From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 38 Analysis (Thanks to the leader for the

Dinner time.

Everyone gathered in the restaurant on the first floor to record the meeting.

Old Jerry seemed to sense that everyone was in a low mood, so he specially cooked a big meal, hoping to use delicious food to lighten the atmosphere.

"Mr. Snow Owl, in the movie... thank you."

Miss Seagull played with the medium-rare steak on the plate with her fork, bit her lip, raised her head with evasive eyes, and thanked Gillan softly.

After an afternoon of rest, her mental state was obviously much better. In addition to her face still being a little pale, the phantom pain in her abdomen had also eased.

Mr. Stork and others at the table all showed surprised expressions.

They glanced at each other quietly.

From the moment Ms. Seagull joined the recording session, her impression on others was generally one of indifference and a kind of arrogance that was revealed inadvertently and buried deep in her bones.

But I didn't expect that she also has such a little girl side.

"We are all members of the collective, and we should help each other."

Gillan ate a piece of chicken pie and smiled lightly.

He didn't have a good impression of Miss Seagull, but the progress in "White Cross Body Training" put him in a good mood, so he responded politely.

At this time, Old Jerry brought another dinner plate and placed it in front of Miss Seagull. He opened the metal cover in an exaggerated manner, revealing a fist-sized piece of charred meat drizzled with brown sauce. It was also exuding fragrant heat. .

“The roasted lamb kidney with truffle specially prepared for Miss Seagull. Enjoy your meal.”

Old Jerry held it with one hand and smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, Miss Seagull had a strange look on her face. She opened her mouth several times but said nothing. Finally, she couldn't help but explain:

"I was only shot in the abdomen in the movie, no need..."

"Yes, I was punched in the face by Mr. Snow Owl, and it hurts now... Although there is no problem in reality, you have to be vigilant, maybe the organ function is damaged."

Mr. Oystercatcher pointed at his face, smiled heartily, and gulped down the smoked fish bread.

He suddenly noticed that Miss Seagull's eyes became sharp and she was staring at him.

"Ah, I'm sorry... I mean, in fact, you only need a few days of rest and you will recover. There seems to be no need for food supplements or anything like that! Haha!"

Mr. Oystercatcher quickly changed his mind.

But he found that Miss Seagull's face was even uglier.

Upon seeing this, he immediately shut up obediently and buried himself in his meal.

"Mr. Snow Owl, you can eat." Miss Seagull took a deep breath to control her anger, then pushed the plate in front of Gillan and said with a smile: "Old Jerry's craftsmanship is quite good, better than many host All the high-end restaurants are better.”

Mr. Stork and others once again looked at each other.

Miss Seagull, is this...a hint?

"Huh?" Miss Seagull noticed their expressions and immediately understood that her actions were misunderstood. She blushed with embarrassment and gritted her teeth: "I just..."

"Thank you." Gilan took the plate and nodded.

Miss Seagull was slightly startled, then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As if to ease the awkward atmosphere, Miss Sparrow quickly changed the topic:

"It's strange...why in the movie, only Mr. Oystercatcher and I were affected by that unknown mysterious force, but you were all fine?"

"I read the intelligence documents. It seems that this did not happen when we last explored "Black Lake"..." Gilan looked thoughtful. "So it's most likely because you and Mr. Oystercatcher did something during this movie viewing that you didn't do last time."

Mr. Stork thought of something and said in a deep voice:

"Miss Sparrow drank Fima's drink, and Mr. Oystercatcher drank the hotel's wine."

Everyone was stunned.

Then they thought, it was indeed the case.

"So the local drinks and wine in Fayelan'en Town have mysterious powers and can cause hallucinations?" Miss Sparrow opened her mouth slightly.

Gillan stopped eating and made a shocking guess:

"Maybe the suspicious person you saw on the second floor of the hotel was not real, but a hallucination that you both had together... Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the fact that he suddenly disappeared."

"If your guess, Mr. Snow Owl, is correct, then the most suspicious thing should be the black lake deep in the forest park... As far as I know from the investigation, the local 'Bright Moon Beverage Factory' and 'Black Lake Distillery' 'The water sources are all connected to the underground river of the Black Lake."

Mr. Stork frowned and spoke slowly.

The thoughts of everyone in the community were cleared up at this moment, and Miss Sparrow said in surprise:

"Huh? Actually, there is something wrong with the water in Black Lake?!"

But then she thought about it and realized something was wrong.

"But... those people in the tavern also drank, so why are they okay?"

"No, it's not that the people in the pub are fine after drinking, but that the locals are fine after drinking."

Mr. Oystercatcher said in surprise, as if suddenly enlightened.

"Old Toto and the others are local residents, but we are not, and neither are Sheriff Pieret's guys... Although I don't know the specific reason, it seems that only outsiders are affected by the mysterious power."

"So..." Mr. Stork's face changed slightly and he followed this logic. "The so-called 'elixir' is probably just an illusion caused by the lake water!"

"Anyone who is affected by the mysterious power of the lake will see the parchment about the 'Elixir of Life', which will give rise to a strong desire to drive oneself to kill people and perform human sacrifices... Could this be the birth of the 'Lake God Sect' The real reason?!”

"The local tourism bureau and public security bureau are composed of outsiders. After being affected by the lake, they turned into ferocious cultists and believed in the 'lake god' who did not know whether it was true or false. They joined forces to promote 'Fayelan'en Town' It is a tourist attraction with a beautiful environment. It deceives tourists to come and then looks for suitable targets as prey..."

"If you explain it that way, it all makes sense."

Miss Seagull nodded thoughtfully.

Everyone present fell into a brief silence, seemingly shocked by this speculation.

"But it is undeniable that there are indeed demons in the Black Lake!"

Mr. Oystercatcher said solemnly.

"That was what we all saw with our own eyes. It couldn't be an illusion... In the end, it was thanks to Mr. Snow Owl that he broke off alone and bought us time to return to reality."

"If you want to get close to the Black Lake, you have to face the devil." Mr. Stork pinched his temples with a headache. "But we alone may not be our match."

Ji Lan had an idea, so he suggested:

"Perhaps we can start with Sheriff Piere and conduct an in-depth investigation of the local security bureau and tourism bureau... Since the 'Lake God Cult' is wandering in the forest, why are they not attacked by demons? What if they drink it? If the people affected by the mysterious power in the lake will be regarded as "same kind" by the devil, then Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Sparrow seemed to be one of the targets of the devil's attack at that time, so this statement is not valid... There must be someone in the "Lake God Cult" A special method or means to avoid evil spirits."

"Mr. Snow Owl's words make sense."

Mr. Stork thought for a moment.

"Then next time we enter "Black Lake", we will act separately and start investigating the Public Security Bureau and Tourism Bureau..."

Thanks to "Astringent Coffee" for the 100,000 point reward!

Thanks to "HHHH_天" for the 3500 point reward!

Thanks to "Galaxy Is Enough With You" for the 500 point reward!

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