From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 52 Asking for help

At noon.

The members of the recording committee gathered in the apartment restaurant, and Old Jerry cooked a delicious meal for everyone.

This gathering was initiated by the host of the gathering, Mr. Stork, not only to celebrate the end of the viewing of "Black Lake", but also to discuss the date of the next "Movie Viewing Day".

Everyone was in good spirits, talking and laughing at the dinner table.

Gillan took this opportunity to ask Mr. Stork to help him purchase two mercury batteries. Next, he plans to enter the "Yuezhuo Village" movie alone again to thoroughly explore the unexplored areas of the mysterious village.

However, Mr. Stork did not respond immediately, but showed an apologetic expression.

"Mr. Snow Owl, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to shirk the blame, but I'm afraid I really can't help you this time..."

He put down the knife he was using to cut the steak, wiped his mouth with a napkin and said:

"The black marketeer I know happens to be out of stock at this time, and the only mercury battery I have left needs to be used for the next movie viewing party."

"That's it, I know."

Ji Lan nodded, sighing inwardly.

Without a mercury battery, he would not be able to watch the movie on his own and would have to explore with the club members.

This will make it difficult for him to use his hands and feet. After all, it will be difficult to do many things without exposing "Baibai", such as corrupt monsters collecting mysterious energy...

"I can help."

At this time, a mature and beautiful female voice said.

Ji Lan turned around and saw Miss Seagull drinking orange juice and smiling lightly at him.

"I have relevant channels at home and can get mercury batteries, but the price will be a little higher than the black market. The unit price is about 105 Caesar... Is it acceptable, Mr. Snow Owl?" she asked.

"No problem, I can accept it."

Ji Lan was startled for a moment, then nodded.

"Two mercury batteries, right? Well, I'll help you advance the payment first, and then you can pay me the full amount after the goods arrive."

Miss Seagull put down the glass and smoothed the ends of her hair.

"It will probably take two days, maybe three days, but no more than a week."

"Thank you then, Miss Seagull."

Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the worse, which put Jilan in a good mood and smiled at the other party.

Miss Seagull waved her hand and said something trivial.

210Caesar is not a small sum. Even the middle class in the rich area of ​​​​Horst in Brak City cannot come up with such a large amount of money at once. Their annual income is probably only this much.

Miss Seagull's trust and generosity made everyone present look at her with side eyes and secretly admire her.

Only she herself was secretly troubled.

"Where are I going to get this money... I can't let Mr. Snow Owl see my joke! Huh! If it doesn't work, in the name of the old man, put pressure on the fat guy in the engineering department and let him get the goods for me first. !”

Miss Seagull thought to herself.

Next, while everyone was eating, they discussed the specific time of the next "movie viewing day", and finally agreed on three days later, that is, at one o'clock in the afternoon on July 1st. The real film I chose to watch is "Wolzhuo Village # 1" owned by Mr. Snow Owl.

However, just when everyone was about to ask Gillan to tell the basic situation of the movie, Mr. Oystercatcher noticed something strange about Miss Sparrow, and he expressed concern:

"Miss Sparrow, what's wrong with you? You seem to have a bad appetite..."

"Ah, no, it's nothing." Miss Sparrow came back to her senses, squeezed out a smile and shook her head. "Maybe it's because I didn't get any rest last night."

"You, you don't even know how to lie. Just like that guy Oystercatcher, whatever is on your mind is shown directly on your face."

Miss Seagull stirred the juice with a small copper spoon, ignoring Mr. Oystercatcher's widened eyes, shaking her head and laughing.

"You've been absent-minded since eating. What happened? It will feel better if you tell me. Maybe we can help you with some advice."

Miss Sparrow looked hesitant and hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Mr. Stork nodded and spoke in a gentle voice:

"Although the original intention of establishing the Recording Society is to explore the secrets of real film, members should also help each other. If Miss Sparrow encounters trouble, we will try our best to help."

The other members all nodded, agreeing with Mr. Stork's words.

After hearing what he said, Miss Sparrow looked at the concerned looks from the people present, and pursed her lips in emotion. She took a deep breath, spoke slowly, and told her family's dilemma:

"Dad's factory was targeted by the Lewis family because it violated the empire's 'twelve-hour work system'..."

Everyone stopped eating and listened quietly to Miss Sparrow.

It is not difficult to hear the grievance and helplessness in her tone.

After a while.

"Mr. Foz Lowry is an honorable man, and I have heard of his deeds."

Mr. Stork crossed his fingers, placed his arms and palms on the table, and frowned slightly.

"Only three of his factories in Braque City implement the seven-hour work system, and with various benefits, they are very popular among workers... However, because of this, they have received resistance and hostility from other factory owners. The Lewis family uses this As a threat, it is really disgusting.”

"But the 'twelve-hour working day' is indeed a system enforced by the empire. If the matter is caused by the Louis family, Miss Sparrow, with all due respect, this matter will be very troublesome."

After Mr. Stork finished speaking, Mr. Oystercatcher's face was full of indignation. He clenched his fists and said loudly:

"This is the ugly face of those damn nobles, who resorted to such despicable tricks in order to seize Miss Sparrow's mother's belongings! But if Mr. Foz resumes the 'twelve-hour work system', who knows how many people will People will curse him and laugh at him behind his back, but this good man will have to bear all of this silently!"

"It's no use saying that, Mr. Oystercatcher."

Miss Seagull shook her head. She looked at the sad Miss Sparrow and comforted:

"I can use my family connections to help in this matter. If, I mean if, the Lewis family really reports Mr. Fouts... the fine should be smaller, and I will do my best to let Fouts." Mr. I hereby avoids jail time.”

"Thank you, Miss Seagull." Miss Sparrow clenched her hands and said sincerely. She looked at the others and thanked them as well: "Thank you everyone."

At this time, Mr. Stork suddenly said:

"I have an idea that might prevent the Lewis family from getting what they want."

"Huh?" Miss Sparrow and the others were startled.

"Miss Sparrow can hire someone in advance, and then let them snatch the pocket watch away when you trade it... This is not the fault of you and Mr. Foz, it is just an 'accident'."

Mr. Stork said calmly.

"However, there are two things to note when doing this. First, the hired 'robbers' must be trustworthy. Second, the Lewis family is likely to become angry afterward, and they must be mentally prepared to be retaliated against."

"Retaliation...heh, if Mr. Fozzi adjusts the factory back to the 'twelve-hour work day', then the Lewis family will lose this apparent advantage. But if they still dare to retaliate privately, then I will use my family's connections , let them pay the corresponding price."

Miss Seagull sneered.

Mr. Stork nodded and said to Miss Sparrow: "If they don't follow the rules, I will help you."

Miss Sparrow finally smiled and nodded firmly.

"Well, then according to what Mr. Stork said, I will never hand over my mother's only relic, and I don't want to see my father sad because of it... Moreover, even if I hand over the pocket watch, there is no guarantee that the Lewis family will not intensify the blackmail in the future. "

As she said this, she asked Mr. Stork again:

"Excuse me, does Mr. Stork know anyone who is reliable? I mean, someone who is willing to help me play the role of 'robber'..."

"let me help you."

Just as Mr. Stork was about to answer, the silent blond young man at the side suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned around in surprise and saw Ji Lan continuing:

"You have helped me before, Miss Sparrow, let me do my part in this matter."

"But, Mr. Snow Owl, this... is too dangerous for you."

Miss Sparrow said in surprise.

She knew very well that Gilan was now wanted, and if he showed up to help her "rob", he might be at risk of being exposed.

But Gillan has a grudge against the Lewis family, and the murderous intention in his heart has already been ready. He just planned to take this opportunity to take revenge... At the same time, he can help Miss Sparrow and return her original favor. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

"Don't worry, I will disguise myself so that no one from the Lewis family can find me."

Gillan said softly.

"And please trust my skills and I won't mess this up."

Miss Sparrow looked at the others and found that they did not object to this. Instead, they nodded, seeming to approve of Mr. Snow Owl's skills.

She then smiled at Jilan and said:

"Then it's up to you, Mr. Snow Owl."

A trace of anticipatory murderous intent flashed in Jilan's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"You're welcome."

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