From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 58 Atonement

That night, around seven o'clock.

After Mr. Leighton Lewis had dinner with Mr. Charles, a distinguished guest from the capital, he asked his children to make arrangements for each other's stay. He put on his windbreaker and hat and hammered a black walnut "T" With a walking stick, he went out alone.

He strolled along the street path toward the first block of Horst.

"Gilan Iros." Leighton tightened his black suede gloves and uttered the name again.

Although he had never met this young man, he was not unfamiliar with him.

The Oak Gang that he controlled in the slum area was paralyzed by this little guy on his own, and the boss, Lucas Parr, was also killed by him.

What's more, Gillan is a member of the Oak Gang. After he escaped from prison after killing someone in the police station, and taking away the core items of the official "Purification Department" secret project, the Lewis family was also implicated.

Director Tygas, the "one-star police superintendent" of the city police department, came to the door in person more than once because of this matter.

Layton suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and couldn't help but think:

"The Farhan family is also interested in the mysterious film in that kid's hand?"

He agreed to Mr. Charles's request for a missing person, which was not a bad thing for the Lewis family.

If he can find the boy first at the police station, the Farhan family will owe him a favor. The old count has a high status and can even talk face to face with Stavin, the Minister of Propaganda of the Empire, to eliminate the hostility of the "Purification Department" towards the Lewis family. easy.

In addition, Layton has long hated the little bastard named "Gilan" who messed up all this.

I wish I could tear it apart.

He gave up his years of accumulation in the capital "Muse City", and after abdicating from the Chamber of Commerce, he settled in this small marginal city, all in order to secretly search for the possible inheritance left by his ancestors.

As far as he knew, the ancestor had lived for at least more than a century and had power and knowledge beyond the ordinary. If there was any legacy left, it must be something involving mysterious power and realm.

He has been working in the Chamber of Commerce for many years, so he has naturally been exposed to things related to mystery and has longed for it.

Lucas, the confidant who carried out this secret plan, was dead. It would take a lot of time and energy to support such a person, and the whole plan was disrupted.

So this time Layton planned to take action personally to find the whereabouts of Gilan.

Others, close associates, and even his children may not know that he is not just an old nobleman, or a retired Chamber of Commerce executive...

He is also a heraldry-level wand master.

At the same time, he is also a "magician".

Three hundred years ago, the famous scholar "Pala Celsus" clearly pointed out in Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of "Secrets of the World":

“Those who give up their souls and sign a contract with the devil are called ‘magicians’.”




The wind at night was a bit cold.

Leighton's back was hunched and he wrapped his windbreaker tightly around him, looking like a frail old man.

He wielded his cane and arrived in front of Building 5 in the first block of Haust.

Not far in front of him was a tall and solemn Gothic church.

To the left and right of the four-column porch are two spire towers. Each tower is inlaid with a vertical oval-shaped stained glass in the center, constructed in colors such as emerald green, coral red, lavender purple, lake blue and golden yellow, forming two hovering wings. But different kite bird patterns.

This is the "Church of the Atonement."

The church enshrines the "Twin Kite" symbolizing May, who is also the "God of Listening and Witnessing". People who have made mistakes and are suffering from guilt can come here to talk about their sins and obtain redemption and comfort.

The Atonement Church has no cooperation with the government, nor is it a superior or subordinate. The relationship is even cold. It only exists as an orthodox belief in the Bremen Empire.

In fact, all orthodox churches have a somewhat transcendent status.

But only a few people know that information is collected and sold here.

Mr. Layton, who was once a senior member of the Chamber of Commerce, naturally knew this secret.

He stepped into the porch. On the right hand side of the church door, there was a small rectangular guard booth. The front was not a door, but a sandalwood window with fine vertical lines. From the outside, the guard booth was completely dark.

"Visitor, please indicate your intention."

An old female voice came from the window.

"I want to atone for my sins." Layton said solemnly.


A hole was opened under the wooden window, and a hand wearing a black lace glove stretched out, pointing at a wooden box below.

Layton said nothing, but silently took out his wallet, took out a "100" denomination Caesar, and slowly put it into the wooden box.

The elderly female voice in the window pondered for a moment and said slowly:

"Confession Room No. 9, the atoning priest will listen to your sins."

As he spoke, the hand handed a black coupon from the small opening under the window.

Layton took the ticket, tipped his hat towards the guard booth, and walked quietly into the church.

The surrounding window sills were filled with white candles of different heights, and the candlelight illuminated the church. He quickly found a wooden confession room marked "9", opened the door of the narrow room on the right, went in and sat down. Get down and close the door with your backhand.

There was a rectangular wooden table inlaid on the partition in front of him. Layton put his hat and cane on it. A man's voice came from the other side of the partition full of holes:

"You who are lost, are you confused?"

"I want to know the whereabouts of 'Ghilan Yiros'."

Layton said.

The priest on the other side of the partition fell into a brief silence, and then said:

"Rich area, third block of Horst."

Leiton narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that kid to be lurking right under his nose.

Although he did not get the exact location, he also knew the rules of the Atonement Church and did not dare to ask in detail, so he just thanked the priest, picked up his belongings, opened the door of the confession room and walked out.

After leaving the Atonement Church, Layton walked back while thinking about the next strategy.

The third block was neither big nor small. It was impossible for him to search among the hundreds of buildings one by one, let alone enter other people's houses or shops at will.

Since that kid is hiding in a wealthy area, he must be fully prepared. I'm afraid he won't be able to succeed with ordinary means.

"In this case, we can only use the power of the 'master'..." Leiton thought to himself. "Damn little bastard, you wasted two months of my life in vain."

At this thought, Layton felt his heart bleed.

He is already old, almost 65 years old, and he doesn’t know how many years he has left to live. Now every minute and every second of his time is extremely cherished and urgent... but now he has to spend two months of his life to catch up. Using the mysterious power made him extremely uncomfortable.

Instead of going home, Layton took a cab and went to Horst's Second Block.

There is a rented apartment there, and there live nine of his confidants who he brought from the capital. Each of them is an apprentice-level fighter and an elite fighter who is proficient in firearms.

After he arrived at his destination, he knocked on the door with a coded signal.

After entering the living room, he didn't talk nonsense, but asked a young man among the nine people:

"It's time to activate you, Giancarlo, are you ready?"

"I'm always prepared, Mr. Layton."

The young man smiled fearlessly.

"Okay." Layton nodded.

He slowly took off the black suede glove on his right hand, revealing a dry and wrinkled old hand. There was a circular brand on the back of the hand, with densely packed weird and twisted words and symbols engraved in the middle.

"Iska Lida Kiritso!!" Layton yelled.

He spoke the ancient Hiru language and recited the true name of the "master".

Leighton took the sharp dagger handed by another subordinate, with a ferocious face, and stabbed the dagger into the young man's left chest.

Poof! !

Blood spurted out and stained a few drops on Layton's cheek, but he didn't care.

The young man fell to the ground in pain, holding the dagger that had pierced his heart.

He wailed softly on the ground, struggled and kicked his legs, and soon died of blood loss.

Everyone present was not surprised, they just watched in silence with serious faces.

Until the young man's originally closed eyes suddenly opened again, revealing a pair of pupilless white eyes, filled with evil thoughts and malice.

He...or it, in a way that defied the laws of physics, stood up straight.

"Leighton Lewis, my servant, why have you called me?"

The young man grinned and made a hoarse, weird sound.

Layton bowed his head respectfully, holding a photo in his hands and handing it over.

"Master, please find him and bring him back."

Thanks to "Kopcn" for the 200 points reward!

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