From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 43 Black Lake 9

Ji Lan fought with the monster in prison uniform for a while, and also spent some energy.

He rested for a while under a pine tree, then stood up again and continued walking deeper into the forest.

While on the road, Gillan checked the ammunition preparation status of the short-barreled revolver.

The two fully loaded speed loaders have been used up, leaving only three rounds of 9mm bullets in the revolving magazine.

‘If we encounter another battle, we can only use the weapons stored in the dimensional space. ’

Gillan thought to himself as he put the revolver back into the holster.



At this time, a slight movement was heard in the forest ahead, accompanied by slow and heavy footsteps.

Gilan stopped, hid his body behind the pine trees on one side, and looked around.

I saw four or five deformed figures in brown prison uniforms wandering among the dense and tall pine trees and behind the bushes.

They may be tall, with gnarled muscles and fleshy wings on their backs, or they may be as skinny as wood, but their arms are long and slender, their fingers are as sharp as knives, and their skin has a gray-black sheen like scales.

What's more, it has grown seven or eight legs and is walking with its legs bent like a spider. Its upper body covers its face with its hands, its head is lowered, and it keeps making horrifying crying sounds.

'What are these monsters...really demons that came out of the lake? ’

Ji Lan's face was solemn.

Facing a prison uniform monster alone, he was confident enough to kill it. Even two of them could barely compete... But with three, four, or even more, he could only avoid the edge for the time being.

Moreover, Jilan was not sure about the other two unknown monsters that he had never come into contact with before.

‘The Apocalypse Dream will not lead me to the historical chronicles in the library for no reason. I believe they are directly related to the burned prisoner of war camp. ’

He secretly said.

As his mind turned, Jilan had quietly left his place, planning to avoid the area where these prison uniform monsters roamed, and continue towards the black lake deep in the forest.

However, a harsh howl, like a baby crying, suddenly sounded from behind!


Ji Lan turned around and saw a monster in a large prison uniform, only the size of a child. At some point, it had climbed to the waist of a pine tree. On its big head covered with tumors like a honeycomb, there were more than a dozen exposed His eyes stared straight at himself, and the mouth squeezed open below kept screaming:

"Wow - wow -"

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click! !

There was a burst of intensive noise, and the wandering monsters in prison uniforms were instantly attracted by the cry, and rushed towards Jilan's location one by one!

"Damn you!" Gilan was furious, pulled out the short-barreled revolver and pulled the trigger at the short monster.

Bang bang bang! !

The last three bullets fired, one hit the pine wood, and the other two missed.

The short monster was surprisingly agile. When Jilan raised his hand, it started moving. In a flash, it circled the pine tree and climbed to the top. It kept opening its mouth and screaming, attracting other monsters with its harsh sound.

Gilan listened to the approaching sounds behind him and knew that the monsters in prison uniforms had discovered him, so he ran away.

His movements were agile, and he moved through the forest like a bobcat. Mud, shrubs, and rocks could not stop him. In just two minutes, he ran thousands of meters away, leaving those monsters behind.

The second stage of "White Cross Body Training", "Yellow Bile", focuses on improving the dexterity and endurance of Jilan's physique, which allows him to easily burst into the extreme running speed of ordinary people and last longer.

However, Gilan's expression was still ugly.

Because he noticed that the short monster with a deformed head was like a dog-skin plaster that couldn't be shaken off, jumping and climbing between the pine trees, always following him, and constantly screaming:

"Wow - wow -"

In the silent forest, the cry was harsh and abrupt, echoing for a long time.

'Those monsters can always know my location based on their cries, and will chase after me endlessly... If this continues, it will even attract more monsters, which will be a big trouble! ’

Jilan secretly thought.

He listened to the noisy screams in his ears, his face looked ferocious, and the moment he raised his hand, a burst of colorful light bloomed, and an old-fashioned double-barreled shotgun appeared in his hand.

"Have you had enough noise?! You really thought I couldn't do anything to you!"

The shotgun is the weapon Jilan is most familiar with. Not only does it have perfect shots, but it can still easily hit a target within thirty meters.

Bang bang! !

The two shots were fired almost simultaneously.

The scream from the top of the pine tree stopped abruptly.

Immediately, a short figure fell from the sky and hit the ground with a splash of black and yellow blood.

Without saying a word, Jilan ran over and kicked out.

Bang! !

The deformed monster, which had one arm and one leg shattered by the shotgun, was kicked by his ferocious legs while it was twisting and struggling. It flew straight backwards like a soccer ball shot by an athlete at the goal.

With a bang, the already seriously injured monster hit a pine tree, causing the tree trunk to shake.

Its broken body fell like mud. Jilan walked over and stretched out his finger stained with colored light, touching it lightly. The monster immediately began to decay, and finally turned into dust and disappeared.

The colored numbers in Gillan's eyes jumped from "23" to "25".

He sneered in relief, loaded the double-barreled shotgun, and ran away from the scene.

After a while.

Jilan completely shook off the pursuit of the monster group.

Judging from the last sounds he heard, he estimated that the number of monsters reached at least double digits. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise if he was surrounded, he would have to use the power of "Bailan" to forcefully escape from the movie... But that would expose his trump card.

Gilan didn't want to do it unless he had to.

He continued walking in the forest for dozens of minutes, and his field of vision suddenly became wider.

Jilan was overjoyed, and immediately stepped over the bushes in front of her, and a lake suddenly came into view.

Surrounded by mountains in the distance, the gloomy sky is reflected on the lake, making the entire lake appear a dim dark green, like an ancient and mysterious irregular round mirror.

The lake is surrounded by a gravel beach more than ten meters wide, and the entire lake is dark gray.

‘This is the “Black Lake”? ’

Ji Lan did not approach rashly, but held his breath and looked around.

The surrounding environment is quite quiet, it can even be said to be dead silent. Not to mention the human figure, not even a wild animal can be seen. The atmosphere is extremely depressing and strange.

At this time, Gilan suddenly noticed that at the other end of the lake, a narrow wooden trestle could be vaguely seen, leading to a small wooden house built on the lake.

‘Could that be the hermitage of the “alchemist” Rembrandt? ’

Ji Lan's heart moved.

He took a deep breath, held the shotgun and stepped cautiously, deliberately keeping a distance from the black lake, and walked along the tidal flat towards the other end of the lake.

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