From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 33 Black Lake 3

About an hour later.

Mr. Stork and Miss Seagull returned together, along with three uniformed security guards, one of whom was tall, handsome, blond and blue-eyed, the same sheriff Gillan had seen on the poster.

It is understood that his name is "Pierre Etsch" and he is a star figure in the local police department.

Because he is young, handsome, and has superb marksmanship, he is often invited by the local tourism bureau to shoot some advertisements or posters to promote the tourism industry of "Fayelan'en Town".

But when Mr. Stork and his party returned to the hotel, Old Toto from the bar on the first floor saw the three Sheriffs of Pierret who were traveling with them, and couldn't help but sneered again:

"The Public Security Bureau and the Tourism Bureau are the worms of Faye Lane. They are the same as the guys in the coal mines, sawmills, and beverage factories! They are all outsiders covered in copper-stinking pus and blood who only want to destroy small businesses. The environment of the town, draining the town of its resources, in exchange for those dirty money... What you have done has awakened the devil in the black lake, and you will be punished sooner or later!"

Sheriff Pierret, who was traveling with him, didn't care about this and just smiled and shook his head.

After going upstairs, he explained to everyone:

"The full name of 'Old Toto' is 'Thomas Toto'. He has no wife and no children. He used to have a distant relative and nephew 'Little Toto' who returned home from other places and worked in the 'Black Lake Coal Mine'. Later, because of He died in an explosion... From now on, Old Toto has always hated the coal mine and cursed all the industries run by outsiders, including even the Public Security Bureau and the Tourism Bureau, because we were all deployed from outside the country."

Everyone understood something after listening to Sheriff Pierre's words.

Mr. Stork then excused himself to temporarily dismiss the three magistrates to give the members of the recording congregation an opportunity to communicate privately.

After hearing about Mr. Oystercatcher's attack and the discovery of the mysterious parchment, both Mr. Stork and Miss Seagull appear interested.

"'Elixir of Age'? Maybe such an alchemical masterpiece really exists!"

Mr. Stork looked delighted.

But Mr. Oystercatcher smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It's a pity that the parchment was snatched back, and I only saw a small part of the content... It seemed to mention that the main materials are 'blood of the living', 'water of the black lake' and 'human heart', as well as some mysterious elements. Evil sacrificial ritual.”

"Living sacrifice?!"

Hearing this, Miss Sparrow couldn't help but cover her mouth.

Others also showed awe-inspiring expressions.

"I also met a guy spying behind the hotel before..."

At this time, Gilan shared his experience with the members of the community, but he did not say that he had killed the person, but that he had let the person escape by mistake.

No one was suspicious of his words.

"Reindeer mask, lake god and elixir..." Mr. Stork looked thoughtful after hearing Gillan's clues. "Most of the two people you met are cultists of the 'Lake God Sect'. I just don't understand why one of them suddenly disappeared."

"Maybe it's some mysterious power they have?"

Miss Seagull frowned slightly and guessed.

"Most likely." Mr. Stork nodded. "It's no wonder that they stay in the depths of the forest park, wander around the black lake, and constantly hunt and kill living people... It seems that they want to refine the so-called 'elixir'!"

"Next, let's go to Forest Park with the heroine Fima."

Mr. Stork said seriously, holding his steel-core cane.

"This time, Mr. Snow Owl joined us, and three police officers followed us. We will be more confident when we encounter the attack from the cult members of the 'Lake God Sect'... If we can get the mysterious knowledge they have, in reality, Li will also have extraordinary power!"

But his words did not arouse much expectation from the other members.

Perhaps the living sacrifice is too shocking, or it may be that Mr. Oystercatcher, Miss Seagull and Miss Sparrow have lingering consciences. Even though they yearn for mysterious power, they are unwilling to violate their human conscience in order to obtain such power.

Especially Miss Sparrow, ever since she heard that the main material of the "Elixir" is "human blood and human heart", her face has not been good and her mood has been relatively low.

Only Gillan's reaction was smaller.

In his opinion, if a living sacrifice is really needed to obtain mysterious power, then the Lewis family and the police search team who are chasing him will be the best sacrifices!




The time soon arrived in the afternoon.

After everyone had a simple meal in the bar hall on the first floor, at Fima's suggestion, they headed to the forest park in the north of the town.

It is worth mentioning that the five people in the recording session, as "movie viewers", could also taste extremely real flavors while eating and drinking in the movie, and even felt full.

A group of nine people got on a large carriage equipped by the Public Security Bureau and drove north along the main road of the town. After about ten minutes, they arrived at their destination.

After getting off the car, everyone saw the entrance of the Forest Park at a glance.

It was a double wrought iron fence gate, with lovely images of wild animals painted on the arched billboard on top, but the paint had peeled off in large areas, making it look a bit dilapidated and eerie.


Everyone opened the door and went in, walked through a path, and came to an exhibition hall. There are many specimens of wild animals on display, ranging from squirrels to brown bears, with more than 20 species in total.

Especially the three-meter-high rectangular glass cabinet in the center actually contains a mammoth skeleton specimen, which is said to be 14,000 years old.

Everyone in the community looked at the mammoth skeleton specimens and marveled.

Even Miss Sparrow, who comes from the richest family, has never seen such a novel thing, and her little face is full of curiosity and admiration.

But Ji Lan looked confused.

‘Mammoths were so small? ’

According to his visual inspection, the mammoth specimen in the glass display cabinet is about 2.5 meters tall at the shoulder. But as a young person on earth in the new century, I often watch popular science programs. It stands to reason that the shoulder height of mammoths should be more than 3.3 meters.

'Maybe a dwarf species or a young mammoth...'

Gillan shook his head.

But just when he was about to look away, he was suddenly startled.

The mammoth specimen is made up of hundreds of bones, but from Gillan's perspective, the bones on its chest actually look like a human skull that has been enlarged several times!

‘Is it an illusion? ’ Ji Lan’s eyes narrowed, but the more he looked, the more he felt like it. 'How could there be such a mammoth...the chest is simply a huge deformed human head! ’

The hollows on both sides of the mammoth specimen's chest are like a pair of dark eyes, staring at Gilan through the cracks of time, exuding unspeakable malice.

"Mr. Snow Owl?"

Just at this moment, Miss Sparrow called him.

Ji Lan woke up from her trance and felt a cold sweat break out on her back.

He turned his head, not wanting to look at the mammoth specimen.

"It's time for us to leave. There's still a long way to go from here to the Black Lake. We have to reach our destination before the sun goes down."

Miss Sparrow turned around and reminded in a low voice.

"Well, I understand."

Ji Lan nodded and took steps to follow.

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