From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 41 Black Lake 7

There were not many people in the library, it could even be said to be very few.

There are even fewer on the third floor.

In view of the good sound insulation between floors, the gunfire in the lobby seemed extremely faint when it was transmitted to the lobby, and a few locals who were reading here were not aware of it.

So without any accident, Gillan found the book on the bookshelf in the corner of the third floor.

The book that the apocalyptic dream led him to.

He pulled it out from the bookshelf, patted some dust on the surface, and then opened the dark brown leather cover.

The title of the book is clearly written on the title page -

"Fayelan'en Town Local Historical Events"

There is also a line of small print below: Annual Annals of the Town from 1812 to 1911.

‘It turned out to be about the history of the town. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought and continued reading.

He read very quickly, and through the first half of the tome, he roughly knew the development history and secrets of the town.

"Fayelan'en" is actually located on the mountainside of an extinct volcano, so the local coal resources are rich, and the volcanic ash that the extinct volcano once erupted has given birth to a large forest environment over the years, which makes the town " The coal industry" and the "logging industry" developed rapidly.

As for the mountain pass of the extinct volcano itself, it gradually turned into a lake.

It is today's "Black Lake".

The volcano had no name before. It was not until 1885 during the war more than 20 years ago that an army called the "Expedition Exploration Team" came here. At that time, there were only a few hundred people in the army. The leader, Lieutenant Colonel "Dolomit" Name the volcano after yourself.

After that, the lieutenant colonel also ordered people to build a prisoner of war camp on the shore of the "Black Lake". However, less than two years after the army was stationed, everyone died in strange and strange ways, and a fire burned the place.

It was not until later that the locals in the town ventured into the ruins of the prison camp that they discovered the secret. It turned out that the "Expedition Exploration Team" had been conducting inhumane human experiments on prisoners of war.

But this is just the beginning of the nightmare.

Since then, some wandering figures have often appeared on the lakeside, and local people who approach it will disappear for no reason, and the legend about the "Devil in the Lake" has become more and more popular.


Gillan quickly turned over the yellowed pages of the book and suddenly stopped on one of them.

His eyes narrowed.

"At the end of 1883, a man who claimed to be a 'study hermit' came to the small town of Faye Lane and lived in seclusion by the Black Lake... It is said that he was a native of the town, and he also interacted with many older generation locals. The residents knew each other, and people marveled at his youthful appearance and believed the facts he told.”

"After the hermit named 'Rembrandt Eddy' returned to his hometown, he used his profound knowledge and alchemical methods to cure many local people's difficult and complicated diseases, and gained the love of the local people."

"However, in the spring of the next year, Rembrandt disappeared without any reason. People believed that this scholar and master who cared about his hometown was only out for a short time and would return soon... It is a pity that he never appeared again."

Gillan continued to read the content at the end, but found no more valuable information.

So he took a deep breath and closed the tome.

‘Is there any connection between the disappearance of this “hermit” Rembrandt and the “exploration expedition” that arrived in the town the following year? ’

Ji Lan frowned slightly.

‘Could the monsters in prison uniforms we encountered before leaving the movie last time be part of the prisoner of war camp at that time... They mutated due to some accident and eventually became what the locals call “demon”? It's not impossible. ’

While he was thinking, a slight sound suddenly came from his ears.

It was the sound of clothes being rubbed and footsteps moving.

"Ha, are you here..." Gilan was not surprised. Instead, with a fierce look in his eyes, he took out the short-barreled revolver from the holster on his waist, turned around and pulled the trigger at the two figures trying to get closer.

Bang bang! !

The sound of gunshots was particularly harsh in the silent environment.

Two cultists wearing reindeer masks were shot in the chest and fell to the ground.

Ji Lan looked around and saw eight or nine cultists of various heights, short, fat, and thin carrying wood axes behind the two of them, surrounding him.

"Sacrifice! Offal! You will become part of us!"

"The 'Elixir of Age' is about to be made! Kill him!"

"Drain his blood! Gouge out his heart! We will all live forever!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The cultists, both male and female, each let out twisted, crazy laughter.

With red eyes, they raised their axes and rushed towards Gilan.

The distance between the two sides was close, and Guillen did not fire again. Instead of retreating, he jumped forward, raised his leg and stepped on the bookshelf on the right. With a bang, he flew lightly over the heads of several cultists and flew behind them.

"Death!" After landing on the ground, Jilan twisted his waist and punched hard.

His fist passed through the afterimage and hit a cultist in the cheek.

puff! !

The man's mask and his entire face were distorted and shattered, and small fragments exploded in all directions. His entire body spun forward under the strong force of the punch, and was dragged several meters away after falling.

Jilan could clearly feel the surging power surging within his body. He grinned and picked up the fallen logging ax in a pool of blood scattered with several broken teeth.

"Haha!!" He roared wildly, raised a meter-long ax with both hands, and struck the other person head-on.

Poof! !

Jilan's movements were so swift that the pudgy cultist he attacked didn't even have time to react. His whole head was cut open with an axe, and blood splattered everywhere.

With a snap, Jilan kicked the fat body away, and took advantage of the situation to forcefully pull out the stuck ax. With a touch of blood, he slashed the next person diagonally.


Poof! !

"Die to me!!"

Click! !

Clang! !

Jilan wielded the wood-cutting ax with a ferocious expression, treating the cultists in front of him as moving pine trees. The four or five closest cultists were killed by brutal slashes in just a few seconds. All around his feet were broken limbs and headless corpses.

But the other cultists were not afraid of this. Instead, they rushed towards him with red eyes and shouting.

While Gilan was killing his companion with an axe, another cultist also struck down with an axe.

"Sacrifice!!" he screamed wildly.

"Get out!!" Gilan let go of his hands holding the axe, swung his fist horizontally, and hit the opponent's arm like a steel rod.

There was just a snap sound, and the man's forearm was broken at 90 degrees, and the ax in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Jilan narrowed his eyes, kicked out, and directly kicked the attacker's chest to pieces and dented it. The man's reindeer mask continued to seep blood, his whole body let out a terrifying roar, fell to the ground, twitched several times and died on the spot!

With a snort, Gilan pulled out the logging ax from the corpse again.

Turning around, he saw that the last remaining cultist was already rushing toward him, shaking his head, and the two of them swung their axes almost at the same time!

Clang! !


The blade of a logging ax made a gap the size of a fingernail. It spun out and flew out, slashing through a bookcase. It was nowhere to be found.

And Jilan maintained a half-crouched and bent posture. The felt hat on his head, his messy blond hair, and his fair cheeks were full of blood stains... Behind him, the cultist's head spun and flew down, and a few strands of blood flowed from his neck. Sputtering everywhere.


The headless corpse fell to the ground.

Gilan was covered in blood and stood up straight again.

When he raised his head, his eyes were already red.

"Anyone who wants to harm me... should die..."

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