From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 36 Black Lake 6

After a while.

Mr. Stork swung his stick and knocked Miss Sparrow unconscious with one blow.

He glanced around and saw that all the cultists of the "Lake God Sect" had been killed, with corpses scattered everywhere. The environment was silent, leaving only him to breathe a little.

Unknown birds chirped a few times, flapped their wings and flew away in the forest.

"Are you okay, Mr. Snow Owl?" he turned and asked.

"No problem, just some skin trauma." Gillan slowly put down Miss Seagull and asked in a deep voice: "What happened to Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Sparrow? Why did they attack us?"

Mr. Stork shook his head.

"I don't know...maybe it can only be explained by mysterious power."

As he spoke, he looked at the seriously injured Miss Seagull and the two people who were in a coma, and said:

"Thankfully we have you joining us this time, Mr. Snow Owl, otherwise we would be really in danger."

"Nothing." Jilan shook his head slightly.

"We are all injured. In reality, old Jerry should have discovered something strange and will soon wake us up and force us out of this movie world."

Mr. Stork's face showed regret.

"It seems that we can only stop here this time. We still haven't been able to find Fima's parents, and we haven't even seen the shadow of the Black Lake."

"But we've found an important clue, haven't we?"

Ji Lan smiled lightly.

"The local security bureau and tourism bureau have problems. Most of them are working with the 'Lake God Sect' for the so-called 'elixir'..."

"Indeed." Mr. Stork nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Mr. Oystercatcher, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, came to life. He struggled to get up and gasped because of the pain all over his body, especially the severe pain in his face.

Seeing Mr. Stork swinging his steel core cane, intending to knock him out again, Mr. Oystercatcher quickly raised his hand and shouted:

"Don't do it! I'm awake now!"

The shiny carved cane rested on the side of his neck.

Just when Mr. Stork was about to ask him what happened, Fima, who was hiding behind the crowd, suddenly shouted in surprise:

"Dad! Mom!"

While speaking, Fima had already taken quick steps and ran towards the depths of the forest.

Everyone looked in front of Fima, but they didn't see a shadow at all.

Just when they were doubting, a strong figure suddenly appeared from the other side and walked towards them.

"That's..." Mr. Oystercatcher gradually opened his mouth. "Oh my God! What monster?!"

The sturdy figure was two meters tall, with a bare head, twisted facial features, tangled muscles, a pair of disgusting fleshy wings on his back, and bulging fascial blood vessels.

He was wearing a brown linen prisoner's uniform, which was in tatters, and there were iron shackles tied to his ankles, but the chain in the middle had long been broken and was dragging on the ground with a rustling sound.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Mr. Stork didn't talk nonsense, he just raised his gun and shot.

However, bullets hit the monster one after another, but they only caused it to pause for a moment, and not even a drop of blood came out of the bullet holes.

"Not afraid of bullets..." Mr. Oystercatcher looked horrified. "Is there really a demon in the Black Lake?!"

"Let's go!" Mr. Stork made a quick decision and said in a deep voice. "We can't control Fima for the time being. Let's take Miss Seagull with us and wait for the old Jerry in reality to wake us up."

He picked up the unconscious Miss Sparrow and ran away.

'There are so many corpses that I haven't putrefied yet...' Gillan thought to himself. ‘We can’t just leave like this! ’

He pointed in the direction that Mr. Stork had left, and said in Mr. Oystercatcher’s puzzled eyes:

"You guys go first."

"Mr. Snow Owl, this is..."

"You can't run fast with two ladies, and you may be overtaken." Gilan said solemnly. "I wasn't injured at all. I still have the energy to lure the monster away and cut off the rear for you."

Mr. Oystercatcher still wanted to persuade, but saw the serious expression on the blond young man's face.

He glanced at the tall monster that was getting closer and closer, gritted his teeth and helped up the unconscious Miss Seagull, and said:

"Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Snow Owl...I will wake you up as soon as possible after I wake up."


Gillan nodded, then exerted force with his feet, and jumped out. At the same time, he took out the quick loader and loaded the Colt short-barreled revolver with new ammunition.

Raise your hand and pull the trigger.

The hammer fell, and the bullet came out at a rapid speed.

Bang! !

The muscular monster in prison uniform had a bullet hole in its chest and stopped.

It turned its head suddenly, and in the middle of the twisted facial features, in the deep dark swirling hole, there seemed to be a pair of invisible eyes staring at the running man in the trench coat.


The fleshy wings on the back of the monster in prison uniform flapped violently, and it actually hung dozens of centimeters in the air!

Although it can't really fly, it can jump more than ten meters!

Boom! !

The monster in prison uniform leaped over and landed a heavy punch. Jilan narrowly avoided it, but the punch caused the pine wood behind him to shake, causing bark to fly and leaving a bowl-sized dent in the trunk.

Gillan rolled on the ground and glanced behind him.

The figures of Mr. Stork and others have gradually moved away and slowly disappeared into the forest.

He narrowed his eyes, spotted the corpse of a cultist dozens of meters away, and ran away.

The monsters in prison uniforms behind him were chasing after him, but Jilan arrived first. He bent down and stretched out his hand, and the corpse quickly decomposed and finally turned into dust.

The colored number in Gillan's eyes jumped from "1" to "2".

'very good……'

He secretly thought and ran towards another corpse.

Fortunately, although the speed of the prison monster is not slow, it lacks flexibility and can only move forward and backward. Relying on this, Jilan used all his strength to turn left and right, using the tall and dense pine trees to deal with them, trying to use the shortest time and distance to corrupt the corpses of the fallen cultists around him.

Not long after.

Gillan gasped and reached out to finish corrupting the last corpse.

The colored number in his eyes suddenly reached "21"!

The next second, Ji Lan felt wind coming from the back of his head.

He turned around suddenly, raised his arms and crossed them in front of him.

Bang! !

As if a solid hammer hit his hand, Jilan felt a sharp pain in his arm. His whole body was pushed away by a huge force, and he hit a pine tree three to four meters away with a loud noise. .

He fell down and vomited blood from his mouth.

He lost feeling in both arms, but he knew clearly that it was definitely a comminuted fracture!

Ji Lan looked up and saw that the monster in prison uniform kept pumping his fist, and then turned his head to look at himself again, staring at himself.

His heart shuddered, knowing that he might not be a match for the monster now.

At this moment, Jilan heard a faint cry from the horizon:

"Mr. Snow Owl! Wake up!"

It was Mr. Oystercatcher's voice, which seemed to be accompanied by Miss Sparrow's anxious call.

Gilan remained lying down with his chin on the soil, also staring at the monster.

'The points should be enough. When I take the "White Cross Body Training Technique" a step further, I will come back next time...'

He suddenly opened his mouth and smiled, his lips and teeth covered with blood.

‘I’ll beat you to death! ’

Gillan closed her eyes and then opened them.

He was already sitting on the sofa in the utility room.

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