From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 50 Sparrow (Thanks to the alliance leader

"I really want to try it with someone...Mr. Oystercatcher?"

Gilan murmured, then shook his head.

"He can't do it. He's too weak. What if I can't control my strength and kick him to death?"

He thought about it, and finally decided to go to the attic on the fourth floor for some practice. There was a sturdy dummy target there, which should allow him to test the power of the "Bone Crushing Kick".

But before that, Jilan decided to use up the remaining 5 points of mysterious energy.

He took out the Colt short-barreled revolver that was only as big as a palm in his waist and thought to himself:

'My mastery of firearms is limited to double-barreled shotguns, but pistols are the most commonly used weapons, and double-barreled shotguns can be stored in the dimensional space and can serve as a surprise trump card. It is best not to use them at will... Then, yes Consider improving your pistol proficiency. ’

Gilan held the handle of the revolver with his right hand and muttered in his heart:

'gorgeous. ’

The colored number "5" in the corner of his sight jumped and changed back to "0" again.

Suddenly, a lot of knowledge and skills about short-barreled revolvers appeared in Gillan's mind, and his body instantly became familiar with the revolver in his hand.

Like an old gunslinger who has been shooting pistols for many years.

Oh no!

Gillan flicked the ring finger of his right hand, and the short-barreled revolver rotated in his hand.

He flicked his right arm holding the gun, and his eyes, rear sight and crosshair were all aligned, aiming straight at a big tit on the treetop outside the window. Then he shook his right hand and threw the revolver to his left hand, aiming again at the room. Ball-shaped bump on the coat rack in the corner.


The revolver is constantly switching between his hands, aiming at various small objects around him, such as wall calendars, table corners, doorknobs, lampshades, decorative vases, etc.

Gillan is confident that he can hit any small target in the room.


The left wheel fell into the right hand again, and his thumb flipped the spring nest switch, and the wheel popped out and started spinning.

Gillan took out the 9mm bullets that Miss Seagull gave him from his trouser pocket. He raised and lowered his left hand with his fingers as nimble as a pianist playing. In less than two seconds, he loaded six yellow bullets into the bullet chamber. close.

'very good. ’

Gillan nodded with satisfaction.

He loaded the remaining bullets into two quick loaders beforehand, then gathered them together and put them into his trouser pockets.

Immediately, he got up and left the room, going to the fourth-floor attic of the apartment.

After closing the attic door, he found a dummy target and stood three meters in front of it.


Ji Lan took a deep breath, her legs were shoulder-width apart, and her hands relaxed and dropped naturally.

His eyes were calmly staring at the head of the target dummy.

Suddenly, he moved——

I saw that its speed was astonishingly fast. In the blink of an eye, it advanced two steps forward, twisted its waist to the left, bent its right leg, and suddenly kicked forward, like an invincible steel spear!

The gray and black suit trouser legs passed through an afterimage, and instantly hit the dummy target's head!

Pong! !

There was a loud bang.

The 10-pound head on the dummy target suddenly flew up, hit the wall like a twisted ball, and made a dent. Then it flew across the afterimage bullet to the ceiling. After collision, it hit hard. Fall to the ground!

Boom, boom, boom! !

The sound echoed in the attic for a long time, and Gilan looked a little surprised.

'Fortunately I didn't find Mr. Oystercatcher...' he thought to himself. ‘With this kick, his head will bloom, right? ’

Immediately, he picked up the dummy target head on the ground and took a closer look.

Ji Lan was shocked to see that the prosthetic head in his hand had become dented, the layers of cowhide wrapped around it had burst, the cotton was scattered, and the 0.5 cm layer of iron inside had a hole, exposing the innermost solid hardwood, but it was also extremely cracked, and even Every time you move, a lot of sawdust will be scattered.

He walked to the dummy target carrying the tattered prosthetic head, and found that a steel bar that originally fixed the head was bent back at 90 degrees, which was caused by the "bone-crushing kick" just now.

'As expected of the kicking technique developed by the deputy leader of the "Healing Knights", it is really powerful...'

Ji Lan was very satisfied with the secret skills he had mastered, but soon frowned.

'It's just that the dummy target was damaged...'




At half past three in the afternoon, the sun was setting low.

The light of dusk falls on the city of Brak. The wealthy district of Haost, located on the mountainside, is lined with high-rise buildings. The shadows of the straight buildings are like black slashes, crisscrossing the streets.

Miss Sparrow rode a taxi alone, heading towards her home.

Golden light flickered on and off his face.

She couldn't help but sigh uneasily and murmured:

"I came home so late again today, I hope dad won't be angry."

Miss Sparrow almost never stayed overnight in the apartment of the community. The reason was that her family was strict and she had always been raised by her father to be a lady.

How could an unmarried lady spend the night outside for no reason? If this was spread, the Laurie family would lose face.

Moreover, she also knew very well that her father had gone from an unknown technician to a big businessman with three factories and two shops today, and he had made efforts that others could not imagine.

My father always hoped to gain recognition and respect from others.

However, the status of merchants in the Bremen Empire is not high. Even if they have considerable wealth, they are still nothing in the eyes of the real upper class circles, especially in the eyes of high-ranking politicians and nobles.

This also made her father devote himself to cultivating her into a real noble lady.

Of course, there is also the reason for this because of my late mother...My mother's family has always looked down on my father.

The father held his breath inwardly.

When the carriage passed through the fifth block of Horst, a commercial street near Daffodil Square, Miss Sparrow got off the carriage by the side of the street.

According to the fare of 2 cents for 1 kilometer, I paid the coachman 1 pfennier for the fare, plus a tip of 5 cents. I left gracefully with the coachman taking off his hat and cheering with joy.

Miss Sparrow hadn't walked long before she saw a couple walking towards her.

The couple's clothes are relatively cheap. The woman is wearing a simple dark yellow dress and petticoat. Her hair is tied up with a linen tie. She wears cheap foundation and lipstick with makeup common to lower-class women.

Her husband was wearing blue and black overalls and an old leather beret.

"Good day, Miss Aurora Lowry." The woman smiled flatteringly, clasped her hands together, and bent down to salute. "It's such a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm very happy to meet you two, too." Miss Sparrow stopped and smiled. "Is the factory closed? Are you planning to go shopping, or..."

The couple in front of her were workers at one of their businesses, the Glass Factory. Because the factory had good welfare benefits and the boss, Fozzie Lowry, Miss Sparrow's father, treated the workers very well, they treated the young lady very well. Also respected and loved very much.

"Yes, miss, it's time to get off work." The man beside the woman awkwardly took off his hat and smiled cautiously.

"Your father, Mr. Foz Lowry, was very kind to us employees. He only required us to work seven hours a day, but his salary was no less than a cent, and even occasional bonuses... My wife and I can also be as good as we are now. So, get off work early, buy some food, go home and cook a hot dinner for the kids.”

He smiled innocently.

"Father is just like you. He was an excellent worker. He can understand your hard work and knows what you want in your heart." Miss Sparrow said with a smile and stepped aside to make way for the road. "Okay, I won't disturb you when you go home. I'm afraid the children are impatient, right?"

"No need to disturb, no need to disturb..." The man waved his hand quickly.

However, his wife seemed to see that Miss Sparrow was in a hurry, so she quietly pulled her husband's cuffs, and the two of them hurriedly said goodbye to Miss Sparrow and left quickly.

Miss Sparrow watched the couple go away, seeming to be happy for them, and her original uneasiness due to fear of her father's reproach was relieved a lot.

After a while.

She came to a three-story apartment in House Fifth Block, which was the property of Mr. Fozzie Lowry and the home of her Aurora Lowry.

Pushing open the iron fence gate, the two maids who were watering flowers and weeding in the small garden greeted him quickly:

"Miss Aurora."

"Thank you, you two." Miss Sparrow responded with a smile.

She walked to the porch of the apartment in small steps, stood in front of the white oak carved double doors, took a deep breath, gently put her hand on the doorknob, pushed it, and then cautiously poked her head in.

The next second, Miss Sparrow was startled.

A middle-aged man with gray hair, a suit and vest, and a goat-like mustache was sitting on the sofa, his unsmiling face frowning, and he was looking at her quietly.

"Dad... Miss Amore is so hospitable. She dragged me along to talk about her pet dog Pat and some gardening topics. I accidentally forgot the time. I'm sorry."

Miss Sparrow showed a sweet smile and slowly moved into the house.

Just when she was on tenterhooks because of her father's gaze, she saw her father sigh, with sadness on his brows, and patted the sofa, motioning for her to come over.

"Dad?" Miss Sparrow noticed that her father was different from the past, so she quickly walked over and sat down. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, Aurora." Mr. Foz lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.

"It's the Lewis family. They plan to report to the authorities that our factory does not comply with the empire's 'twelve-hour working day' and will face heavy fines. Even I may be imprisoned..."

Thanks to "The Transcendents of the Heavens" for the 100,000 reward!

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