From Prisoner to Si Chen

Chapter 61 Moon Burning 3

"The Cult of Evil?" Dr. Brennan frowned.

He was about to ask a question, but Ji Lan raised his hand first to signal not to speak.

"Let's retreat for now."

Seeing that Maiev's legs were weak, Jilan reached out directly, grabbed her waist, and held her knees with the other hand, hugging her sideways.

Immediately, he took the lead and retreated a hundred meters away towards the way he came, hiding in a stone and wood bungalow on the roadside.

Maiev was gently placed on a stone bed covered with straw.

"Miss Maiev, do you recognize the group just now?" Dr. Brennan couldn't help but ask at this time. "They are so heartbroken and crazy... They seem to be performing human sacrifices on the residents of this village!"

Maiev hugged her knees, her mood was low, and she seemed a little scared.

She bit her lip and was silent for a while before speaking:

"My family is in the south. My father is a bank executive, and my mother runs a clothing store. I also have a younger sister who is in ninth grade in a public school... It seems like a very ordinary family, but in fact our whole family is A member of the 'Heavenly Evil Order'."


The doctor was quite surprised.

He didn't expect that Miss Maiev's family was actually members of that kind of cult.

"The 'Tian Ni Cult' believes in 'Scar Father', the first of the old gods, and calls him 'Father God'. They believe that He is the master of the world... and because 'Scar Father' desires wounds, blood and Killing, so the members of the cult often use living sacrifices or self-mutilation to please Him, eager for Him to grant miracles.”

"The first Si Sui 'Father Scar'..." Jilan asked the girl: "Miss Maiev, can you tell me about these 'Si Sui's?"

Maiev glanced at him, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded with her lips pursed.

"It is rumored that the four great ministers participated in the creation of the world. They are arranged in order by the four seasons and are also symbols of the four pillar elements that make up the world..."

"They are the first Si Sui, 'Scar's father', who represents 'Spring and Fire'; the second Si Sui, 'Fan Mu', who represents 'Summer and Water'; and the third Si Sui, 'Miss An Lei', who represents 'Autumn and Wind'. '; and the fourth-year-old 'Mr. Pearl' who represents 'Winter and Earth'."

"The four of them are also called the 'Old Gods'."

When Maiev said this, her tone trembled slightly, as if revealing this information made her bear the sin of blasphemy. After that, she brought the topic back to the "Heavenly Evil Cult":

"Because of their belief in 'Scar's Father', the members of the 'Heavenly Evil Cult' are very extreme and murderous. There is even an iron rule within it called the 'Firstborn Son Sacrifice System'... The eldest son of any member's family must be sacrificed. , killing them alive in a large-scale ceremony dedicated to the Father God, and then eating them among the members."

Dr. Brennan and Gillan felt chills running down their spines as they listened to the girl's description.

This "Heavenly Evil Cult" is really inhumane and extremely cruel!

"Actually..." Immediately afterwards, I heard Maiev's low tone and stammered:

"Originally, as the eldest son in the family, I should have been sacrificed, but my mother couldn't bear it, so she raised me as a girl. Because of this, I have always lived in the world as a woman. Until last month, this incident I was still exposed, so my mother arranged for me to leave the south and study abroad to avoid the coercion of the sect..."

Dr. Brennan's mouth opened in disbelief.

"Mr. Maiev? Are you a man?!"

"Woman!!" Maiev looked very hurt when she saw the surprised expressions of the doctor and Gillan. She almost shouted in a collapsed tone.

The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds before Maiev lowered her head and explained:

"I have been like this since I was a child...all the male characteristics of my body were removed by my mother using the 'alchemy of life' method, and mysterious means were added to completely complete the sex change. In fact, apart from being infertile, I am no different from a normal woman. "

"Sorry, Miss Marvel." Dr. Brennan apologized quickly, stroking her chest and lowering her head. "I offer you my sincerest apologies for my rudeness."

"It doesn't matter, it's me who wants to tell the secret."

Maiev shook her head.

Jilan glanced at the girl in the white skirt and double ponytails without leaving any trace. It was indeed as the other party said. Her appearance, voice and even psychological level were all the same as those of women. She was even more natural than ordinary women. This was better than the sex reassignment surgery he knew in his previous life. Much more clever.

While I admired the "alchemy of life" in my heart, I was also surprised by the cruelty of the "Heavenly Evil Cult"... The eldest son sacrifice system is simply killing the humanity of every member.

"Doctor Brennan, Miss Maiev, you two will wait here for a while while I go to the living sacrifice statue to investigate the situation again."

Ji Lan thought for a while and spoke to the two of them.

Maiev's face changed slightly, and worry appeared on her pretty, bloodless face.

"Mr. Gillan, those members of the cult will not communicate with you at all. They will even treat you as a living sacrifice and harm you..." she said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure to protect myself." Jilan said calmly. "If you stay here for a second longer, you will be at greater risk. Those guys are blocking the only way to pass through the square. If we don't find a way to deal with them, we won't be able to get through at all."

Seeing his firm expression, Maiev did not try to dissuade him any more and just said:

"Be careful, Mr. Gillan."

Gillan nodded to her, and asked Dr. Brennan to pay attention to the surroundings so as not to be discovered by the crazy villagers. He immediately took steps and left the stone and wood bungalow.

He hunched over and quietly walked a hundred meters away, once again coming to the vicinity of the living sacrifice stone sculpture.

After thinking for a moment, Gillan took out the short-barreled revolver from his waist and tentatively pulled the trigger on one of the wolf-headed men.

boom! !

The sound of gunfire echoed in the square. The distance between Gillan and the members of the cult was only twenty meters, and the shot accurately hit the guy's head.

I saw a hole in the dead wolf's hood, blood spurting out, and it tilted its head and fell down.

‘You’ll die if you get shot! ’

Jilan narrowed his eyes.

‘It seems that it is still within the scope of ordinary people, which is good! ’

After experiencing two kinds of enemies, the prison uniform monster and the ax man, he was almost suffering from sequelae. Now facing a target that can be killed by a firearm, my mood suddenly improved a lot.

The sudden attack shocked the members of the cult who were dancing around the stone sculptures and chanting strange prayers.

The dead wolf hoods they were wearing all turned around and turned to look at Jilan. Under the hollowed-out wolf eye holes were pairs of bloodshot eyes.

"It's an outsider."

"Disrupting the rituals of God the Father is considered provocation and blasphemy."

“Dismember him and present his flesh and blood as a sacrifice to God the Father.”

Their hoarse voices came out from under the wolf hoods, and they communicated indifferently. At the same time, they held torches, saws and bone chopping knives in their hands, and surrounded Gilan.

Gillan didn't take a step back, holding the gun expressionlessly.

Touch the hammer with your left hand, and squeeze the trigger with your right index finger at the same time.

Bang bang! !

Only two gunshots were heard, and the revolver fired five times in succession. The five cultists fell to the ground immediately, three of them were shot in the head, and the other two were shot in the chest, bleeding all over the ground.

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