From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 39 Levels

Night, 8:08.

Ji Lan has long discovered the strangeness of this world. Even though it is midsummer, the day is still short. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky will gradually darken and then enter night.

At this time, it can be said to be late at night.

In Brak City, perhaps the residents of the slums went to bed early because they were exhausted from the day's busy work, as if they had exhausted all their strength to live. But the wealthy areas are still brightly lit, and although the upper-class people lack alcohol and art, they still have nightlife in various clubs for entertainment.

House 3rd block, apartment 13.

On the fourth floor of the attic where the record meeting is secretly located, two men are fighting and sparring, as if they are digesting the dinner they had two hours ago.

Bang! Crack!

Mr. Oystercatcher was wearing a short shirt with bare arms and thick leather gloves. He was sweating profusely and attacking the blond young man in front of him.

One punch, two punches, the powerful and heavy fists could not touch the corners of the opponent's clothes at all. Occasionally, when he found an "opportunity", he would be slapped away by the opponent's light palm.

The punches never landed.

It seems that the two sides are not opponents at the same level at all.

While dealing with Mr. Oystercatcher's attack, Gillan's eyes casually scanned the surrounding environment.

This attic is quite spacious. The floor and walls have been painted, reinforced and soundproofed. Mr. Stork transformed it into a training place... There are several wooden and iron dummy targets placed at the foot of the east wall, and the surface is also covered with several layers. Cotton-filled leather.

‘It seems that Mr. Stork is keen on fighting arts, so it’s no wonder that he is so strong. ’

Gillan sighed.

Through the group exploration in the movie "Black Lake", he had already seen that Mr. Stork was the most powerful among all the members of the society, both in terms of marksmanship and staff skills.


Mr. Oystercatcher delivered another straight punch, heading towards Gillan's face.

‘End it, his strength is too different from mine. ’

Gilan shook his head secretly.

He reached out with one hand, snapped it, and grasped Mr. Oystercatcher's wrist accurately and quickly. Then, with the other person's shocked expression, he lifted it off the ground, and then threw him hard over the shoulder. On the ground behind you.

Boom! !

"Ah!" Mr. Oystercatcher fell on his butt and cried out in pain. "No fight, no fight!"

Gillan smiled politely and extended his hand.

Mr. Oystercatcher gasped, took his hand and was pulled up. Then he kept rubbing his buttocks and said in surprise:

"Mr. Snow Owl, you are so strong... Although I know that you have defeated Detective Glennie, I only found out when I started fighting with you that you are much stronger than a 'teacher' level fighter. Give it to me. The pressure even caught up with Mr. Stork."

"Mr. Stork is very strong?" Gillan asked curiously.

Mr. Oystercatcher walked to the one-legged table on one side, picked up a cup of black tea, took a sip, wiped his sweat with a towel, and nodded towards him.

"Very strong," Mr. Oystercatcher said firmly.

As he spoke, he pointed to the weapon rack next to the dummy, on which were placed slender wooden sticks with the diameter of coins. Each wooden stick was also engraved with a pattern of a stork spreading its wings.

"Mr. Stork is a 'Heraldry' level staff master, which is a higher level symbol of honor than 'teacher'! Looking at the entire forest area, there are only a handful of masters!"

"'Teacher', 'Heraldry'..."

Gillan muttered these two words, already interested in the identity classification of these fighters, so he asked Mr. Oystercatcher. The latter was not stingy with his opinions, and was willing to tell them with his talkative temperament:

"These are all status symbols recognized by the Bremen Empire. You know... In the past Middle Ages, that is, between the fifth and seventeenth centuries, the world was shrouded in darkness and war. The nobles and knights at that time were all Wearing a sword and walking in troubled times.”

"But now is a civilized era. You are not allowed to roam the streets with swords. You will be arrested by patrolling security guards and taken to the police station."

Mr. Oystercatcher laughed.

"So now upper-class men will wear a walking stick, which is a 'civilized stick' instead of a 'sword' as a symbol of their status. Of course, it is also a self-defense weapon."

"So, cane magic has become the most sought-after skill among the upper class in the empire. If a gentleman only wears a cane but doesn't know how to do it, he will be teased as a 'pigli' in the circle."

The "pigley" in Mr. Oystercatcher's mouth is equivalent to the "spotted pig", and its potential meaning is that of an inflated person, which is close to the meaning of the earth's "monkey wearing a crown" or "eastern imitation".

"In addition to cane skills, skills such as unarmed combat, archery and equestrianism are also the favorite sports and skills of the nobles. After all, they are hundreds of thousands of years of tradition... Take a look at the recent Fonden Horse Racing in Brak City You will know how popular Hui' and 'Daffodil Fighting Competition' are."

Mr. Oystercatcher was drinking black tea and talking.

As Gilan listened, his understanding of this different world deepened.

‘It’s no wonder that there are so many fighting clubs in wealthy areas, and Miss Sparrow has also practiced exquisite archery. ’

He thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Gillan heard Mr. Oystercatcher say:

"The Bremen Empire also has a set of standard status classifications for those who are proficient in these skills. I am the most basic 'apprentice' level fighter. Of course, I am confident that I will pass the military assessment within ten years and obtain the 'Teacher' Accreditation Certificate."

He said with a confident smile on his face.

"After the 'teacher' level, there is the 'Heraldry' level like Mr. Stork. Fighters at this level are considered to be one of the strongest. Even if they are surrounded by more than ten strong men, they can easily defeat them. , escape calmly...The empire allows these elites to design a heraldic pattern for themselves to highlight their unique identity."

"Of course, the highest honor is the 'Master' level!" Mr. Oystercatcher looked yearning for it. "Even if we look at the entire Bremen Empire, it is difficult to find a few masters. I have only seen a few reports about masters in newspapers."

"It is said that they have practiced the art of fighting to an incomprehensible level. Even if they are in the capital's Muse City, they can still get the respect and courtesy they deserve in the upper circles."

Ji Lan listened silently, and couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

'Apprentice, teacher, emblem and master... what level of strength do I have now? ’

He thought to himself.

When he first fought against Detective Granny, the other party mistook him for a "teacher" level fighter. But now, Gillan is no longer what he used to be, and he has entered the second "White Cross Exercise". Yellow bile” stage.

Even he himself couldn't estimate which level he was at now.

‘Would you like to spar with Mr. Stork sometime? ’

An idea occurred to Gillan, but he quickly dismissed it.

He has just joined the record meeting, and Mr. Stork and Miss Sparrow know his details. If his strength improves by leaps and bounds again in just a few days, it will inevitably make people suspicious and may lead to trouble.

'Don't worry, Mr. Stork has decided on the next "movie day", which will be the day after tomorrow. It will be the film of "Black Lake". If we act separately, I will have many opportunities to test my strength...'

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