From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 30 Watching Movies

"Well, I had nothing to do at home yesterday, so I came here early."

Miss Seagull nodded lightly and smoothly pushed the hair from her forehead behind her ears, revealing her crystal clear little ears and a cross sterling silver earring.

She is a devout Dawn believer, or in other words, her family is.

"By the way, the apartment was quite deserted when I came yesterday. Did you all just arrive today?"

Miss Seagull stepped forward and asked calmly.

Mr. Oystercatcher laughed twice: "Yes, the clinic was too busy yesterday. We had to extract teeth for several customers in a row. Alas, people love sweets too much nowadays..."

Miss Seagull looked at him carefully.

She knew very well Mr. Oystercatcher's temperament. This guy was not good at lying. He was carefree and straightforward at best, and stupid at worst. The people last night could basically rule out it was him.

Miss Seagull quickly glanced at the others.

Miss Sparrow went to the restaurant and was chatting and laughing with old Jerry. She knew that Miss Sparrow rarely spent the night in the apartment, and from what she had just asked, she knew that the other party had only arrived this morning.

As for old Jerry, it was even more impossible. He usually went to bed at eight or nine o'clock in the evening and never entered the utility room without permission.

"Sorry." Mr. Stork took off his hat and just spoke, Miss Seagull's eyes immediately became sharp.

The handsome old man was startled by the look in the short-haired lady's eyes. He quickly explained with a wry smile: "I went out to visit friends yesterday and stayed overnight. I didn't know you were here, Miss Seagull. I really didn't treat you well."

Miss Seagull was startled and knew that she had misunderstood.

She took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"So that's's okay. I'm more comfortable staying in the apartment than at home."

As she said that, her eyes had already locked onto the blond young man. He looked at her with a slightly stunned expression, which confirmed her suspicion.

Oh it's you!

Miss Seagull suddenly felt an unspeakable shame and anger in her heart. She felt like she had been stripped naked and looked at. She just wanted to dig a hole and crawl in.

"Mr. Snowy Owl, this is your first time staying overnight in an apartment. Did you sleep well last night?"

She clenched her little hands and asked through gritted teeth.

"Thank you, Miss Seagull, for your concern. I slept well..." Gilan nodded and smiled. "The environment in the apartment is much better than my previous residence, and I haven't had such a good night's sleep in a long time."

But there was a feeling of indifference in his heart.

‘This woman is hostile to me… If she wants to harm me, then kill her. ’

Miss Seagull looked at the handsome smiling face of the blond young man, and felt even more ashamed and angry.

He must be laughing at me in his heart!

Great God Omer, please take me away now!

This world is so miserable!

"伱, you..." Miss Seagull opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but she still had no face to ask.

Instead, a fair face turned red.

Fortunately, at this moment, Miss Sparrow relieved her embarrassment.

"Wow! I didn't expect you, Mr. Snow Owl, to be such a gentleman and prepare a gift for me!"

The playful young lady walked over quickly, with her hands behind her back and a sweet smile on her face.

Everyone present was stunned.

Gillan looked past Miss Sparrow and saw old Jerry in the kitchen wiping the apron on his chest with his hand, smiling and giving him a thank you look.

Mr. Stork and Mr. Oystercatcher looked at each other and smiled approvingly.

Seeing this, Gilan knew it was a misunderstanding.

Remembering that Miss Sparrow also helped him, he sighed secretly and simply nodded.

He went upstairs, took down the flower basket, and handed it to Miss Sparrow.

"Thank you very much for taking care of Miss Sparrow. You helped me a lot."

"These flowers are so beautiful, I like them very much!" Miss Sparrow took off her straw hat, held the flower basket, lowered her head and smelled it, her smile narrowed into a crescent moon. "Thank you, Mr. Snow Owl!"




After the episode in the living room.

All members of the "recording meeting" came to the utility room together.

Gillan and others took their seats. Mr. Stork put on white rubber gloves, carefully held a black film, and loaded it on the projector.

"Only those with high enough 'Gnosis' can see the movies played on 'Real Film' and experience them personally...'Gnosis' is the perception of the soul. Everyone is born differently, and everyone here is different. It is a person with extraordinary talent who can discern the secrets."

Mr. Stork turned around with a rare serious expression.

Perhaps because of the new member Ji Lan, he spoke in particularly detailed and serious tone:

"But there are many precautions for 'watching movies', please keep them in mind. First, if we are injured or die in the movie world, the real body will also have negative reactions, ranging from headaches and malaise to coma and paralysis, or even Real remember, safety first."

The three Mr. Oystercatchers nodded solemnly, knowing this very well.

Gilan had also seen the miserable conditions of those on death row, so he nodded to show his understanding.

"Secondly, during the process of 'watching a movie', you cannot exit the movie world on your own, so this time Old Jerry is still responsible for taking care of the scene. If something is wrong, he can wake us up in time."

Mr. Stork said, and the old Jerry who looked like a butler stood in the corner of the utility room, nodding to everyone, and the members of the "recording meeting" also responded to him with a grateful smile.

Ji Lan was shocked in her heart.

‘Can’t quit midway? Then I...'

He soon realized that the reason why he could withdraw from the movie world at any time was precisely because of his "beautiful appearance"... and this was a powerful trump card for him!

"Thirdly, although we can bring weapons and props into the movie world, there are restrictions, and the restrictions are different for each movie... According to my guess, it should be related to weight. Generally, you cannot bring anything more than 10 pounds into the movie. "

Mr. Stork said solemnly.

"Before watching the movie, please check your belongings again and don't take it lightly."

"Okay, Mr. Stork." Everyone nodded.

Gillan took out the Colt short-barreled revolver from the holster on his waist, opened the revolver magazine with a click, and found six yellow 9mm bullets lying quietly inside.

He touched the inner pocket of his windbreaker and found two speed loaders loaded with bullets.

Gillan turned to look at the others again.

Mr. Stork's waist was bulging, and he should have prepared a pistol. He was also wearing a pair of black leather gloves, and he was carrying the cane that never left his body... No, to be precise, he had replaced the walnut wood cane with gold inlay in advance. It became a carved cane with a steel core, and the crank part was an all-metal sharp-beaked stork.

‘That should also be one of his self-defense weapons. ’ Jilan secretly thought.

Mr. Oystercatcher brought two Borchardts and a pair of Iron-fingered Tigers. Noticing Jilan's gaze, he returned a hearty smile.

‘Those two guns...couldn’t they be the two I entrusted him to sell? ’

Ji Lan was slightly startled.

Miss Seagull carried a small bag, but she didn't know what was in it. When Gillan looked over, she stared back.

As for Miss Sparrow's item, it was the most special. It was a gray and red lightweight compound bow, which was definitely not cheap.

Gillan guessed that it was probably a custom-made weapon specially requested by Miss Sparrow.

"Okay, everyone is ready."

Mr. Stork asked, and everyone nodded.

"Then, the 'viewing' of "Black Lake" begins now..."

Thanks for the 500-point reward from "It's difficult to talk to each other"!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20210627164431607" for the 100-point reward!

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