From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 29 Gathering

After a night of silence, Jilan finally had a good sleep on a comfortable bed.

The time soon arrived for the agreed "movie viewing day", the morning of June 25th.

Gilan got up early to wash up, then put on new clothes, new leather shoes, a brown windbreaker, and a felt hat before going downstairs and going to the meeting place "Swan Cafe".

Although it was only about eight o'clock in the morning, there were many customers in the coffee shop.

Many gentlemen and ladies were sitting in their seats, eating the limited-time butter bread or blackcurrant cake available in the store, drinking hot drinks, reading the morning newspapers and magazines, chatting, and recharging their energy for the next day's work.

Perhaps he came earlier and there was still some time before ten o'clock, so the other members of the "recording meeting" had not arrived yet. Gilan simply found a seat in the corner and ordered a regular set meal of "Slimy Bark Milk Tea" and "Bacon Roll" for 9 cents.

It is worth mentioning that bark milk tea is made from red orchid and iris tuber powder, mixed with sassafras bark brewed milk and black tea. It looks mushy and doesn’t look very good, but it tastes delicious. It is sweet and rich, and Jilan likes this exotic drink.

He chewed the bread and flipped through a magazine placed on the table.

"Tips for laziness: If you don't want to expose your body to miasma due to bathing for too long, you can use a hot towel to scrub it bit by bit. After washing one area, cover it with clothes, and then move to another area. Dress like this It can complete the whole body cleansing.”

"Tips for ladies: wash your face with lemon to combat freckles, red spots and moles; wash your hands with almond rose water to make them fair and smooth; wash your hair with rosemary water to cleanse and protect against miasma... …”

"Attached is the secret recipe of 'Isabella' tooth powder, which ladies can make at home: 16 ounces of talc or cuttlefish bone powder, 1.5 ounces of coral, charred alum, rosewood and rose rock, 1.8 ounces of orris root, 0.1 ounce of cloves and cinnamon, camphor 0.2 ounces, moisten with alcohol, grind, and finally mix.”

"'Isabella's latest product 'Flamingo Perfume' is now on the market! Developed according to the research notes of the famous scholar 'Catherine Melling', it contains 15 kinds of rare materials and extracts 30 kinds of spices to create a classical rose-scented fragrance. The limited to 100 bottles, and the special price is 9 Caesars and 19 pfennigs for a limited time!”

Gilan swallowed the food, drank the bark milk tea, and closed the magazine.

Glancing at the cover of the magazine, there was a lovely pink cursive title printed on it - "Daily Reading for Ladies".

"Mr. Snow Owl, I didn't expect you to come so early."

At this time, a familiar and hearty male voice came.

Gillan looked up and saw that Mr. Oystercatcher and Mr. Stork were coming hand in hand.

"Good morning, you two." He nodded to the two men and then extended his hand to signal. "I'll buy you coffee."

"That's very kind of you, thank you."

The two then took their seats.

Gillan summoned the young and beautiful waiter and ordered each of the two men the most expensive "Swan A Set" in the coffee shop, namely "Smoked Haddock Sandwich", "Caviar Salad" and "Essence" coffee".

Although 18 penny was spent like this, Gillan felt that it was appropriate. After all, these two gentlemen had helped him a lot.

"Mr. Snow Owl, I am the boss here, there is no need for you to waste money."

Mr. Stork hung his black top hat on his cane, leaned to the side, and smiled gently.

"This is different." Gillan said seriously.

Mr. Stork seemed to understand what he meant. He said nothing more and just nodded slightly.

Immediately, the three of them were chatting while eating and talked about this coffee shop.

"By the way, Mr. Stork, I've always been curious about why you chose to open a coffee shop." Mr. Oystercatcher asked the elegant middle-aged man while eating a sandwich. "In the Horst neighborhood, opening a clothing or accessories store would be more profitable than this one, right?"

"You don't understand." Mr. Stork shook his head while drinking coffee. "Shortly after the promulgation of 'Prohibition', the Empire promulgated many laws one after another, including the 'Glow Plan'...Taxes on tea, coffee, mints, dark chocolate, tuna, strawberries and bananas were extremely low. , which makes the coffee shop’s profits much higher.”

He smiled and put down his cup.

"And I love coffee."

"So that's it." Mr. Oystercatcher joked. "I like it too. I can come to your place more often to eat and drink."

Jilan on the side seemed to have caught some blind spot.

‘The “Glow Plan”? Those products with lower taxes seem to be refreshing food and drinks...'

"By the way, Mr. Snow Owl."

At this time, Mr. Stork whispered to Gillan.

"I found out that the employers behind Detective Granny are five direct descendants of the Lewis family."

"The Lewis family..." Gilan was startled for a moment, but then he figured it out. "I understand, thank you for the reminder, Mr. Stork."

"You're welcome," said Mr. Stork. "The Lewis family is also a well-known upper-class family in Brak City. They live in the second block of Haust next door. But now that you have joined the collective, it will not be so easy for them to cause trouble for you again. Don't worry. Bar."

Ji Lan nodded, but a coldness flashed in his eyes.

‘Send people to hunt me down. I will ask you to pay this debt sooner or later! ’

After the three of them had eaten and drank enough, they waited for the arrival of the other two ladies while chatting.

Mr. Oystercatcher spoke of the members of the society with emotion.

"Miss Sparrow went to Hope Church early in the morning to help the poor. There was a long queue at the door of the church, probably hundreds of people... She is really kind. She not only donated money from time to time, but also bought a lot of bread at her own expense and distributed it one by one. .”

The "Church of Hope" is the most mainstream belief in the Bremen Empire. Churches are located in every region of the empire, and more than 50% of the people believe in "God" Omer.

He also has many honorific names, such as "God of Heaven", "Noonday Dawn" and "God of Hope and Order".

People firmly believe that the ancient world was ruled by devils and was full of darkness and suffering. It was Omer who eliminated the devils and finally exchanged his own sacrifice for an era of long-lasting human beings.

Even the AD calendar of Dawn begins with Omer's birth date, and many festivals are also established to commemorate him.

"Miss Sparrow is indeed a kind lady." Mr. Stork nodded in agreement.

Just at this moment, a playful and pleasant voice came:

"Hey, I seem to hear someone praising me."

The three men turned around and saw Miss Sparrow, who was wearing a white wide-brimmed straw hat and two braids, standing at the table.

Today she was wearing a long green skirt, a long Basque shirt, and a small white gauze cape, looking particularly noble and cute.

"I am indeed complimenting you." Mr. Stork smiled and raised his hand to look at his watch. "It's nine forty-five, and Miss Seagull hasn't arrived yet?"

"Why don't we go back to the apartment and wait for her? It's not convenient to have a deep conversation here."

suggested Mr. Oystercatcher.

Mr. Stork glanced around and found that there were still a few guests, so he nodded in agreement.

Everyone left the "Swan Cafe" and as soon as they walked into the door of the nearby apartment, they saw the haggard-looking Miss Seagull walking down the spiral staircase.

"Huh? Miss Seagull, did you spend the night in the apartment last night?"

Miss Sparrow said in surprise.

Miss Seagull did not answer immediately, but her beautiful eyes with slightly dark circles swept over the four of them without leaving a trace.

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