From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 60: Moonlight 2

Twelve lead pellets the size of cold capsules, accompanied by fireworks, burst out from the muzzle of the gun and smashed the ax man's head into pieces.

Brains, eyes, scalps, hair and bone fragments flew everywhere.

The Ax Man, who had lost most of his head, only had a grinning chin, half-open, with teeth and tongue clearly visible. Carrying the ax, his whole body flew backwards and fell into the mud pit with a plop.

Gilan put away his triangular shield, held the shotgun in one hand, and looked coldly at the corpse in front of him.

"It's slightly weaker than the prison uniform monster..." he commented.

However, just as he was about to step forward to the corpse of the corrupted Ax Man, the other party's headless body actually got up again!

Holding the hatchet tightly in his hand, he pounced faster than before!

Gillan raised his shotgun and fired with a bang!

Bang! !

Another shot.

The rest of the Ax Man's jaw and even his neck were blown to pieces, but he only paused for a moment, and then continued to charge towards Gilan, like an unbeatable monster!

"It's endless!" Ji Lan showed a ferocious expression.

He simply put Kongcang's shotgun into the dimensional space, advanced instead of retreating, and rushed towards the axe-man.

The opponent's headless and bloated body raised its thick arms and raised the ax to strike, but Jilan was one step faster!

I saw him stepping forward, taking two steps forward in the blink of an eye, turning sideways, bending his right leg in front of him, and then suddenly kicked out, letting out a loud scream that broke through the air!

‘Bone-crushing kick! ! ’

Phew—bang! !

This kick hit the axe-man right in the chest.

A circle of air exploded from the center of the soles of his feet, tearing the skin and muscles of the axe-man's chest, and even shattering the bones and internal organs inside, like a layer of flesh and blood ripples, until even the mist around his body was shaken away.

The hatchet came out of his hand, spun, and landed with a clatter.

The pale headless body was kicked out with a terrible big hole!

The whole body was like a tattered rag doll, flying upside down five to six meters away, scattering scattered flesh and blood tissue, and hit the ground heavily.

It even rolled and continued to drag for three meters.


Gilan stood upright on the spot, instinctively adjusting his breathing rate and exhaling a long breath.

He glanced at the motionless corpses in the distance and felt excited.

'This is the real power of the "bone-crushing kick"... There is indeed a big difference between practice and actual combat. Facing a real enemy, the effect of this kick is obviously stronger than kicking a dummy. No, much stronger many! ’

Gilan bent down and picked up the ax that the opponent had dropped on the ground. The colorful colors twisted and moved, forming a skewed text description above it:

"Orlando Demon Hunting Ax. The handle is made of 'consecrated' cherry wood. The ax head is forged from alloy steel, with trace amounts of mysterious materials 'tin sulfur' and 'salt crystals' added. It is extremely tough and sharp, and is wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant. , and has strong lethality to evil creatures."

"This is the beloved ax of "The Exorcist" Orlando Pitt. It will never leave his body...unless he dies."

The short-handled ax weighs about 15 pounds and is about 75 centimeters long. The ax head is iron-gray in color and rectangular in shape. The top is flat and the bottom is curved like a sickle. However, the ax blade is opened at the front end and is covered with wear marks.

The dark red ax handle is not straight, but has a certain curvature. The upper end passes through the blunt part of the ax head and is stuck by a drop-shaped metal ball. There are three tongue structures at the connection between the lower part of the ax head and the ax handle. The overall Pretty solid.

The handle of the ax handle is tightly wrapped with unknown brown leather, which feels very textured in the hand.

Gillan played with the ax and thought:

'It's the exorcist's weapon again...'

He looked at the tattered corpse in the mud pit again, and couldn't help but guess whether the other person was Orlando himself.

Gillan couldn't confirm, but his instinct told him that it was probably the case.

The opponent is not weak, at least at the level of a heraldry-level fighter. In addition, the axe-man is extremely powerful, which fits Gillan's impression of the exorcist... After all, with the weight of that triangular shield, it is not something that ordinary people can pick up casually. Fighting.

Overall, he was very satisfied with the Demon Hunting Ax in his hand.

He was quite fascinated by the feeling of chopping people with a wood ax in "Black Lake", but it was a pity that it was not durable and broke with a little force, and it could not be taken out of the movie.

But you don’t have to worry about this with this Demon Hunting Ax.

Gilan tried to wrap it with "color", and successfully entered the dimensional space.

Only then did he realize that his dimensional space seemed to be a little larger than before, just enough to accommodate the demon-hunting axe... He had originally thought about discarding the triangular shield to make room, but now he felt relieved.

After thinking about it, Jilan could only attribute this change to the fact that he drank enough water under the black lake, which improved his gnosis and led to the expansion of the dimensional space.

After doing this, Gilan strode forward and came to the broken headless corpse.

It was only then that he discovered after careful inspection that there was a scarlet mark on the armpits of the Ax Man's arms, the insides of his forearms, his navel and even his lower body.

This brand is different from the magic circle Maiev said, but more like multiple concentric circles superimposed at different angles, with some small pentagrams and strange symbols mixed in the middle.

Jilan couldn't understand, so he didn't waste time and bent down to touch the corpse.

Wait for it to quickly become corrupted and disperse.

The colored number "0" in his eyes jumped and turned into "15".

'15 points of mysterious energy... Well, although the ax man's destructive power is not as powerful as the prison monster, it is far more difficult to deal with. If the two meet, the Ax Man will most likely win with his invulnerability. ’

Gillan thought.

At this time, there was a burst of footsteps behind him.

Turning around, he saw Maiev, a girl in a white dress and double ponytails, holding up the hem of her skirt and holding a book, rushing over with Dr. Brennan beside her.

"Mr. Gillan!" Maiev called in surprise and trotted over. "I heard Dr. Brennan say that he was being chased by a strange man with an axe, and then I heard turned out to be you."

"Well, I got lost in the thick fog and happened to run into the man you just mentioned...but I fired a few shots and he was injured and escaped."

Jilan said casually.

Maiev and Brennan were not suspicious and just nodded.

"We'd better be careful and don't get separated. After all, this village is really weird and dangerous." Maiev suggested. "And Dr. Brennan just told me that he found the map."

"It's in the red brick house in front." Dr. Brennan pointed to the big banyan tree on the left side of the road.

Of course Gilan knew this, but he still pretended to be surprised.

"In that case, let's go take a look." He said.

Afterwards, the three of them went to the clerk's residence. But this time Dr. Brennan simply tore off the map, collected it in a roll, and carried it with him.

After leaving the red brick house, they returned to the square along the same route.

Then we walked along the main road and went straight into the depths of the village.

There are some dilapidated stone and wood bungalows along the way, but not a single person can be seen. There is thick fog and silence all around.

After marching for almost five minutes, the three of them arrived at another smaller square and saw a horrifying scene.

I saw a three-meter-tall rough stone statue standing in the center of the square. It seemed to be a strong and naked man with no head and clear muscle lines. His hands were clenched and raised in the air, showing an angry look.

The stone statue has long lost its original color and is dark red.

Because its surface is covered with fresh or coagulated blood.

Around it were seven or eight rickety figures in dirty linen robes. These people hollowed out and mended bloody wolf heads and wore them as hoods. Each held a torch high and held a saw or a bone-chopping knife in his hand. .

There were corpses and broken limbs scattered around the feet. Among them were men and women, old and young. They died in horrible and miserable ways, with hideous faces, either frightened or in pain.

At first glance, there were no less than thirty or forty corpses!

The man with the wolf head seems to be performing some kind of blood sacrifice ritual!


Jilan turned around and saw that the girl Maiev had fallen to the ground, her face full of fear and her pretty face turned pale, as if she had seen the thing that frightened her the most.

Dr. Brennan suppressed the discomfort and nervousness, and went to help her with concern, but she held her tightly with her backhand.

"Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

Maiev urged tremblingly, panicked.

"It''s the 'Heavenly Evil Cult'! We can't be discovered by them!"

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