From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 45 Black Lake Eleven

'Rembrandt was an outstanding alchemist. He traveled and studied for many years and mastered knowledge and power beyond the ordinary... Through the "Path of the Fire Sword", he embarked on the so-called "Pentacle of the Forge" path and became a Level 4 "Mutter". ’

‘Judging from the contents of the diary, he may have a mysterious power that can hypnotize others. ’

'After that, Rembrandt returned to his hometown to live in seclusion, but accidentally discovered that the extinct volcano he was in was the place where a terrible evil god had stayed, and that some terrifying and mysterious power was left at the bottom of the lake. ’

'He could have escaped in time, but due to his thirst for knowledge, he sneaked into the bottom of the lake to explore... But he never returned, so he was buried at the bottom of the lake, and his death also directly or indirectly caused the changes in the lake. ’

‘Will this mutation make the lake water have a strong hallucinogenic effect, like “hypnosis”? The "Expedition Exploration Team" camped here, both soldiers and prisoners of war, all had hallucinations after drinking the lake water, and their bodies were deformed according to their most desired obsessions. ’

'Lieutenant Colonel "Dolomit" was obsessed with mammoths, so he became a deformed mammoth. Those soldiers who were eager to obtain the power of ancient creatures through human experiments also grew fangs and claws. ’

'As for the prisoners of war, the strongest desire in their hearts is to escape from the prisoner of war camp... If they are afraid of bullets, they want to be not afraid of bullets. If they want to escape, they will grow fleshy wings and multiple legs. ’

‘Rembrandt’s obsession was immortality and his attempt to refine a non-existent “elixir”… At the same time, he had strong feelings for his hometown and wanted to benefit the locals. ’

'Therefore, after his death, the locals who accidentally drank the lake water were not affected, but outsiders saw the formula of the "elixir" that he desired most, and even though it was a delusion and falsehood, they still pursued it frantically, and Implementing living sacrifices and trying to refine... This became the "Lake God Cult". ’

Gillan's mind was spinning, and he quickly sorted out most of the clues and connected them into roughly complete information.

At the same time, he also learned a hidden message in the flashback scene of the "Apocalypse Dream", that is, the water of the Black Lake is not only bad... In fact, drinking it can permanently slightly improve gnosis.

Although Gilan didn't have a deep understanding of "gnosis", his intuition told him that this kind of improvement was not a bad thing... provided that he could ignore the "miasma" filth hidden in the lake and the mysterious power of hallucinations.

'It's just a movie anyway. Let's have a few drinks before leaving... Well, you can also treat this information as important intelligence and sell it to the Record Society as a favor. ’

Gillan thought to himself.




He left the cabin and then visited the ruins of the burned prisoner of war camp.

It's a pity that the things there have long since become charred, and nothing of value can be found... Fortunately, the prison uniform monsters instinctively stayed away from that area, so Jilan did not encounter a battle.

He left somewhat disappointed and returned the same way.

When we returned to the Black Lake Hotel, it was past noon, around one o'clock in the afternoon.

What surprised Gillan was that Mr. Stork and others were all injured and were gathering in Mr. Oystercatcher's room with sad faces.

Seeing Jilan's return, their faces couldn't help but show a hint of anticipation.

"Mr. Snow Owl, you are finally back." Mr. Stork said solemnly. "Did you find anything new in the library?"

There were many stains on his body, and he was simply bandaged with gauze to stop the bleeding.

"I don't know why, but the cultists hiding in the town seemed to be crazy and kept chasing us. Fortunately, they finally found a way out."

Mr. Stork said, shaking his head and sighing.

"At the same time, we have also confirmed our previous speculation through in-depth investigation. The local Public Security Bureau and Tourism Bureau are indeed members of the 'Lake God Cult'. In addition, industries run by outsiders such as TV stations and beverage factories are also inseparable from them. relation."

"Mr. Snow Owl, are you not injured?"

However, Miss Sparrow asked with concern when she saw Jilan covered in blood.

"It's all the blood of cultists." Gillan shook his head.

He thought for a moment and shared some of the information he had learned:

"There was also an informant from the 'Lake God Cult' in the library, but I killed him. Fortunately, I found the town's historical annals and discovered some secrets. The reason why the black lake turned into what it is now , because of an alchemist named Rembrandt..."

After a while.

Everyone in the recording meeting looked at Gillan in surprise.

"You mean, the changes in the Black Lake are related to the death of the alchemist?!"

Gilan nodded silently.

Mr. Stork took a deep breath and took out a long package from the table behind him. He opened the rags outside, revealing an old saber with a hemispherical handguard inside, and said thoughtfully:

"This is a cultural relic snatched from the tourist bureau. The 'Lake God Cult' seems to attach great importance to it... I suspect that this commander's saber is also related to the 'Expedition Exploration Team' you mentioned."

"Let me take a look." Gilan took the saber and looked at it carefully.

Soon, he discovered the vague inscription "Dolomite" on the bottom of the blade.

Ji Lan's eyes narrowed.

'This is the lieutenant colonel's saber. No wonder the "Lake God Cult" will not be attacked by monsters in prison uniforms, because as long as they hold this commander's saber, the monsters will instinctively feel fear and dare not approach! ’

He thought about the words in his mind, and then said:

"If my prediction is correct, this saber should have the effect of expelling demons. We can use it to pass through the forest and reach the Black Lake safely... In addition, I guess that the water of the Black Lake can improve gnosis, since the 'elixir' is False, then the lake may be our biggest gain from watching the movie this time!”

"Huh?!" Mr. Stork and others were shocked.

"Mr. Snow Owl, did you also find this information from the library?"

Miss Sparrow looked surprised and admired her face.

"No wonder you took the risk to go to the library to look for clues. It seems that you have already guessed that there is important information there...Thanks to you, otherwise we wouldn't know how many times we would have to watch the movie to discover this key information."

"Improving gnosis...this is incredible!"

Mr. Stork opened his mouth slightly and said in surprise.

"As far as I know, the level of gnosis is innate and cannot be improved through external objects, but if this is the case, it is also a good thing!"

"Because gnosis determines a person's perception and understanding of mysterious things, and is an important factor in 'talent'. This is what the alchemist I once met told me... If our gnosis can be improved, it will be a great help for the future." There will be many unimaginable benefits!”

He took a deep breath, stood up with his steel core cane, took off his hat and nodded towards Gillan.

"Thank you very much for this information, Mr. Snow Owl... inviting you to join the recording meeting is an extremely wise choice."

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