From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 54 Robber

"Rogue criminal? Robber?!"

Such a ridiculous idea popped into Kurt's mind.

The security in the wealthy district of Haost in Brak City is indeed very good, but this does not mean that there is no crime at all. Occasionally, there will be cases of theft, robbery, kidnapping or murder.

Some people at the bottom who are desperate, or those who are greedy for profit, will naturally set their sights on the wealthy areas for the sake of money.

Moreover, residents in wealthy areas do not live in harmony. There will naturally be contradictions and conflicts, so criminal cases are inevitable.

"Get away! You blind bastard!"

Curt cursed outside the room.

"I'm telling you! You've found the wrong person! I don't have time to talk to you now, but if you want to die, there are several guns here that can beat your dog's brains to pieces! Get out!!"

As a direct descendant of the Lewis family, but being targeted by bandits as a weakling, he felt inexplicably annoyed.

After Kurt cursed angrily, there was suddenly no sound outside the door.

Several people in the room looked at each other and sneered.

"Oh, this guy knows his stuff." A strong man said calmly.

If they really had to fight against him, their four "elite thugs" selected from the Oak Gang would definitely be able to subdue him easily. Not to mention that each of them is equipped with a Borchardt pistol at their waist, which can be smashed into pieces with a concentrated fire!

Master Kurt's words are not just words.

But the next second.

Bang! !

A loud bang!

The hard solid wood door suddenly shattered into a large hole, and the half-broken door clanged against the wall. The metal bolt and door chain were as fragile as plastic toys. They bent and broke in an instant, and bounced to Curt's feet with a clanking sound, shocking him.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, a figure appeared at the door.

The man was wearing a black blouse worn by lower-class people, plus plaid trousers. On his head was a square brown paper bag commonly seen in bakeries, with two holes dug in the middle, revealing a pair of dark blue eyes full of malice.

"Today is a good day for robbery."

A hoarse voice came from under the paper bag the strange man wore.

As he spoke, he raised a shiny short-barreled revolver and pointed it at Curt.

"With your oily hair and powdery face, in a suit and leather shoes, you look like a rich man. Hand over all the valuables in your family and on you."

"Damn..." Kurt's pupils shrank sharply, staring at the strange man.

He didn't know what method the other party used, but he suddenly broke into the door with a gun in his hand. At first glance, he was a seasoned and recidivist criminal.

"Don't shoot!" Curt slowly raised his hands. "Just asking for money, I can give it to you."

After all, he is also a direct descendant of an upper-class family. His psychological quality is quite good, and he can maintain a certain calmness even when someone points a gun at him.

With his mind spinning, he decided to stabilize the opponent first. The four elite men in the room would definitely find an opportunity to kill him!

Kurt deliberately slowed down his movements to avoid stressing the other party. He slowly took off his gold watch, took out his wallet from his trouser pocket, and then handed Miss Aurora's pocket watch to a strong man beside him.

"Go and give it to that gentleman." Kurt said calmly.

"Yes." The strong man responded.

The two exchanged glances for a moment, and the strong man nodded slightly without any trace.

Immediately, the strong man walked towards the strange man at the door with something in his hand.

As he was walking, he suddenly swooped over halfway and yelled:

"Shoot! Kill him!"

Curt turned over and hid behind the sofa in the next moment, while the other three strong men took out the Borchardt pistol, pointed it at the robber and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Deafening gunshots rang out in the room.

The strong man who pounced on the man with the headband had a ferocious look on his face. He blocked the opponent's gun with his body to ensure the safety of Master Curt... He also believed that even if he died, Master Curt would be kind to his family.

puff! !

A hand knife like a steel thorn was inserted directly into his throat, making his expression stiff. In the severe pain and suffocation, he lost all his strength. With his wide eyes, he could only see a pair of pairs in the two holes of the other party's paper bag. Extremely cold blue eyes.

Immediately, he felt that a strong hand was grabbing his neck, and then he was dragged to him like a chicken.

Along with the gunshot, there was a sharp pain in the back.

"I was subdued and used as a human shield as soon as I met him?!"

This was the last thought of the strong man before he died.

Jilan carried the strong man's body and pressed it sideways against the wall. All the bullets hit the corpse, making a muffled sound and blood splattering everywhere.

When the first wave of shooting ended, he suddenly threw the body out.

Immediately, he raised his right hand holding the gun and touched the hammer of the short-barreled revolver with his left hand - his index finger, middle finger and ring finger moved the hammer one after another, just like brushing the strings of a piano.

Bang! !

Three bullets were fired almost at the same time, but only one gunshot was heard!

Without exception, a bloody hole appeared on the foreheads of the three strong men with guns!

thump! !

Four corpses fell to the ground, and the room fell into dead silence.

"Oh my God! This?!" Kurt hid behind the sofa, looked over and saw the scene in front of him, and felt chilled all over. His face was pale and he was trembling with fear unconsciously. "This is impossible……"

Snap, snap.

The man in the paper hood walked over the blood and dragged Curt out from behind the sofa.

"Ah! Ahhh!" Kurt was pulled by the collar, and he was in a state of panic, screaming on the ground like a frightened puppy. "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'm sorry! I was wrong! I can give you all the money!!"

Gillan knelt down and gently tapped Curt's face with the short-barreled revolver.

"Don't kill me! Please!" The latter's eyes widened, he was shaking more and more, and his head was covered with cold sweat.

As he said that, Kurt seemed to have remembered something, and he quickly pointed to Miss Aurora who was curled up on the sofa, and shouted hurriedly:

"Sir! Her family is very rich! Her father is Fozzie Lowry! He has opened three factories and two shops. You can get a lot of money from her!"

"Oh?" Gilan's hoarse voice sounded from under the paper bag.

He tilted his head slightly and noticed that Miss Sparrow was also looking at him, but the shock and nervousness on her face did not seem to be fake... It was as if his performance just now really scared this lady.

"Woman, tell me, who is this guy?"

Gillan asked in a hoarse, low voice.

Miss Sparrow was startled for a moment, then pursed her lips and said timidly:

"Sir, he is..."

"Aurora! How dare you bitch?!"

Kurt's heart froze and he yelled unconsciously.

However, the next second, a big hand slapped him in the face like a steel plate.

Snapped! !

Kurt tilted his head and felt a sharp pain on the left side of his face.

He is deaf in his left ear and has stars in his eyes.

"Shut up! If you say one more word, I will crush your crotch!"

Ji Lan said indifferently.

Curt was so frightened that he was frightened and angry inside. He endured the humiliation and pain, and secretly swore that when he returned alive, he would make the guy in front of him pay the price!

"Continue." Gillan said to Miss Sparrow.

"He is the third son of the Lewis family, named 'Curt Lewis'. His father, 'Leighton Lewis', was once a senior executive of the Capital Chamber of Commerce. He holds the title of Imperial Baron and has friendships with many big figures in Braque City..."

Miss Sparrow looked at Mr. Snow Owl pretending to be a robber, with mixed emotions, and explained slowly.

"It turns out he is the son of a baron, a noble man." Gillan said calmly.

"Yes, my father not only knows the members of the local council, but also has a good relationship with the 'one-star superintendent' of the city police department, Director Tygas... I can give you money, but please don't kill me. This will not do you any good. No good, sir."

Curt calmed down a little, half requesting, half threatening.

Snapped! !

Ji Lan slapped him hard on the other side of his face with his backhand.

Kurt was beaten until his vision went dark, his tender cheeks were torn open, and blood spurted from the corners of his mouth.

"Did I let you speak?" Jilan said fiercely. "Looks like you don't want your crotch anymore."

Kurt's face was in pain and his mind was confused.

He couldn't understand how the man in front of him dared to treat him like this after learning his identity. But he was afraid that the other party would actually take action, so he quickly begged:

"No! Sir! Please don't!!"

Thanks to "Fantasy Epic" for the 197 points reward!

Thanks to "Wu Wang" (Q read) for the 100 point reward!

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