidered satin robe.

There is another person with long pale blond curly hair reaching his waist, wearing a black wide-brim hat with a small wreath on the brim and an embroidered veil under the brim. Wearing a black lace dress and elbow-length black gloves, she was holding a book.

As soon as Gilan appeared, the three ladies stopped talking and laughing and turned to look.

"Welcome to the Withered Garden, this handsome man."

The white-haired lady in the white evening dress looked at Gilan with a smile and said softly.

"We three sisters are enjoying this 'secret tea party'. Do you want to join us too?"

Gillan looked at the three mysterious ladies, thought for a moment, took off his hat, and bowed his head.

"My pleasure, fair lady."

"Haha, please take a seat."

The beautiful lady with short white hair laughed happily, raised her white hand and gestured.

Beside the small round table, a carved high-backed chair appeared out of thin air.

Ji Lan took a deep breath, strode over, and sat down on the chair.

"Look how happy you are, you can't stop laughing."

The lady in black, wearing a black wide-brimmed hat, rolled her eyes.

The white-haired lady was still smiling, looking incredibly beautiful, and responded:

"Who told you that you are always jealous of my beauty and call me ugly... Now a handsome man praises me, can't you smile a little longer?"

"I've never seen such a handsome guy like you."

The lady in the black wide-brimmed hat curled her lips, picked up a small exquisite teapot, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Ji Lan.

"Thank you." Ji Lan politely thanked him and took the tea.

"Nice to meet you, young man."

The lady in the wide-brimmed hat rested her chin lazily and gently extended her other hand.

"My name is Sade Balbina."


Ji Lan's expression was startled, and the hand holding the tea froze.

He raised his eyes and looked at the lady in front of him in disbelief. A meaningful smile was showing on the other party's delicate facial features.

Sade Balbina? !

The author of "Secrets of the Branding Iron" and "A Glimpse of a True Dream" and Chairman Parra's old friend is actually this lady? !

Gillan was shocked.

He really didn't expect that on his first voyage, he would meet this legendary female magician in the dream sea!

In fact, Gillan benefited greatly from both of the other's works. It can even be said that Sade was his enlightenment mentor on the path of mysticism!

Gilan stood up again, politely stretched out his hand, and gently shook Sade's hand.

At the same time, he said in a deep voice:

"Guillen Iros."

The delicate and warm texture came from the opponent's exquisite black gloves, which made Jilan feel unreal for a moment.

"Mr. Gillan, don't be so nervous, sit down."

Shade smiled and shook her head.

Gilan then sat down.

He turned to look at the other two ladies.

The beautiful lady with short white hair was staring at him with interest, while the other lady with purple hair was calmly holding a small teacup and sipping tea silently.

‘If they can be sisters with Sade, then these two ladies must be not simple! ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

‘They are at least level 6 Kusei! ’

"It's not Kuze, Mr. Gillan."

The lady with short white hair smiled.

"Sade is the boss of Paracelsus..."

Before she finished speaking, Sade turned to glance at her. The lady with short white hair coughed quickly and continued:

"...Old friend. So you see, it's been three hundred years, and Sade is still so young, so she is at least a seventh-order and eighth-order transmuter, right? Or you can make a bolder guess, she might be Where are the ninth-level apostles?”


Jilan was stunned again.

He was shocked that this lady with short white hair could actually see through his own thoughts, which could be called a mind-reader.

At the same time, he was shocked by the strength of the three ladies.

Could it be...

Are they really transmuters, or even apostles?

Ji Lan suddenly looked stern.

He quickly used the power of his "anchor" essence to forcibly control his reaction and become calm. At the same time, clear your mind and stop thinking randomly, so as to avoid being "read" by the other person again.

"Interesting little guy."

The lady with short white hair raised her eyebrows.

She also stretched out her fair and slender hand, walked in front of Ji Lan, and said with her bright red mouth:

"My name is Peyton Sasha...and please don't call me ma'am or ma'am."

"Hello, Miss Peyton."

Gentleman Gillan smiled, reached out his hand and shook it gently.

At the same time, he suddenly noticed that the other party's little finger was wearing a ring with a golden bow pattern on it.

'This is……'

Gillan instantly thought of the strange priest he met when he went to the Atonement Church.

He let go of his hand, slowly raised his eyes, and looked at the other party.

"I'm not. You admitted your mistake."

Miss Payton shook her head and said seriously.

Gillan suddenly felt funny.

The tone of the other party was exactly the same as that of the priest at that time! Coupled with the golden bow ring on the tail finger, it can be said that there is no more than three hundred taels of silver in this place!

He couldn't understand why the other party appeared in the Church of the Atonement and contacted him as a priest...

"This is Jayka Scarlett."

Miss Peyton raised her hand and pointed to the purple-haired lady beside her, and introduced her.

"She's too shy, and very shy, so don't mind, Mr. Gillan."

Hearing this, the purple-haired lady named Jiaika put down her tea cup and glanced at Payton coldly.

The latter didn't take it seriously and instead chuckled.

"Hello, Ms. Jiaika."

Gilan reached out his hand.

The purple-haired lady moved her eyes away from Miss Peyton and landed on Gillan.

She didn't stretch out her hand, but said lightly:

"You did a great job on the night of October 3rd."

Jiaika spoke with precious words, and did not say anything more, but drank tea by herself.

Gillan slowly withdrew his hand.

He knew what the other person was talking about.

I stopped the defilement ceremony that night...

Gillan's mood was a little complicated.

He felt that there seemed to be nothing that the three ladies in front of him didn't know about.

"Stop talking about this."

Miss Payton smiled and raised her bright eyes.

"The 'Secret Tea Party' is still going on, Mr. Gillan, let's exchange secrets..."

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