Gillan raised her feet.

"No!!" Curt screamed.

However, Gillan's legs did not fall down, she just stepped over him and sat down on the sofa.

"Huh?" Kurt's voice stopped abruptly.

He stared at the man in the paper hood and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he felt like a funny clown, and his expression changed several times.

Gillan raised the revolver and pointed the black muzzle at Kurt. The latter quickly raised his hand to block his face and kept begging for mercy: "Don't, don't shoot..."

However, Gillan's muzzle was slightly raised, past Curt, and pointed at the corner behind the opponent, where there was a table with an old-fashioned brass-engraved dial telephone placed on it.

"Go, call your home." Gilan said calmly.

"Call?" Kurt was a little stunned.

"Since you are a direct descendant of the aristocracy, your family must be very rich... Let your family prepare 1,000 gold Caesars to redeem you, even if you lose a plum man, do you understand?"

Gillan's hoarse voice was extremely ferocious.

Curt's mouth opened slightly.

He was not surprised that the other lion opened his mouth, but he was surprised, because if the other party said this, he would definitely not touch him easily, so he would have a chance to survive.

"Isn't 1,000 Caesar... a bit too much?" Kurt said, pretending to bargain, but when he saw the revolver pointing at him again, he quickly changed his words: "Not much, not much! I'll call right now! Home You will definitely raise enough money for me!”

As he spoke, he stood up and rushed to the phone.

Picking up the microphone and receiver, he stretched out his fingers and started turning the dial.

Click, click, click...

Turn it six times in succession to send the number band.

Then turn it three times in succession on "0", which is a call to the local wiring station.

"Hey, transfer me to Louis Apartments, No. 18, Second Avenue, Hoster."

Kurt held a cup-shaped microphone in his left hand and a trumpet-shaped receiver in his right hand. His cheeks were red and swollen. He glanced carefully at the sofa and muttered.

The operator was waiting to transfer the call. Not long after, a deep male voice suddenly sounded from the receiver in Kurt's hand:

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Pa! It's me, Kurt!" Kurt said quickly as if he had found a savior. "I, I was kidnapped in that small apartment on Sixth Street. Please try to find a way to raise money to redeem..."

"What are you doing again?! I'm warning you, if you need money, go find your father yourself! Don't try to be clever with me!"

The male voice on the other end of the receiver became impatient and angry.

Kurt's face was ugly, but he still chose to swallow his anger, hesitantly explained the situation in detail, and kept ensuring that what he said was true.

This time, there was silence on the other end of the receiver for a while.

"Let that gentleman answer the phone and I'll talk to him." Curt's brother said on the receiver.

Curt held the receiver and turned around to signal.

Ji Lan just smiled contemptuously, and then shouted without warning:

"Damn woman, come back here!"

As he spoke, he kicked over the coffee table in front of him, making a loud clang.

Then he cursed again and said: "Kurt, you want to run away too?! Looking for death!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his gun, pointed it at the rotary dial telephone, and pulled the trigger. With a bang, the telephone was destroyed by bullets, sparks bursting out, and green smoke rising.

Miss Sparrow and Kurt who were present were both confused and had no idea what was going on.

After doing this, Gilan stood up slowly, picked up the pocket watch on the ground, handed it into Miss Sparrow's hand, and said:

"It's time for you to go... Also, don't let the Lewis family find out that this pocket watch is back in your hands."

Miss Sparrow's eyes moved slightly, and she was smart enough to quickly understand that Mr. Snow Owl's actions just now were just to mislead the people of the Lewis family, making them mistakenly believe that he was escaping, causing chaos.

"I understand, sir. Thank you." Miss Sparrow took her mother's relics. Without saying anything or asking any more questions, she turned back to the door step by step, and finally left.

Kurt watched this scene helplessly and suddenly felt cold all over.


His legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

An unspeakable fear surged into my heart for no reason.

Now he understands no matter how stupid he is.

This is just a game planned by that bitch Aurora!

Let people play the role of robbers, intervene in this transaction, and then snatch the pocket watch back...

The other party exposed all this to him without hesitation, and made it clear that he did not want to let him leave alive!

"Who are you?! Who are you?!"

Curt sat on the ground, roaring angrily.

Gilan did not answer, silently strode forward, grabbed Kurt's face, and lifted him up.

"If you dare to touch me, the Lewis family and the city police department will never let you go! You will be arrested, put in jail, and tortured until you die!!"

Curt struggled in his hands, shouting in horror.

"If you have plenty of lice, you won't be itchy; if you have plenty of debt, you won't have to worry about it." From the two holes in the brown paper bag, a pair of blue eyes looked directly at Kurt indifferently, and a ferocious voice came from underneath. "If you want to harm me, you all deserve to die!"

call! !

Gillan picked up Curt's head and smashed it to the ground!

Bang! !

There was a loud noise and the floor in the living room trembled.

Curt's head exploded on the spot and turned into a blur of flesh and blood. The floor tiles underneath were shattered and dented. He was so dead that he could no longer die.

Gillan pulled the brown paper bag off his head.

With a cold face, he wiped the blood stains on his hands with it.

"Since he is a robber, he must act like one..." He murmured, looked around, quickly picked up the gold watch and wallet that fell on the ground, and found a silver lighter from Curt's body. and a sapphire ring.

It wasn't over yet. Gillan took out a sack from under the overturned coffee table and stuffed all the valuable items in the house into it as quickly as possible, such as silver cups, silver candlesticks, and wall clocks.

The entire bag was stuffed to the brim, weighing dozens of pounds.

But these things were neither easy to carry nor easy to get rid of. Jilan was just showing off and had no intention of taking them away... Then he carried the sacks outside the house and threw them away casually as he ran.

Not long after, he threw away all the valuable items along the entire street, then turned around and fled quickly.




Just over twenty minutes later.

Three large carriages from the House Police Department and a high-end carriage from the Lewis family arrived at the scene of the crime.

More than a dozen police officers got out of their cars to be on guard. The leader, a middle-aged police inspector, stared at the street with an ugly face. In this originally inaccessible area, a group of low-class people came from unknown time, hiding under trees, bushes and alleys. Shuttle back and forth, holding various valuable and exquisite small objects in hand, escaping happily.

"Arrest all those people!" the police inspector ordered. "Bring them all to the police station for interrogation."

"Yes, sir." The police officers around him responded quickly.

Later, Pa, the eldest son of the Lewis family, and the other three brothers and sisters came over and followed the people from the police station into the small apartment.

As soon as they entered, they saw the mess and corpses all over the ground, which was too horrible to look at.

"Curt!!" Kane, the fourth son of the Lewis family, shouted, threw himself in front of Curt's body, and howled in pain. "Ah! How could this happen?! Who killed my brother?!"

The two sisters, Biddy and Cecil, turned their heads, unable to bear to look at Curt's miserable condition.

The elder brother Pa's face was extremely ugly, and he cursed in a deep voice: "Idiot! You always don't listen to the advice of my father and me, and now something really happened!"

"Brother, Curt is dead!" Biddy couldn't see it, frowned and said to Pa. "The most important thing now is to find the kidnapper and arrest him to avenge his brother!"

Pa's face was as gloomy as water, and he looked around.

At this time, a police officer who was investigating and collecting evidence at the scene came to the middle-aged police inspector and reported information and clues in a low voice.

After a while, the middle-aged police inspector's expression changed slightly.

"There was only one murderer. It took less than ten seconds from breaking in to killing four armed bodyguards... Three people were shot in the head with 9mm bullets, and one was stabbed through a hard object at close range. The throat was used as a cover and was shot to death, while Mr. Curt Lewis... was violently smashed to pieces!"

He turned his head and said to Pa in a shocked tone.

"This murderer is extremely cruel and ruthless. He is definitely not an ordinary gangster...and this case is also very bad. I will report it to my superiors, send more people to investigate, and give the Lewis family an explanation as soon as possible!"

"I believe in your agency's ability." Pa said solemnly.

He thought again of the phone call his brother made to him before he died, which contained some important information, so he reminded the middle-aged police inspector:

"You can track down Foz Laurie's daughter. She was also a kidnapping victim, but she is currently missing. She may have been killed...but if she is still alive, you should know something."

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