From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 49 Kicking Skills (Thanks to the alliance leader


Ji Lan opened his eyes suddenly and gasped for air.

The coldness, darkness and suffocation at the bottom of the lake quietly disappeared, but I still felt lingering fear.

Directly in front of him was the curtain hanging on the wall of the utility room.

The room was dark as the lights were not turned on, and the movie picture on the curtain was still playing, but it was already the end of the film.

The camera overlooks the Black Lake from the air. Fima is lying quietly by the trestle, while the cast list and subtitles in white are slowly scrolling on the lake on the other side...

"Credits: Cast List."

"The heroine 'Fima Costello' is played by myself."

"Sheriff 'Pierre Aich', courtesy of 'Mr. A'."

"Friend A, played by 'Stork'."

"Friend B, played by 'Sparrow'."

"Friend C, played by 'Snowy Owl'."


"Credits: The people behind the scenes."

"Film Director, David Norman."

"Chief Photographer, Cross Melanie."

"Assistant scorer, Hera Nibal."


"I dedicate this film to all those who risk their lives chasing their dreams."

"May you finally get what you want."

"——'Director' (unclear name)"

During the movie's credits, the background music was still the noisy air raid siren, which made Gillan frown.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel confused again.

‘Does the sound of the air raid siren mean the movie is over? Then why in "Yuezhuo Village", the alarm sound had no pattern and always started to sound halfway...'

‘Also… on the cast list, who is the “Mr. Could it be that he is the same actor as the male character in the little movie Miss Seagull watched in the middle of the night? ’

‘But the problem is, this is no ordinary movie! ’

'Or is "Mr. A" just a shared nickname, just like "Anonymous" or "Stars" in previous lives, everyone can be "Mr. A"? ’

Ji Lan couldn't figure it out for a while, but he had to put aside his doubts for the time being.


Old Jerry turned on the light at this time, and the utility room suddenly became bright.

"Hoo, ho..." Mr. Oystercatcher and the others lay weakly on the sofa, panting. The whole process of watching "Black Lagoon" made them physically and mentally exhausted.

Mr. Stork was bent over, frowning, holding the steel-core cane with his left hand, and rubbing his temples with his right hand.

He suffered some injuries in the movie, so much so that he still has pain in his head.

After resting for a while.

"Mr. Snow Owl, are you okay?" Mr. Stork turned to look at Jilan and asked in a deep voice, "I see you suddenly jumped into the lake..."

"It's nothing." Gilan stood up, shook his head, and stretched his muscles. "I originally wanted to go down and see what was at the bottom of the lake, but it turned out to be just black and nothing."

"It's such an adventure, Mr. Snow Owl."

Miss Sparrow also got up from the sofa, smoothing down the folded skirt and said with concern.

"The alchemist in the movie died quietly at the bottom of the lake. If the power of the so-called evil god lurks under the black lake, you will be in danger!"

"Miss Sparrow is right. Your behavior of jumping into the Black Lake is very dangerous. I don't agree with you..."

Mr. Stork walked to the projector, pressed the off lever, and sighed:

"Eagerness for success is a taboo in movie-watching. I would rather watch it a few more times, but remember not to take risks. After all, we only live once."

"I've been taught a lesson." Gilan nodded. "Sorry, I won't do it again."

Mr. Stork hummed and said nothing more.

He actually understands it very well.

After all, Gilan is just a young man who broke out from the slums. He has hard work, courage, and a certain strength, but lacks the patience to make decisions... The police department and the Lewis family are pursuing him, and he will inevitably bear the burden. They are under tremendous pressure, so they are eager to gain the power to protect themselves.

There was nothing wrong with this, but he didn't want to see Gilan lose his life because of his recklessness.

This is also a loss for the record conference.

"This 'mercury battery' has been exhausted."

Mr. Stork picked up the power plug of the projector, put away the black film reel, and said to everyone.

"Let's stop here for this 'movie viewing'. Everyone is tired, so take a good rest. As for the next 'movie viewing day', we will find time to discuss it..."

"The story line of "Black Lake" has basically been explored. If the lake water is really effective, then we can find time to go in and drink it again in the future. This film will be a precious treasure. Please remember not to leak this matter. .”

He solemnly asked.

Everyone else also understood this and nodded in agreement.




Gillan returned to room "301".

"Black Lake" was the first time he had experienced a movie in its entirety. Although the whole process was not thrilling, he still felt a little tired mentally.

He took off his felt hat, lay down on the comfortable bed, and let out a long breath.

He originally just wanted to take a rest, but fell asleep unconsciously.

When I woke up again, it was already evening outside the window.

Ji Lan rubbed his groggy eyes and sat up, silent for a moment, then took off his brown windbreaker and put it on the bed along with his hat.

Then he stood up, took two steps forward, and walked to an empty space in the room.

'gorgeous. ’

He silently called out in his heart, and then recalled the contents of "White Cross Body Training" in his mind.

This time, after accumulating "35" points of mysterious energy in the movie "Black Lake", Gillan wanted to try to see if he could continue to advance to the stage of physical training.

Soon, his expression became happy.

Because the colorful number "35" in the corner of his sight flashed slightly, seeming to respond.

'Can! very good! ’

Jilan was about to take out the secret notebook recording the body-building technique, but was stunned for the next second.

Because the colorful number "35" suddenly plummeted, kept beating, and finally turned into "5".

A full 30 points of mysterious energy were consumed inexplicably, and he still didn't know what happened. Just when he was doubting, a piece of extremely complex and secret information suddenly appeared in his mind, and at the same time, his body also had a strange reaction.



Jilan heard the crackling sounds in the joints of his legs, and hundreds of muscles began to contract and tighten on their own. He groaned and fell to the ground due to the intense pain.

"Ugh!!" Jilan gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain. He watched the bulges under his casual pants legs, as if there were dozens of mice crawling under the muscles. "Uh-huh!!"

His legs were shaking like cramps, stiff and straight, and even the insteps were arched at a strange angle.

This change lasted for several minutes.

When it was all over, Gilan was sweating profusely and his face was flushed.

But he recovered quickly, and after taking a deep breath, he got up from the ground.

'Why do I have to suffer like this every time...'

Gilan stretched his legs and complained secretly.

'Unfortunately, the improvement of "White Cross Body Training Technique" this time is not a step-by-step leap, but a hidden "secret skill" that allowed me to learn it. ’

His eyes were bright and he smiled.

‘A powerful kick developed by Agni Baldwin, the former deputy leader of the “Healing Knights” and the leader of the Four Knights, the “Silver Crown Knight” – the “Bone Crushing Kick”! ’

According to the recorder Espy, who wrote the secret notes, Agni used the "Bone Crushing Kick" kicking technique to smash the 15-centimetre-thick solid wrought-iron city gate with one kick!

Not to kick it away, not to break it, but to smash it into pieces!

It can kick the thick wrought iron city gate into pieces. You can imagine how terrifying the explosive power is in that moment.

'Although I am definitely far from that level now...'

Ji Lan stood on tiptoe, eager to try.

‘But he should be able to deliver a powerful blow that is beyond ordinary people, right? ’

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