From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 59 Moon Burning

When Gilan came downstairs after taking a shower, the lights in the living room of the apartment had already been turned off.

Mr. Stork went out to visit friends again after dinner, while old Jerry went upstairs to rest early. Only Gillan was still active in the entire apartment.

He didn't turn on the light in the living room, but used the faint light from the corridor to walk to the door of the utility room in the corner of the living room.

He twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

He turned on the light in the utility room and locked the door.

Immediately, without wasting time, he walked straight to the projector, took out a mercury battery that had been prepared in advance, and inserted the power plug into it.

Colors flashed in Jilan's eyes, and a black film, wrapped in color, appeared in his hand out of thin air, and then he carefully placed it on the projector.

"Okay, let's get started." He murmured and pressed the play lever.


The light box projects a beam of light that falls on the wall curtain in front of the sofa.

Ji Lan quickly walked to the door, turned off the light in the utility room, and then sat down to watch the movie.

The movie still showed the familiar old-fashioned steam train, with thick smoke spewing from the front as it drove into the forest without hesitation.

Ji Lan stared for a few seconds, then felt a trance. He just blinked and found that he was sitting on the leather bench on the left side of the luxury compartment of the train.

Bang, bang, bang...

Hearing the sound of the train moving again, Ji Lan felt an inexplicable sense of anticipation.

‘With my current strength, I shouldn’t be afraid of that ax man. ’

he thought.

Not long after, with a long whistle, the train gradually stopped in the foggy forest.

‘This time I will try to fully explore the village. ’

Ji Lan secretly thought.

He continued according to the development before the movie, met the folklorist Maiev and the surgeon Brennan, and arrived at the forest village "Oldrav" together.

After once again proposing to split up, Gillan did not take the path on the left. Instead, he circled back in advance and walked to the right, trailing far behind Dr. Brennan.

According to the direction of the last movie, after the doctor discovers the map in the clerk's residence, he is likely to be attacked by the Ax Man... Gillan plans to take the opportunity to meet the Ax Man head-on and test the extent of his strength.

It would be best if he could kill Ax Man, and he could get another mysterious point. It didn't matter if he couldn't kill him, since he could leave the movie world at any time through "Panlan".

'Furthermore, the eleven people on the train always gave me the feeling that they were the protagonists of this movie called "Moonlight Village"... If the doctor died, something would inevitably happen. ’

Gillan guessed.

Not long after, the doctor's figure stopped in the mist, as if he had discovered something, and then got into the banyan forest on the left side of the road.

Gillan strode forward and followed.

Then, just as he expected, the doctor walked out of the red brick house happily.

And a tall, pale and naked man with a bloated beard, carrying an ax, rushed out from behind the bushes, as if he had discovered prey, smiled maniacally, and rushed towards the doctor.


Dr. Brennan was startled by the sudden appearance of the man.

But his reaction was not slow. He reached out and touched the inner pocket of his coat, and three scalpels flew out.

Boo hoo hoo——

Poof! !

Two scalpels were inserted into the throat and chest of the pale man with an axe, and another scalpel was inserted into his left eye. But strangely, not a drop of blood was shed from this man, and the crazy smile on his face remained intact.

The doctor was greatly surprised when he saw this.

He turned around and ran away in the direction of the Stone Brick Square.

The figure quickly disappeared into the thick fog.

The ax man stopped where he was, raised his other big hairy hand, pulled out the scalpel from his body, and threw it on the ground.

Immediately, he was ready to chase the doctor with an ax in hand.

However, a strange figure stopped in front of him. Without saying a word, the other person raised the short-barreled revolver in his hand and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang! Bang bang bang bang! !

Six shots in a row hit the ax man's head accurately. The strong impact caused him to raise his head and stagger back a few steps.

However, the Ax Man maintained a weird posture with his legs bent and leaned back, but he never fell down. Instead, he slowly stood up straight again, revealing his head that was full of bullet holes and even missing half of the Tianling Cap.

There was still a maniacal smile on the bloody face.

"Is this okay?" Ji Lan was a little surprised.

But he didn't panic. After all, the prison uniform monster in "Black Lake" was also not afraid of bullets, and he was killed by him in the end.

Gillan flicked his right hand, and the wheel popped out. Six bullet casings jingled down like rain. He took out the speed loader with his other hand and completed the loading of ammunition in one second.

At this time, the pale man had rushed forward at a strange speed, raised the ax and struck him on the head!

Before Gilan could fire again, he inserted the revolver back into the holster with his right hand. At the same time, he raised his left hand, twisting with the colorful light, and a rough but thick triangular iron shield stood in front of him.

when! !

The ax blade struck the iron shield, making a piercing sound and sparks shooting out.

Jilan felt the pressure coming from his left arm, and his eyes froze.

But it was just pressure and could not shake him even a step.

He is no longer the frail young man he used to be. After entering the second stage of physical training, "Yellow Bile", his physique and strength have been greatly improved. He can easily carry a 32-pound shield with one hand, and there is no need to look like that anymore. It was set up on the ground and used as before.

Woo! !

With a cold face, Jilan pulled the ring on the back of the shield and waved forward with a backhand.

The triangular shield overwhelmed the axe, swung the wind, and slapped the axe-man on the face with a muffled bang, pushing him away several meters... The axe-man stepped back several steps, and stepped on the muddy ground with his bare feet and legs. , splashed with dirt.

Without any pause, Gilan took steps forward and rushed towards the axe-man.

He raised the shield sideways, turned his body to one side, and used the bottom tip of the triangular shield as a weapon. He was like a triangular dump truck, slamming into the opponent!

Bang! !

A large hole was suddenly stabbed through the Ax Man's abdomen. The tip of the shield even penetrated from his lower back, and the rotting internal organs and intestines slid out.

But the maniacal smile on his face did not change, and he even grabbed the edge of the shield with one hand, raised the ax with the other hand, and slashed down again, heading towards Jilan's head!

Many fighting skills flashed through Jilan's mind, and he tilted his head quickly like a conditioned reflex. The ax blade passed by the end of his hair, and a few strands of golden hair flew away, while the ax man's thick arm hit him hard. His shoulders.


Gilan felt a pain and his body dwarfed.

‘This guy is so powerful! ’ He secretly thought.

The next second.

Jilan raised his right hand, and as the colorful light twisted, a double-barreled shotgun appeared in his hand. The two black muzzles were close to the axe-man's smiling face, less than one finger wide.

Gillan, expressionless, pulled the trigger.

Bang! !

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