From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 44 Black Lake 10

Gilan's leather shoes made a rustling sound on the gravel beach.

As he got closer to the wooden house in the lake, he discovered that there was actually a blackened clearing hidden in the forest on the left. There were many collapsed long logs that had been burned into charcoal, as well as the remains of some tents, tables, chairs, and metal boxes.

Gillan guessed that that area was probably the ruins of the prisoner-of-war camp of the "Expedition Exploration Team".

He did not go there, but planned to explore the situation of the cabin in the lake first. He looked up at the sky and remembered that he needed to return to the Black Lake Hotel to meet everyone in the community at noon, so he quickened his pace.

Not long after, Gilan stepped onto the wooden trestle.

I don't know if it was due to the passage of time, but this small trestle had become severely decayed, so much so that he staggered while walking on it, and heard creaking sounds from time to time under his feet.

Ji Lan had a calm mind, lowered his center of gravity, and walked forward unhurriedly.

His peripheral vision glanced at the lakes on both sides. The lake reflected the outline of the hut and was calm. However, the deeper lake bottom was pitch black, which made Gillan feel inexplicably depressed... He didn't know what was below, but he always felt very dangerous. .

The length of the trestle was about twenty meters. Fortunately, until he pushed open the door of the wooden house, there was only a near miss.

The interior of the house was simply furnished, with only a bed, a set of tables and chairs against the wall, and a long box placed in the corner. There were moldy clothes in the open boxes, and the wooden walls, floor, and ceiling were covered with black-green moss, densely covered with spider webs, and moist and slippery.

Gilan resisted the stench in the house and began to search with a gun.

Looking at some moldy books, water glasses, ink bottles, quills and other miscellaneous items neatly arranged on the table, Gillan couldn't help but wonder. The Rembrandt alchemist who lived in seclusion here did not seem to be prepared to leave... It was more like he encountered an accident and disappeared suddenly.

He stood in front of the table, looking through a diary on the table through the light that filtered through the window.

"Winter 1883, December 25th, overcast... Today is 'Christmas'. Although I am not a believer in the Dawn, I still praise Omer. He is the pioneer and beacon of mankind, worthy of respect... Maybe I should also take advantage of it. With my own strength, can I do something for the people in my hometown? For example, cure diseases? Well, although I am not good at this, it is still no problem to make some ordinary anti-miasma medicine or pain and cold medicine..."

"In the winter of 1883, it rained on December 29... It has been more than a month since I returned to my hometown. I like it more and more. It is quiet and undisturbed, suitable for meditation and research... I have to sigh with emotion. After traveling for forty years, I How much have I lost in pursuing more profound knowledge and climbing to a higher 'original level', and is it worth it in retrospect?"

"In the spring of 1884, on March 1st, it was cloudy... Recent research has hit a bottleneck, which always makes me fantasize about how great it would be to have a 'Philosopher's Stone' in my hand. Unfortunately, it only exists in legends. The supreme alchemy in the world, just like I always imagine that there is an 'elixir' in the world."

"'Alchemy of Life' is a taboo in the mysterious circle, and it is also a hypothesis that violates the law of truth. However, I am not willing to die of old age one day... Even though I am a 'long-lived person' with a natural life span of 150 years, I still long for it. If you want to live forever, you can have more time to explore the truth of the world."

"In the spring of 1884, March 6, Yin... Something is wrong here, and I was so late to realize it. What kind of power can invisibly affect a 'long-lasting man'?"

"In the spring of 1884, on March 9, it rained... It was Him! It was this extinct volcano! This was the place where He had stayed. Only in this way can we explain the lingering sulfur gas, the most evil thing since ancient times. The evil god——‘Sulfur Lord’!!”

"In the spring of 1884, on March 10, it rained heavily... I was unwilling to leave like this. I wanted to go to the bottom of the lake. If I could find some traces of Him, I could also have a glimpse of the peak of the 'Road of the Fire Sword'. What is it!"

"If anyone later finds my diary, please remember such a fool who devoted himself to the truth. His name is Rembrandt Eddy, a level 4 Whisper of the 'Forge Pentacle' pathway."

"May my hypnotic power not come back to bite me."

After reading the diary, Ji Lan felt dizzy.

It was filled with so many terms that it confused him.

He could only be certain of one thing, that is, the alchemist did not come back after entering the bottom of the lake.

‘Sure enough, the “elixir” does not exist... The diary also mentioned the “Path of the Fire Sword”. Is this alchemist named Rembrandt also a “spiritual mystic”? But why does he call himself "The One of Longevity"? What are the "Forge Star Coins" path and "Whispers"? ’

Gillan was filled with doubts.

However, at this moment, when his hand touched the diary, a dazzling colorful light suddenly bloomed.

Jilan raised his hands to cover his eyes as a reflex, but the next second, he fell into a trance.

In the haze, he saw the flashback scene...

It was a man wearing a gray robe, with short curly brown hair, whose face was unclear. It was raining heavily outside, and inside he was writing a diary with a quill at his desk.

After he stopped writing, he turned around and left the hut, drank a bottle of strange potion in the rain, and immediately plunged into the lake... Jilan noticed a detail. At this time, the black lake was still very clear and blue. .

After the man in gray robe fell into the lake, he never came up again.

But soon the lake seemed to be infected by ink, gradually turning black and green.

After that, spring turns to winter, and another year comes.

An army escorted the prisoners to the lake, where construction began and a camp was built.

The army is stationed on the shore of Black Lake, and domestic water comes from Black Lake.

The bearded officer in charge was very keen on ancient creatures. He would stay up late every night to read and look through some atlases of long-extinct creatures. He was especially enthusiastic about "mammoths". He would even hang paintings of various mammoths on his walls. Observe in the tent.

Soon, the officer issued the order, and the prisoners in the prisoner of war camp became the targets of human experiments. The screams were endless, day and night.

But not long after, the entire prison camp underwent horrific changes.

The prisoners screamed and turned into monsters that were not afraid of bullets. Some grew wings, some could dig the ground, and some had multiple legs... The soldiers also underwent mutations, but their bodies But they grew fangs and claws unique to beasts, and the bearded officer among them turned into a huge mammoth.

Weirdly deformed mammoth!

On his chest was what originally belonged to him, a twisted bearded face!

But those eyes have long lost their humanity, only pure malice!

"Hoo!" Jilan fell down in the hallucination, and his hand trying to support the table accidentally knocked over some bottles and jars, making a clanging sound.

He gasped for breath for a moment, and then came to his senses.

In silence, Gilan raised his arms and stared at his hands.

The colored light on the five fingers slowly twisted and disappeared.

'It's the power of "beautiful"... I didn't expect that it can also trigger "apocalyptic dreams" in movies! No, it’s not a dream, it’s just a phantom flashback. It used the diary as a medium to allow me to see some key fragments of the past! ’

Jilan got up again and couldn't help but be frightened when he recalled the scene he had just seen.

He seemed to understand it all.

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