From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 42 Black Lake 8



The few locals who were reading on the third floor of the library screamed like crazy. They sat down on the ground, moving back and forth, looking at the hellish scene around them with horror on their faces.

And, walking toward them with an ax in hand, a man in a trench coat covered in blood.

"Please! Let us go, sir!"

one woman cried and begged.


Ji Lan stopped in front of several people. The head of the wood-cutting ax in his hand was stuck vertically on the ground, making a dull sound, which frightened several people. Their eyes kept blinking and tears were about to fall out.

"Do you have a cigarette?" He stretched out his hand to a man.

"Yes... yes, sir."

The other party was stunned for a moment, then he hurriedly took out a box of cigarettes and handed it to Ji Lan. He then took out the matchbox shakily, lit it and lit it himself.

Gillan held the cigarette between her red fingers, took a deep puff, and exhaled the smoke.

"Thank you." He said calmly.

Immediately, he turned around and left with the ax in hand, and went downstairs in a big way.

When several locals present saw his figure disappear, they let out a sigh of relief, feeling grateful to have survived the disaster.

After Gilan left the library, he was covered in blood and walked on the street carrying an ax.

When the local residents saw his appearance, they all changed their minds and ran away in fear.

Gilan ignored these people, smoked a cigarette, and focused on the corner of his vision. The colored number that only he could see had turned into "13".

'Hmm... According to Mr. Oystercatcher, my current strength should be at the "Heraldry" level, right? ’

Through the battle with the cultists, he roughly figured out his own level, and a smile appeared on his lips.

‘The harvest is also good. Then go directly to the Black Lake and see what secrets are hidden there! ’

He was very interested in the missing alchemist.

Thinking to himself, Gilan suddenly pulled out the short-barreled revolver from his waist and stopped a passing carriage.

"First... sir?!" The driver's eyes widened and he quickly raised his hands.

"Send me to Forest National Park."

Gilan turned over and got into the carriage and said softly.

"Of course, no problem! Sir!" The coachman did not dare to refuse and responded "quickly". He immediately swung the reins, controlled the horse to turn around, changed direction and headed straight to the north of the town.

Ji Lan was in a hurry and had no time to pay attention to so much.

He knew that the "Lake God Cult" had infiltrated the entire town, and he would soon be hunted by them, so it was best to reach the Black Lake before the cultists intercepted him.

Under the supervision of the gunpoint, the driver appeared to work very hard, beating the horse with sweat to speed up. This time, it only took less than ten minutes to send Gilan to the destination.

"No need to look for it." Gilan got out of the carriage, grabbed a handful of scattered bills from his windbreaker pocket, and stuffed them directly into the coachman's hand.

That was the local currency he found from the cabinet where the old man at the front desk was before leaving the library, a few belongings called "Dormarks".

It couldn't be taken away anyway, so Gilan casually sent it to the coachman.

Ignoring the other party's shocked reaction, he strode towards the entrance of the forest park.


He kicked open the wrought iron fence door and walked in without stopping.

When passing by the exhibition hall, Gillan glanced at the mammoth specimen in the glass cabinet, and that instinctive fear suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart again.

Ji Lan felt a chill in her heart and quickly looked away.

Immediately afterwards, he ignored the horrified looks of the exhibition hall staff, pushed open the glass door, and went straight into the pine forest.

With the experience of watching the movie last time, Gillan followed the dirt path deeper and deeper based on the vague memory.

The surrounding trees were towering, blocking the sky. Unknown birds were chirping, and from time to time, rustling movements could be heard in the bushes.

Gilan walked through it like an insignificant fallen leaf.

After a while.

He arrived at the location where the last movie ended, but was not ambushed by the cultists.

‘Is it because of Sheriff Pierret? ’

Gillan looked around and guessed secretly.

Last time, everyone in the community hired a security officer to accompany them, but the security bureau was all members of the "Lake God Sect", so it was possible to report the news in advance and plan an ambush.

This time, Gilan was alone and moved very quickly, so he probably caught the opponent off guard.

That's a good thing for him.

Gilan continued walking forward with his logging ax in hand.

But after traveling more than a hundred meters, a familiar sturdy figure wandered from the forest and broke into his field of vision——

Brown prison uniform, fleshy wings on his back, a muscular monster two meters tall!

"Well done!" Ji Lan narrowed his eyes.

Instead of hiding, he walked towards the monster with his wood-cutting ax in hand.

Gillan had a ferocious look on his face. He had been punched by the monster at the end of the last movie, but he had always remembered it.

I promised to kill him if I come back this time, so I must kill him!

He walked faster and faster, then ran and charged.

The monster in prison uniform stopped and turned its head suddenly.

Its face was twisted into a ball, staring at the approaching creature, then it flapped its fleshy wings and pounced towards Gilan like a flying beast!

The two sides came within a few meters of each other in just two seconds, and the monster in prison uniform punched out.

The strong wind raised the tips of Jilan's hair, and he could even see clearly the skin tissue that was glued together on the back of the monster's hand, which was a sign of severe burns.

Jilan grinned, held the ax in both hands, and made a diagonal slash!

Click! !

The logging ax hit the monster's fist hard, and a huge shock force came from the ax handle, which made Gilan's hands numb and even made him take several steps back.

But Gillan was not angry, but rather excited.

Last time, he was punched away by the monster and was unable to resist, but this time, he was able to barely compete in a head-on confrontation of power. Looking at the opponent, the huge and hard fist had been split open by the axe, like a cracked nut.

But the monster in prison uniform seemed to have no sense of pain or blood. It completely ignored the palm with its flesh torn apart and exposed the stubble of bones. Instead, it raised its other hand and slapped it.


Strong wind strikes.

However, Jilan's body was quite dexterous and resilient. He leaned back, kicked his feet, twisted his whole body away from the palm attack, and took the opportunity to get under the monster's ribs.

As he advanced, the logging ax held tightly in both hands quickly cut across a crescent moon and slashed hard across the monster's abdomen!

Poof! !

The sharp ax blade cut through the prisoner's uniform, and most of it went into the monster's belly!

With a cold face, Jilan's knuckles holding the ax handle turned white. He pulled out the logging ax and struck again, hitting the same spot again!

"Cut!!" He shouted in a deep voice.

At this time, the waist of the monster in prison uniform was slashed through. The bulging leather package was slashed with a big hole, and some internal organs and intestines that exuded a putrid stench slid out.

"Woo!!" The prison uniform monster let out an unexplained roar from its throat. It clasped its hands together as if it wanted to give Gilan a hug.

But Jilan knew that if he was caught by him this time, he might not end well.

At the critical moment, he kicked the monster's knees, causing it to stagger. At the same time, he jumped up with the help of his strength, grabbed the ax with both hands, and struck hard at its twisted forehead!

"Go to hell!!"

Gillan growled, using all his strength.

This ax was like lightning falling from the sky, hitting the bald head of the prisoner uniform monster——

Click! !

The palm-sized ax drove hard into the monster's head, almost splitting it in half.

But at the same time, the wooden ax handle couldn't withstand the huge force and broke with a snap. Jilan couldn't control the inertia and fell to the ground.

He didn't care about the dirt and rotten leaves on his face and got up from the ground again.

However, the monster in prison uniform who was standing upright fell down, making a dull sound.

The broken ax was always stuck in its forehead, as if it was inlaid together.

"Huh..." Ji Lan slowly exhaled a long breath and said with a toothy smile: "A devil who is not afraid of bullets? It turns out that he can also be hacked to death with an axe!"

He took a few steps forward, bent down and touched the monster.

The corpse began to decay rapidly until it turned into dust and dispersed.

The colored number in Gillan's eyes jumped from "13" to "23".

‘Only 10 mystery points? ’ He felt doubly unhappy.

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