From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 56 Thanks

It was noon that day.

Gilan was sitting cross-legged on the bed, counting his belongings.

He wrapped Curt's gold watch, silver lighter and sapphire ring in newspapers, hid them in the old handbag, and stuffed them under the bed.

These things cannot be seen in the light, and it is not convenient to take action for the time being, so as not to be followed by others.

There were only 16 caesar and 10 pfennig bills in Curt's wallet, but Gillan took them all out and kept them for himself.

'With all this money, I have 285 Caesars and 22 pfennigs on hand, but I still have to give 210 Caesars to Miss Seagull as the cost of purchasing two mercury batteries...'

Ji Lan secretly said that money is useless.

At this time, Old Jerry's voice came from outside the house, indicating that lunch was ready and invited him to come downstairs to eat.

Gilan responded politely and immediately got out of bed.

In the afternoon.

Mr. Oystercatcher and Miss Seagull came to the apartment one after another.

The four of them gathered in the living room, sitting on the sofa drinking tea and talking about Miss Sparrow.

"I sent someone to inquire about the situation. Miss Sparrow had arrived home safely, but then someone from the police station came to the door again."

Miss Seagull drank sweet black tea and spoke.

"Then she will be okay?" Mr. Oystercatcher asked worriedly.

Miss Seagull shook her head slightly.

"I used my connections at home, and the city police department put pressure on the Horst Police Department. Miss Sparrow will be fine for the time being, and she has not been included in the suspect list. She is just a pure victim."

She said, hesitated for a moment, glanced at Ji Lan, and then whispered:

"However, the Horst Police Department has classified this case as a 'first-class serious incident', and I am afraid that a considerable number of manpower will be dispatched to start the investigation... Mr. Snow Owl, please be careful during this time."

"First-class bad incident?!" Mr. Oystercatcher's eyes widened.

In the Bremen Empire, crimes are officially classified into four levels: third-level, second-level, first-level, and special. They are also distinguished by three properties: ordinary, urgent, and serious.

"First-class bad incident" is already a very serious case. In Brak City, it can be traced back to a "Rainy Night Serial Murder Case" more than ten years ago. The murderer brutally killed people in a slum area during a week during the rainy season. Nineteen women once caused panic.

That case even caused a sensation in the entire city of Brack.

"This...isn't this just a simple robbery?" Mr. Oystercatcher opened his mouth. "How could the police department characterize this as such a serious case?"

Miss Seagull glanced at Gilan again, and her heart trembled slightly when she saw him drinking tea as if nothing had happened.

"The third son of the Lewis family, Curt Lewis, was killed and his head was shattered into pieces... The four armed bodyguards who protected him also died tragically. Only Miss Sparrow escaped the scene alive."

She shared the information carefully.

"Huh?" Mr. Oystercatcher couldn't help but be stunned.

Even Mr. Stork on the side stopped pouring tea.

The two men turned their heads slightly to look at the blond young man in unison.

Mr. Snow Owl...

Didn't he play the role of "robber" and help Miss Sparrow get back the pocket watch?

Why did you kill everyone? !

"Mr. Snow Owl, was there an accident?"

Mr. Oystercatcher saw that the blond young man was unscathed and spotless. He couldn't help but swallowed and guessed:

"Did other people or forces intervene in this matter? You protected Miss Sparrow and escaped from the scene..."

"Well, something happened."

Ji Lan was startled, then nodded and admitted.

When Mr. Oystercatcher heard this, he was secretly relieved.

"They were the ones who shot first." Gilan took a sip of tea and put down the cup. "In order to protect myself and worry about Miss Sparrow getting hurt, I had no choice but to kill them all."

For a while, the scene was a little quiet.

" turns out to be like this."

Mr. Oystercatcher wiped his sweat without trace.

"For the next period of time, Mr. Snow Owl will try not to go out and stay in the apartment. If you need anything, you can ask Old Jerry to help."

Mr. Stork did not comment on this, but said solemnly.

He has a certain understanding of Jilan, but now it seems that he still underestimates him... Being able to fight four trained gun-wielding bodyguards by himself and kill them all is such a strength. Almost catching up with him.

"Okay, Mr. Stork." Gillan nodded.

"In addition, since Miss Sparrow is temporarily under surveillance by the police station, she may not be able to go out, so the originally scheduled 'movie viewing day' will be postponed to a later date."

Mr. Stork poured himself a cup of hot tea, took a sip and said.

Everyone had no objections to this and agreed one after another.




However, on the morning of the third day, Miss Sparrow came to the apartment as usual.

For this reason, she also specifically asked Mr. Stork to notify the club members in advance that they would gather today, saying that there was something important.

At ten minutes to eleven in the morning, the five of them gathered together again.

Under the puzzled gazes of everyone, Miss Sparrow placed a beautiful yellow paper gift bag on the coffee table, and took out five palm-sized small wooden boxes of different colors from it, four of which were handed to everyone present. four members.

"Dang Dang Dang!" Miss Sparrow said in her mouth, spreading her hands, and her smiling eyes narrowed into a crescent moon. "This is a thank you gift to thank everyone for their help. At the same time, it is also a celebration that we have finished watching the movie "Black Lagoon"!"

Miss Seagull opened her own wooden box. Inside was an exquisitely carved gold coin, with a seagull engraved on the front and eyes decorated with green emeralds. On the back was the Chinese character "Seagull".

"It's quite beautiful. I like it very much." Miss Seagull played with the gold coins and raised the corners of her mouth slightly. "Thank you for your gift. It's not in vain that I have put so much effort into helping you."

"Just like it, Miss Seagull." Miss Sparrow smiled at her.

"Did Miss Sparrow specially ask someone to customize this? It's so exquisite!"

Mr. Oystercatcher praised.

He also held an engraved gold coin in his hand, but the pattern on the front was of a cute oystercatcher with its mouth open, and the small claws on its legs were decorated with amber, which was different from Miss Seagull's. Obviously, each member's gold coins are consistent with their respective code names, and the embellishment parts and materials are different.

Mr. Stork's gold coin shows a red-billed stork with a long pointed beak made of red agate.

Miss Sparrow's gold coin is an ordinary little sparrow, but its feathers are silver-plated.

Gilan placed his gold coin in the palm of his hand and lowered his head to look at it. The pattern engraved on the front was of a snowy owl standing upright with its wings folded, and its eyes were a pair of dazzling sapphires.

Quite consistent with his deep blue eyes.

Moreover, after comparison, he found that on the back of his gold coin, there was not only the "Snow Owl" code number in cursive script, but also some additional engravings:

"To Mr. Snow Owl, thank you for everything you have done for me."

Below this sentence, there is a smaller sentence, which is difficult to detect without looking closely: "You are a gentleman of grace and dignity, and a certain sparrow is alarmed by this."

Ji Lan was slightly startled.

He looked up and saw Miss Sparrow smiling at him.

Just like the sincerity when we first met.

But this time, there was a trace of blush on her cheeks.

Thanks to "Song Kaixin" for the 100-point reward!

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