From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 32 Black Lake 2

Gillan walked out of the Black Lake Hotel alone.

He stood at the door of the hotel, and what he could see was a bleak scene.

Under the gloomy sky, the shops and houses on the roadside were deserted, and almost no one could be seen on the road. The few locals passing by would cast disgusting looks at him.

'The town seemed very exclusive. ’

Jilan secretly thought.

‘I’m afraid it’s not unreasonable for the local tourism bureau to vigorously develop tourism... Coal mining and wood products as pillar industries will always be used up one day, but the town is still lagging behind. ’

What he is actually more interested in in this movie is whether the so-called demons in the Black Lake really exist... If they exist, is there some mysterious power to deal with them?

At this time, Ji Lan suddenly felt a sense of being watched.

It was as if someone was behind him, staring straight at him.


Raising his windbreaker, he quickly put his hand on his waist, grasped the handle of the gun, and turned around suddenly.

A sneaky figure swished past and disappeared behind the hotel.

Jilan frowned and immediately rushed into the narrow alley like a cheetah.

The hotel was less than two meters away from the grocery store on the left, and there was a large trash can, scrapped bicycles and other debris blocking the road in the alley, but none of these could stop Gilan.

He had an extraordinary physique, held the top lid of the trash can with one hand, and with a bang, he jumped over, taking three steps and one step at an extremely fast speed.

In almost two breaths, he chased behind the hotel.

The spy ran less than ten meters away. He was wearing a pair of plaid casual pants and a khaki shirt and jacket. Judging from the back, he should be a middle-aged man.

Seeing Jilan chasing after him, the man howled angrily, stopped and turned around to pounce.

This man wore a reindeer mask on his face and held a survival dagger tightly in his hand. He raised the knife and slashed at Gilan.

puff! !

Before the knife fell, Ji Lan hit the opponent's face hard with a right hook. The reindeer mask immediately shattered, mixed with blood and foam flying everywhere.

After a muffled sound, the man fell heavily.

Behind the broken half of the mask was a ferocious and hateful face. His bloody face was unshaven, his eyes were red, and he was roaring like a crazy mental patient:

"Kill! Kill them all! Your blood can be exchanged for the gift of the Lake God!"

When Jilan saw this, his eyes narrowed.

This man's state reminded him of those crazy villagers in "Yuezhuo Village".

‘Also contaminated by mysterious power and miasma? ’

A normal person would have been punched in the face by Ji Lan, not to mention being seriously injured and unconscious, or at least incapacitated. However, the crazy man in front of him held up his bleeding mouth and nose, climbed up as if nothing had happened, raised his dagger and pounced again.

Ji Lan watched coldly and moved suddenly.

He clamped the man's knife-holding wrist with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and punched the man's throat, chest and abdomen several times in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang! !

The man opened his mouth and vomited blood, his eyes widened, and the dagger in his hand fell.


Ji Lan grabbed the opponent's head and forced him to kneel down.

"Who are you? Why are you spying on me secretly?" he asked.

"Kill... kill you, the Lake God will live forever... the elixir."

The man's expression was almost distorted, and his mouth was bleeding, but he was still mumbling crazy things.

After saying that, his body went limp and he died on the spot bleeding from all his orifices.

Gilan couldn't help but let go of his hand and let the body fall, frowning.

He controlled the force of his attacks so as not to beat an adult man to death with just a few punches.

The next second, the man's body began to decay rapidly, collapsed, and finally turned into dust and dispersed.

And the colored number "1" appeared in the corner of Jilan's sight.

"It is indeed contaminated..." He stood there, thinking. "Is this guy a member of the so-called 'Lake God Cult'? Have all the cultists lurked in the town?"

Bang! !

At this moment, there was a sudden impact and the sound of glass breaking behind Gilan.

He looked back and was startled.

Mr. Oystercatcher fell from the second-story window and hit the trash can in the alley.

Bang! !

Mr. Oystercatcher smashed the iron trash can into a dent and rolled to the ground. His body was covered with small wounds scratched by glass shards.

Jilan stepped forward quickly and helped the wailing strong man up.

"Mr. Oystercatcher, how are you?" he asked.

The strong man's face was full of pain. It took him a long time to regain his breath and shook his head slightly at Jilan.

Perhaps due to his martial arts training, Mr. Oystercatcher is still quite strong and was not seriously injured after falling from the second floor.

"Me... Miss Sparrow and I saw a suspicious figure in the corridor on the second floor. After chasing him, we picked up a piece of parchment left by the other person, which recorded an alchemy item called the 'Elixir of Age'."

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, arched his back and explained:

"But before I had time to take a closer look, I was snatched back by the man and fought with him. Then I was accidentally pushed downstairs by him... Go back quickly, don't let him escape!"

"I know." Gilan nodded. "Be careful yourself."

He turned around and returned to the hotel. He couldn't help but think of the man he killed just now who was suspected to be a member of the "Lake God Cult". He was probably the same as the suspicious person who injured Mr. Oystercatcher.

But when he rushed back to the hotel, he found that everything was as before.

None of the bartender, bartenders or guests were panicked or strange, they were still drinking and talking and laughing. Instead, the noise of his hastily opening the door caused a burst of yelling and cursing.

Gilan was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, so he took out his short-barreled revolver and fired into the air.

Bang! !

"Shut up." He pointed the gun at everyone in the bar. "Did anyone see a suspicious guy coming downstairs?"

Everyone present was silent. They all raised their hands and looked at the gun in his hand in horror.

After a long while, only the white-haired old man named "Old Toto" said in a deep voice:

"Except for your two companions, no one has ever come down."

Gillan confirmed their appearance and finally determined that the two people who came downstairs were actually Mr. Stork and Miss Seagull.

‘Still up there! ’ He immediately turned and stared at the stairs to the second floor.

If Old Toto didn't lie, it meant that the suspicious person was still upstairs.

However, Miss Sparrow and Fima ran down at this time.

"Mr. Snow Owl!" Miss Sparrow was shocked when she saw Gillan threatening everyone with a gun. She quickly walked up to him and whispered: "Mr. Oystercatcher fought with a man and fell downstairs. !”

"I know, he's fine." Gillan shook his head. "Where's that man?"

Miss Sparrow frowned at this moment, and after a moment of hesitation she said:

"I obviously watched him run downstairs... didn't you see it?"

Gillan looked weird.

According to Miss Sparrow, did that person suddenly disappear?

He took a deep breath and put the revolver back into his waist.

"Let's help Mr. Oystercatcher back to his room to rest. We'll talk about it after Mr. Stork and the others come back... This thing is a little weird."

Jilan said solemnly.

Miss Sparrow got the answer from his face and nodded solemnly.

Thanks to "Happy Puff" for the 6500 points reward!

Thanks to "Big White White Dog" for the 300 point reward!

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