From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 53 Transaction

The Lewis family seemed to be in a hurry, so the transaction was scheduled for the next day.

As for the location of the transaction, it was placed in a remote corner of the wealthy district, the most peripheral Sixth Street of Horst. There is a group of vacant apartments for sale at the east end, including a small apartment that belongs to the Lewis family.

This place is sparsely visited, and a curving upward road leads directly to Fengdeng Cemetery on the top of the mountain along the guardrail. If you cross the guardrail, you will enter the landscape plant area. Its function is actually to prevent someone from slipping and falling, because this mountainside is a 90-degree cliff, and you can even overlook the Fengden Lake and the Fengden Lake pier below.

In Apartment 39, Sixth Street, Hostel.

A young man with short brown hair, a thin face, and a blue plaid suit was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and a cigarette in his hand, looking impatient.

Behind the sofa where he sat, there were four tall and strong men standing. Each of these strong men wears leather jackets and leather berets, and they have a fierce temperament.

"What time is it?" The man asked casually without looking up even though he was wearing a gold watch.

"Master Curt, it's ten minutes to eleven in the morning."

A strong man glanced at the clock on the wall, bowed his head respectfully, and whispered to the young man on the sofa.

"Damn bitch, we made an appointment at eleven o'clock, but we haven't come yet!"

Curt Lewis cursed.

He took a drag of his cigarette and was silent for a moment.

After the death of Lucas, the leader of the Oak Gang, Curt and the other four brothers and sisters of the family pooled their money to hire Detective Glennie to track down the boy named Guillain Iros, intending to regain the film and make up for the crimes he committed. wrong.

As a result, no one was caught, nothing was recovered, and the detective died.

The entire 250 gold Caesars were wasted.

Several of their direct family members were extremely angry and could not swallow their anger.

As expected, the father was very angry when he learned about the incident. He slapped each of them hard on the spot and cut off several people's living expenses.

Kurt rubbed his face, he still felt a dull pain until now. His father's words of "trash" echoed in his ears, which made his self-esteem quite frustrated, and he felt strong shame, anger and unwillingness constantly emerging in his heart.

Curt blamed all this on the useless detective and the culprit who caused all this, the bottom bastard named Gillan.

Fortunately, Kurt recently learned another news from his brother Pa. In a few days, his father will receive a distinguished guest from the capital "Muse City". It is said that the guest has a profound background, and even his father must lower his profile and treat him with caution. .

The distinguished guest seemed to be keen on watches, especially collectible pocket watches.

This gave Kurt an excellent opportunity to redeem his father's impression points. If he could get a good pocket watch and dedicate it to his father, his father would surely be happy.

After a subsequent investigation, Curt targeted Fozzie Lowry, who happened to have a famous watch in his hand... The most important thing was that Fozzie was just a factory owner with a small fortune, which was good. Take it easy.

"I heard that Foz Laurie's daughter is very beautiful, and she is a graduate of the 'Fengden Noble Women's Academy'."

Kurt's eyelids were slightly raised, and the corners of his mouth were mocking.

"A businessman wants to train his daughter to be a noble lady, haha, how ridiculous... A humble bloodline is a humble one, and nothing can change it."

As he spoke, the evil anger in his heart could not escape, and cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"After that bitch hands over her things, help me hold her down..."

The several strong men behind the sofa looked at each other and immediately understood what Master Kurt meant, so they nodded.

After Curt finished smoking his cigarette, he put it out in the ashtray and sneered:

"When I'm done, you can also have fun and remember to take pictures. That old guy Foz Laurie doesn't dare to tell anyone...well, it's useless to tell anyone. A small businessman doesn't dare to offend the Lewis family. "

"Okay, Master Curt."

When several strong men heard the man's words, they couldn't help but feel ready to move.

With their status, they have never been qualified to approach a noble lady, but now they have the opportunity to kiss her. Even though the daughter of the Laurie family is not a real noble lady, she is not comparable to those "window sill girls" in the slums.

Just as several people were thinking about it, the sound of wheel hubs and ringing bells came from outside the house.


"Finally here." Kurt smiled and gestured. "Go, open the door and let the bitch in."

A strong man nodded in agreement and quickly walked to the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a young lady wearing a long white and green dress and a lace headband standing in front of the door, as if she was raising her hand to knock on the door.

The other party's facial features are exquisite, and a few strands of blond hair fall casually from the edge of the skirt, adding a sense of youthfulness and beauty.

The strong man could not help but feel his heart beat faster when he looked at the beautiful woman who came alone in front of him.

"Come in, beautiful lady." He grinned and stepped aside.


Miss Sparrow forced a smile, nodded, and immediately entered the room.

There was a click and the door was closed.

Immediately, the strong man wearing a leather beret quietly locked the door, pulled up the door chain, and bolted it.

"Miss Aurora, where are the things?"

When Kurt saw the young woman coming in, he asked directly without talking nonsense.

Miss Sparrow sat on the sofa opposite Kurt, took off the shoulder bag, and said stiffly:

"it's here……"

She unzipped her satchel and took out a round pocket watch half the size of a palm.

The whole piece is silver, with fine and exquisite patterns engraved on the surface in gold. If you look closely, you will find that it is a picture of the sun rising at noon and shining brightly, which commemorates the birth of Omer, the "noon dawn".

Hence the name "Christmas Pocket Watch Fisher".

Kurt's eyes lit up when he saw the antique pocket watch in her hand, and he quickly stretched out his hand and said:

"give it to me."

As he spoke, he added perfunctorily:

"Don't worry, I only want this watch. Your father and his factory will be fine. My Lewis family is very honest."

"I believe in the integrity of your family."

Miss Sparrow bit her lip, hesitated, and then handed the pocket watch to Kurt's hand.

Kurt got the pocket watch and looked happy.

He quickly pressed the knob switch on the upper edge and heard a click. The pocket watch cover popped open on its own, revealing the complex and exquisite dial inside. The twelve hours are all inlaid with fine diamonds in cursive characters, and each is equipped with a symbolic symbol.

Kurt knew that those symbols represented the twelve supreme Si Chens. They were the beliefs of the world and the gods who lived outside the world.

However, the minute and hour hands stopped, and the second hand would only jump in place, making a clicking sound.

The pocket watch was already broken.

"Why is it bad?!"

Kurt was stunned at first, and then became furious.

He stood up and asked Miss Sparrow pretending to be angry.

"It has been broken for many years..." Miss Sparrow seemed a little scared and shrank back. "Dad called many watchmakers but couldn't fix it."

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Kurt's inner desire was out of control. He sneered and was about to pounce on her.

But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

Kurt and the four strong men were all startled, and turned to stare at the door in unison.

"Who?!" Kurt shouted angrily.

"Hahaha..." There was a faint burst of laughter outside the house. "Originally I just knocked on the door and tried. I really didn't expect there was anyone inside. Those who can live here must be rich people, right?"

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