From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 35 Black Lake 5

"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die!"

One of the reindeer masked vigilantes growled and spoke.

"kill him!!"

The two men raised their guns and fired, making a bang-bang sound.

However, Gilan's figure was quite fast, dodging left and right between the pine trees.

After a few clicks, the bullet hit the tree trunk, splattering wood chips and leaving holes. Gillan also took the opportunity to approach the two men and raised his short-barreled revolver to fight back.

Bang bang bang!

Due to the complicated environment and the fact that Gillan was running, these three shots did not hit their vital points, one shot missed, and the other two shots only hit their arms.

In this regard, Gillan was not panicked.

Because his strengths are physical strength and close combat.

With a bang, Gilan kicked hard on the tree trunk, flew forward, and slammed his right knee into a person's face, along with the reindeer mask, smashing his cheek to pieces.

puff! !

The Sheriff fell backward after being hit by a knee, and hit his head on a large cobblestone on the ground. There was no movement immediately.

Gaba! !

Gilan stepped on his throat and then rushed towards the other person.

The man wanted to shoot, but the distance between the two sides was too close. Gillan had already stretched out his hands, grabbed the other man and threw him down.

With a plop, Jilan knelt down on the man, expressionless, and landed a punch.

Bang! !

The punch caused pieces of the mask to fly everywhere, and blood-stained teeth and blood sprayed out.

Gillan's fist was also broken and bleeding, but as if he couldn't feel the pain, the other fist fell again.

Bang! !

Bang bang! !

He crossed the afterimage with both fists and continuously hit the face of the enemy beneath him.

The man screamed twice at first, and then stopped moving, leaving only a trail of blood around him.

Ji Lan slowly stood up and turned to look.

The club members were still fighting fiercely. Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Sparrow seemed to be a little injured, but there were no major problems. As for the cultists, more than half of them also fell.

Fima hid far away, squatting down behind a big rock, covering her ears and shaking.

The sky turned yellow unconsciously, and the whole pine forest was like a dream.

The light penetrated through the gap, like a spear piercing through.

"Drink! Damn cultists!" Mr. Oystercatcher roared. He was surrounded by two men with ax masks, so he decisively put on the Iron Finger Tiger and started fighting with them.

With a crackling sound, he struck hard at the enemy with his powerful and heavy fists. After several rounds, he successfully knocked down two masked men. However, he also suffered more injuries as a result, and the bandages on his body were soaked with blood.

Mr. Oystercatcher gasped, and out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly spotted a female masked person hiding behind a tree, and raised a pistol towards him.

"Damn it!" He lowered his waist, took out two guns as quickly as possible, and continuously pulled the triggers in the direction of the female masked person.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Miss Seagull, who was aiming at the enemy, suddenly heard gunshots ringing in her ears. Just as she was about to take a look, her cold and pretty face suddenly froze.

When he looked down, he saw that he had been shot in the waist and abdomen!

The blood couldn't stop flowing out, staining the close-fitting white woolen sweater red.

A strong sense of pain followed, and in her gradually blurred vision, Mr. Oystercatcher's eyes were red and he was shooting at her crazily.

"Oystercatcher! What are you doing?!" Mr. Stork smashed the head of the enemy in front of him with his cane. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but change his expression.

The next second.


laugh! !

Mr. Stork sensed the danger at the critical moment and raised his arms to cover his face.

But he saw a slender metal arrow piercing his forearm. The blood-stained arrow was only a few centimeters away from his eyes!

His heart was beating fast, and he endured the severe pain and took a closer look. Miss Sparrow was drawing her bow and nocking an arrow, preparing to continue shooting at him!

"Miss Sparrow! You guys?!"

Mr. Stork didn't know what was happening for a moment. Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Sparrow actually went crazy and attacked their teammates.


A flying ax suddenly struck, spinning towards Mr. Stork's head.

Almost immediately, a cold gray stick shadow collided with it.

when! !

The ax bounced off, and Mr. Stork turned his stick and ducked sideways behind a pine tree.

With a cold face, he pulled out the arrow from his left arm and threw it away. Ignoring the blood from the wound, he took out the pistol from his waist and fired a shot at 45 degrees to the right.


A strong masked man who was about to continue throwing the ax fell down, and there was a bloody hole in the center of his forehead.

"Mr. Snow Owl, go help Miss Seagull!" He flicked the hand holding the gun, and with a bang, he shot another cultist in the head and shouted in a deep voice.

"Okay." Gillan's answer was quite concise.

I don’t know if it’s because he has experienced the movie world of “Moonlight Village” several times, which makes him quite familiar with the jungle environment, and he can travel through it very quickly.

Miss Seagull, who had been shot, was leaning against a pine tree, covering the wound on her abdomen. Her face was pale, and her white fingers were dyed red with blood.

But Mr. Oystercatcher was still firing at her, and the constant banging and banging of the gunshots, accompanied by the shaking of the tree trunks, made her frightened and angry.


Mr. Oystercatcher finally fired all the magazines, but before Miss Seagull could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw the strong man wearing an iron finger tiger and charging towards her, shouting: "Damn cultist!"

Miss Seagull wanted to curse, but when she opened her mouth, she found that her breath was weak and it was difficult to make a sound.

The nail-studded finger-tiger iron fist fell on her head. Miss Seagull gritted her teeth and was about to dodge with the pain, but she noticed a figure passing by in her peripheral vision.

Bang! !

I saw a blond young man in a brown windbreaker standing in front of him, slapping out a hand, hitting Mr. Oystercatcher's forearm with the heel of his palm, knocking the punch away.

Immediately I heard him shout loudly: "Wake up!"

Bang! !

The blond young man punched Mr. Oystercatcher in the face. Miss Seagull could even see the strong man's cheek being squeezed and deformed by the fist, and he rolled his eyes and tilted his head.

With a splash, Mr. Oystercatcher collapsed on the ground beside Miss Seagull, with blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

Looks like he's sleeping more soundly than a baby.

"Mr. Snow Owl, thank you... thank you." Miss Seagull looked up at the blond young man and said coyly. "Last night you..."


The next second, she froze.

Because Mr. Snow Owl actually grabbed the back of her neck, picked her up like a kitten, and immediately took her to the side.


A metal arrow hit her where she was just now and was nailed to the tree trunk, its tail still trembling.

"It hurts..." Miss Seagull already had a wound on her abdomen. Gillan grabbed her and shook her violently. The pain almost made her faint.

Ji Lan glanced at Miss Sparrow who was squatting behind a tree more than ten meters away, exposing half of her body. She drew her bow and arrow and aimed at him, as if she regarded him as an enemy.

‘Affected by a mysterious force? ’ Gillan frowned.

His strong arms lifted Miss Seagull into his arms, and then ran in the direction behind him. Miss Seagull struggled in his arms, whether because of shame, anger or pain, and pushed Gilan's face several times.


Ji Lan didn't say anything and slapped her directly.

"If you don't want to die, don't move!" he said coldly.

Miss Seagull's expression was dull, staring blankly at the face so close to her.

The abdominal pain seemed to disappear at this moment, and there was only one thought in her mind——

As the daughter of Councilor Brack, I was slapped by a man? !

But the next second.

But there was a complex emotion that was difficult to suppress in her heart. There seemed to be a wild horse galloping, running wild, and neighing hard in her heart.

Miss Seagull's cheeks turned red and she stopped struggling.

Instead, he obediently pressed his face against the other person's chest, holding the collar of the windbreaker tightly with his little hands.

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