From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 51 Situation


Miss Sparrow covered her mouth and widened her eyes.

With an anxious look on her face, she put her hand on her father's strong and thick arm and said with concern:

"Why did the Lewis family do this? You are so good to your employees. Maybe outsiders don't know it, but even if the business is not good and you have suffered several losses in the past few years, you have not canceled those welfare systems... The workers in Braque City respect you. Yes, didn’t even the parliament award you a medal?”

"Aurora, you don't understand."

Mr. Fozzie shook his head.

"If no one investigates further, the Parliament will naturally be happy to see the result, but the 'twelve-hour working day' is a system enforced by the empire. Now that the Louis family plans to report it, the Parliament will no longer be able to help us cover it up. After all, that Leighton... Mr. Lewis once served as a high-level member of the Chamber of Commerce in the capital city of Muse City. Even though he has retired now, he still has a certain influence, and the local council does not want to offend him."

"Then...what should we do?"

Miss Sparrow clutched her father's sleeve and bit her lip.

"Otherwise, you should temporarily restore the 'twelve-hour work system' first. If the workers know that you will be imprisoned, they will understand you... When this matter is over, I will buy some food on your behalf. and supplies to express condolences to the workers. By the way, those valuable accessories and clothes you bought for me can also be pawned and given to the workers as compensation."

"Oh." Mr. Foz smiled happily and touched his daughter's head. "You have grown up and become a qualified lady, Aurora...but this matter is not that simple."

He said, remained silent for a moment, and then said:

"What the Lewis family wants is my collection, the 'Christmas Pocket Watch Fisher'."

"That broken pocket watch..." Aurora was slightly startled.

Of course she knew about the pocket watch her father talked about, because it was a token of love that she had pawned off her entire fortune after she eloped with her father when her mother was still alive.

It is not only a limited edition collection created by the famous imperial watchmaker "Fisher Atom" and is extremely valuable, but it is also the sincere love of a mother who gave up everything and gave it to her father.

With the support of my mother, my father once sold his pocket watch and used that pot of gold to acquire the current family business. However, later on, the living conditions gradually improved, but my mother died of illness early... My father spent a lot of money to redeem the pocket watch. Come back and regard it as the only thought of your mother.

The value given to it cannot be measured in terms of money at all.

"That's my mother's only relic!" Aurora bit her lip.

"I know, how could I not know..."

Mr. Fozzi endured the pain and frowned.

"But if the conditions of the Lewis family are not met, everything we have will be in vain, hundreds of workers will lose their jobs, and so many families will fall into the quagmire of life... This is the power of power and status, Dad has worked hard for decades and has long understood this truth."

"But... how can we guarantee that the Lewis family will not continue to use this as a leverage to blackmail you in the future if they take the pocket watch?" Aurora asked worriedly. "Today they only want a pocket watch, but tomorrow they may intensify their extortion efforts."

"I can only hand over my pocket watch first..."

Mr. Fozzie shook his head.

"From next week, I will restore the 'twelve-hour work system'. The workers will probably blame me for this, but... alas!"

He said, covering his face with his hands, as if trying to control his emotions.

Aurora said no more, she silently gave her father a hug.

She knew only too well her father's pain.

My father is different from other factory owners and capitalists. He was originally a worker, and he can deeply understand the hard work and life needs of workers. Therefore, after opening the factory, he has been working hard to obtain benefits for the workers. This may be why my father wants to pay tribute to his former self. , make an answer with a clear conscience.

But now, the answer may turn out badly.

"Dad, let me deliver the pocket watch when the time comes..." Aurora said softly.




late at night.

The recording session will be held in a secret apartment on the fourth floor of the attic and exercise room.


Hoo ho ho!

Mr. Stork, who had taken off his hat and was wearing only his shirt with his cuffs rolled up, was wielding a practice stick. His movements were fast and orderly, and he swung the wooden stick to create a series of afterimages and sounds in the air.

Suddenly, Mr. Stork thrust out his stick, the air screamed, and it accurately hit the head of a target dummy.

With a bang, the head of the target dummy flew up and fell to his feet.

Mr. Stork looked at the concave false head, was slightly startled, and then murmured:

"When did my staff skills improve so much again... Could it be the effect of the mysterious lake in "Black Lake"? I didn't expect that the enhancement of 'gnosis' could also drive staff skills in disguise! This is really an unexpected surprise. !”

He smiled with satisfaction, and a look of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Perhaps one day, even if I can't step into the mysterious realm, I can become a 'staff master'..."




The next morning.

Gillan was sitting alone in the window seat of the "Swan Cafe". On the table in front of him was a tempting breakfast, three plates and a drink: "Roasted Lamb Sliced ​​Sandwich", "Fresh Fruit Salad", "Pan-fried Chowder" Platter" and "Essence Coffee".

The chowder platter consists of two slices of fried bacon, a fried egg, a pile of fried tomatoes and mushrooms, two sausages and three slices of white bread served with butter.

The entire package is called "Swan C Package" and is worth 6 pfennigs and 8 melangs.

The reason why he didn't order the most expensive "Swan A set meal" was simply because he didn't like fish.

In addition, as the exercise technique reached the second stage of "yellow bile", he found that his food intake had increased a lot. This C meal was large and filling, and could barely satisfy his appetite.

‘It’s another beautiful day for new students. Let’s take this expensive breakfast as a reward for yourself today. ’

As a human being, you must have a sense of ritual.

Ji Lan picked up the cutlery, looked solemn, and said silently in his heart.

Immediately, he started to eat.

Taking advantage of boredom, I opened the morning newspaper on the table.

In a newspaper called "Forest Post", the headline published a piece of bombshell news:

"The threat from the Eastern Federation! Please be vigilant to the people of the empire!"

The subtitle is: "The situation between the Bremen Empire and the Owena Federation is tense, and war is about to break out!"

Ji Lan raised his eyebrows.

Chewing food in his mouth, he chewed the words "Owenna Federation" in his heart.

‘This federation seems to be another big country adjacent to the east of the Bremen Empire. The two big countries don’t deal with each other very much. There are often frictions. The diplomacy is mostly full of rhetoric and gunpowder... Is there really going to be a war? ’

He couldn't help but think.

But based on Ji Lan's experience in his previous life, it is difficult for a war between countries to actually start a war when the strength of both sides is balanced... In most cases, it is mostly talk and exchange of interests using various means.

"Did you hear about it? At the 'Buao High-Level Meeting' a while ago, a team of diplomats from the Owina Federation actually led a scantily clad song and dance group into the capital, 'Muse City', in front of us at the 'Sifang Palace' Propaganda Minister Stavin performed an obscene performance in front of a group of military officers..."

Several gentlemen were chatting over coffee at a table.

"A blatant provocation and insult? It's really too much!"

Another man with a pencil mustache grabbed his hat and said angrily.

"It is said that the head of state hates fancy singing and dancing. If he knows about it, it will definitely make those oily-headed and pink-faced guys in the Federation look good!"

"I heard from friends in the local council that the federation seemed to have built large-scale military camps in border cities a few months ago, and it seemed that it was preparing to gather troops and take action..."

The long-haired gentleman at the same table had a solemn face and worried eyes.

"The Great Forest Area happens to be in the eastern part of the empire, bordering the Federation. If there is a war, our Brak City will be the first to bear the brunt."

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief 'Rich Mesa' began to implement the 'Steel Wall Fort Plan' nine years ago, using the entire forest area as the empire's strongest defense line. The fortifications stretching for more than 400 kilometers are impregnable. ...If we really go to war, the Federation will pay a heavy price!"

Mr. Pencil Hu knocked on the table and said in a deep voice.

"They can't, let alone dare not do anything... Don't forget the 'Second Battle of Honor' seventeen years ago. The head of state not only recaptured the northern colony 'Bosylvia', but also severely damaged the Owena Alliance. Report The blood feud of the 'First War of Shame' more than forty years ago."

"Yes, the Head of State is the beacon of our 'Hiru Nation' and the greatest leader in the history of the empire. With him, neither the 'Owena Federation' in the east nor the 'Stuttgart Empire' in the west can even think about it again. Get a little benefit from us!"

The other gentlemen showed admiration.

As their discussion grew louder, the guests in the coffee shop, regardless of whether they were gentlemen or ladies, invariably stretched out their hands, crossed them in front of their chests, and made an "X" sign... as if to pay tribute to the head of state. With great respect.

Ji Lan was startled. He looked around and frowned slightly.

In order to avoid being out of place, he had no choice but to put down his knife and fork, cross his arms as well, pretend to be one of them, and blend into the inexplicable fanaticism.

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