From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 37 Yellow bile (Thanks to the leader for the

As soon as Gillan came out of the movie, he felt a sharp stab of pain in his arms.

There was also a tearing pain in his head.

"Hiss..." Jilan gritted his teeth and took a breath of air.

He tried to raise his hand, but it was difficult for him to do so.

After a while, the headache eased.

"Mr. Snow Owl, are you okay?"

Miss Sparrow stood in front of him at some point and asked with concern.

Gillan looked up from sitting on the sofa and saw Mr. Oystercatcher standing next to Miss Sparrow, gently rubbing the seemingly intact face. It seemed that the pain in the movie had also extended to reality.

"It's okay... I just got hit by the monster in the end, and my hands were disabled in the movie."

He said calmly.

Miss Sparrow pursed her lips and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I hurt everyone this time... and also caused you, Mr. Snow Owl, to risk your life to cut off the queen for us."

"It doesn't have to be like this." Gillan shook his head. "No one can be prepared for the unknown mysterious power. Just like what you said, Miss Sparrow, we are a team and should help each other."

"You are a classy gentleman, Mr. Snow Owl."

Miss Sparrow was moved by his words and spoke softly.

Mr. Oystercatcher next to her laughed heartily, patted Gillan on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry. Although we were all injured in the movie, in reality we will only feel phantom pain. We will be fine after a few days of rest."

"You're still so optimistic, Mr. Oystercatcher."

At this moment Mr. Stork came over with his walking stick.

Gillan turned around and saw that Mr. Stork was not seriously injured, but his left arm, which was pierced by an arrow in the movie, was weakly hanging down by his side. It looked similar to his condition.

As for Miss Seagull, she was leaning back on the sofa with her eyes closed tightly, her pretty eyebrows slightly furrowed, and her face extremely pale... It was obviously a gunshot wound in the movie, which had a serious negative impact on her body in real life.

"Everyone, please go back to your room and have a good rest. We will discuss it at dinner."

Mr. Stork looked at his watch. It was now 10:45 in the morning, and the viewing time was only more than half an hour. However, they had already eaten the main meal during the movie. They felt so full that it was difficult to eat anymore, so they suggested road.

"Yes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Miss Sparrow and Mr. Oystercatcher, who were in better condition, helped Miss Seagull up together and took her to Room 205 on the second floor.

Gilan walked at the end, looked back at Mr. Stork who was packing the "Black Lake" films in the utility room, and asked:

"Mr. Stork, how about turning off the projector directly during the 'movie watching' process?"

"The mental health of 'moviegoers' will be severely damaged."

Mr. Stork turned to look at him and shook his head.

"This is also the reason why we have to arrange for Old Jerry to monitor the scene at all times and artificially wake us up... If we turn off the projector directly, we will all fall into a deep coma or even not wake up due to the sudden interruption of the movie."

"So that's it." Jilan thought thoughtfully.

At the same time, Mr. Stork's trust in old Jerry also surprised him.

If Jerry Sr. had malicious intentions and turned off the projector while everyone was 'watching the movie', wouldn't they all be finished?

No, it’s not all played out.

At least he won't.




Gilan went up to the third floor and returned to his room "301".

He forced his stinging hands to take off his hat and windbreaker, hung them on the coat rack, then sat down on the red stool at the end of the bed and let out a sigh of relief.

A long while.

Jilan called out the colorful colors in her eyes, and the colored number in the corner of her sight was "21".

He tried to meditate on the content of "White Cross Body Training", and the crooked and twisted colored numbers trembled slightly, emitting a stronger light, seeming to respond.

'Sure enough... it's enough to push me to the next stage of practice! ’

Gillan smiled.

Then, he raised his trembling hand, and with a burst of distorted colored light, an old leather notebook appeared in his palm, which was the secret notes of Secretary Espy.

Gillan once again looked through the secret techniques recorded in it, which originated from the "White Cross Body Training Technique" of the "Healing Knights".

He first re-read the part about the first stage of "Mucus" to deepen his memory and consolidate his new knowledge, and then continued to delve into the content of the second stage of "Yellow Bile".

'There are more exercises, the breathing rate has become faster, and the combination is very complicated... According to the description, the secret medicine required in the second stage is also more precious. Even in the "Healing Knights", we must make a decision. Merit can only be given. ’

Gilan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and endured the phantom pain in his arms. He stood up and followed the notes, making various strange movements and postures that could even damage joints and ligaments.

He put his hands on his back, folded them on his lower back, squatted half-squat, bent his body forward, and slowly lifted one leg and crossed it on the knee of the other leg. As the pressure on one leg increased, the tension increased. The tight knees made a slight sound.


Jilan tried his best to control his breathing, keeping it out for more than ten seconds, then inhaled briefly for two seconds, exhaled again, and then extended the outgoing breath for another second.

After repeating the cycle three times, his face turned red and he felt like he was about to suffocate.

And that's just the beginning.

After that, Gillan will need to change the weight-bearing capacity of the other leg, arms, chest and back, and cooperate with a more complex breathing rate to meet the requirements of the "exercise technique".

After a complete set of exercises, Gilan lay on the ground gasping for air, like a dying fish.

Both arms were in excruciating pain.

It was obviously not a strenuous exercise, but it made his heart beat like a drum and sweat like rain.

These simple movements, in some mysterious combination, combined with the breathing rate, caused subtle changes in Gillan's body.

Soon, symptoms similar to those experienced when practicing “exercise” for the first time began to appear…

He suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain from the lower edge of his upper right abdominal ribs, and the muscles of his limbs also spasmed, and his whole body twitched uncontrollably.

"Uh-huh -" Jilan exhaled in pain and immediately gritted his teeth.

His eyes were red and his veins were bulging.

He knew that this was the result of not having the help of secret medicine. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be paralyzed, have a damaged gallbladder, and have internal organs fail.

But he is very human.

'gorgeous! ’

Ji Lan shouted in her heart.

The colored number "21" in his eyes fell and turned back to "1" in one jump.

After consuming a full 20 points of mysterious energy, the strangeness on Gillan's body was relieved, and the tingling pain at the lower edge of the ribs in the upper right abdomen turned into a warmth that flowed into the limbs and bones, making the whole body warm.



The joints in various parts of his body made intensive noises in unison, like the sound of pieces of cookies being broken.

The noise lasted for nearly half a minute before disappearing.

Gilan continued to lie on the ground for about ten minutes, and his clothes were already soaked.


His right hand, which was no longer in phantom pain, rested on the ground, and he stood up straight like a needle. The whole process looked extremely light.

Ji Lan felt the huge changes in her body and felt happy.

Unable to restrain his inner impulse, he jumped up on the spot——


His legs spread wide, as if he were walking in the air. His body actually drew a perfect arc, easily completed a backflip, and finally landed firmly on the ground.

'Sure enough, after entering the second stage of "yellow bile", the body's flexibility, flexibility, balance and jumping ability have been greatly improved. ’

Jilan clenched his fist and swung it into the air in front of him.

call! !

The shadow of the fist crossed a straight line and made a sound of breaking through the air.

Feeling unsatisfied, he opened his arms again and punched more than a dozen times.

The fist wind was strong and there was a whining sound.

Whirring whirring! !

'The physique and strength have also been enhanced for the second time. Compared to before, they are at least twice as strong! ’

Ji Lan suddenly stopped his hand and stood up straight.

'Now I punch with all my strength, it should be close to 1,000 pounds...'

His eyes were bright and he had a strong intuition in his heart.

If he were to face that Detective Granny again, he would only need three moves——

Within three moves, he will be beaten to death!

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